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  1. 她的铁家具收藏是显示在以色列博物馆,耶路撒冷于1987年和1993年格拉芙古尔在日本推出了与她的首饰,她第二次收集家具收藏。

    Her iron furniture collection was displayed in the Israel Museum , Jerusalem in1987 and in1993 Ilana Goor introduced her collection of furniture in Japan along with her second collection of jewelry .

  2. 1999年,一个叫亚伯拉罕(AvrahimZeilinwarger)的男士联系了以色列博物馆,说这个小男孩是他的儿子利瓦伊(LeviZeilinwarger)已于1943年死于集中营的毒气室。

    In 1999 , a man named Avrahim Zeilinwarger contacted an Israeli museum saying that the boy was his son , Levi Zeilinwarger , who was gassed to death in a concentration camp in 1943 .

  3. 特殊活动还会在美国和以色列的大屠杀博物馆中举行。

    Special events also take place at Holocaust museumsin the USA and Israel .