
  • 网络Presidents of Israel
  1. 以色列总统鲁文·里夫林(ReuvenRivlin)在Facebook上贴了一张照片,其中显示他的办公室里有只精灵,配发的图片说明则是“来人啊,叫保安。”

    President Reuven Rivlin of Israel posted a photo on Facebook of a Pok é mon in his office with the caption " Somebody call security personnel . "

  2. 直到我联络到ShimonPeres,一个年轻的领袖,以色列总统,他让我好好的操作了这个理念。

    Until I got to the true young global leader , Shimon Peres , President of Israel , and he ran a beautiful manipulation on me .

  3. 之后,他开始谴责对广岛原子弹的使用。1953年,他委婉的谢绝出任以色列总统。

    Later he deplored the bomb 's use on Hiroshima .

  4. 以色列总统佩雷斯说,以色列正在准备进行提前选举。

    Peres Says Israel Heading for Decisive Election Campaign

  5. 以色列总统本雅明·内塔尼亚胡表示,该国一直在与友好国家分享冠状病毒疫苗。

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the country has been sharing coronavirus vaccines with friendly countries .

  6. 那么,以色列总统希蒙.佩雷斯就必须决定由谁来组建联盟政府。

    Well , now Israel 's President Shimon Peres must decide who should form a coalition government .

  7. 在他一生的结尾,人们让他做以色列总统,被他礼貌地拒绝了。

    Near the end of his life , he was offered the presidency of Israel , which he politely declined .

  8. 进行了整天的外交活动,高层会谈,新闻发布会,发表声明,但是仍然没有任何迹象表明加沙地区的冲突即将停止。法国总统萨科齐在拉马拉会见以色列总统阿巴斯,再次呼吁双方停火。

    After meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah , French President Nicolas Sarkozy renewed calls for a cease-fire .

  9. 以色列总统西蒙.佩雷斯在耶路撒冷会晤了布什总统,并表示和平的一些障碍可能很快会消失。

    Israeli President Shimon Peres met with Mr. Bush in Jerusalem and said some of the obstacles to peace may soon fade .

  10. 最后还是以色列总统西蒙。佩雷斯讲了几句有份量的话。

    It fell to Israeli President Shimon Peres , Israel 's largely ceremonial head of state , to offer some tough talk .

  11. 以色列总统佩雷斯说,以色列正在准备进行提前选举。此前,指定总理利夫尼组成联合政府的努力失败。

    Israeli President Shimon Peres says Israel is heading toward early elections after prime minister-designate Tzipi Livni failed to form a coalition government .

  12. 以色列总统希蒙.佩雷斯将会见各党派,并决定指派由谁来组建政府。

    Israeli President Shimon Peres will meet with the various parties and then decide who to appoint to form a government , Mr. Netanyahu or Livni .

  13. 吉布斯对以色列总统所作的指控的一些问题进行了回应,但是没有证实移交工作已经完成。

    Mr Gibbs was responding to questions about the accusation made by the Israeli president , but he did not confirm that the transfer had taken place .

  14. 梵蒂冈官员坚称,教皇弗朗西斯邀请以色列总统和巴勒斯坦总统共同在梵蒂冈教廷花园祈祷和平一事并没有政治意图。

    Vatican officials insist no political agenda is lurking behind Pope Francis ' invitation to the Israel and Palestinian Presidents to pray for peace together in the Vatican gardens .

  15. 之后,以色列总统希蒙·佩雷斯将和国会中其他党派的领导人进行磋商,然后向最有机会成功的立法者分配内阁重组的任务。

    After that , Israeli President Shimon Peres will hold consultations with leaders of parliamentary factions and then assign the cabinet-making task to a lawmaker who has the best chance of success .

  16. 国务卿希拉里今天会见以色列总统佩雷斯,在她的日程里也安排了会见即将上任的总理内塔尼亚胡,希拉里保证美国在他上任时提供支持,即使他认为作为一个分开的巴勒斯坦州不一定需要这些帮助。

    And Secretary of State Hillary Clinton , meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres today . Also on her agenda , including incoming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu . Clinton is pledging American support when he takes over , even though he doesn 't necessarily see the need for a separate Palestinian state .

  17. 然而,他对犹太复国主义事业的口头支持在1952年被及时承认,其时他被推荐为以色列的总统。

    His vocal support of the Zionist cause , however , was duly recognized in1952 , when he was offered the presidency of Israel .

  18. 这就是为什么以色列希望总统麦哈麦德·德阿巴斯的巴勒斯坦当局控制的权力机构控制加沙及埃及边境7.5英里地区。

    That 's why Israel wants the Palestinian Authority run by President Mahmoud Abbas to take control over Gaza 7.5 mile border with Egypt .

  19. 贵校培养了一批杰出的校友——八位诺贝尔奖得主、数位以色列的总统和总理,众多领域的翘楚。

    You have a constellation of outstanding alumni - eight Nobel Prize winners , numerous Israeli Presidents and Prime Ministers , leaders in every field .

  20. 以色列新总统最近似乎给奥巴马总统发出生硬的最后通牒:制止伊朗获取核武器,否则我们会制止。

    Oakton , Va. - The new Israeli prime minister recently appeared to give President Obama a blunt ultimatum : Stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons – or we will .

  21. 通过支持亲以色列的总统候选人参加竞选,想方设法在国会建立亲以阵营,以及影响媒体和美国社会舆论等途径,美以委员会赢得了影响美国决策者的主动权。

    Through supporting pro-Israeli presidential candidates , establishing apro-Israeli campin Congress , and influencing media and public opinion , AIPAC has sought to and largely succeeded in influencing American policy-makers in formulating Middle East policy .

  22. 在2000年至2007年间,卡察夫曾担任以色列第八任总统。

    Katsav served as Israel 's eighth president between 2000 and 2007 .

  23. 艾伯特·爱因斯坦1952年曾受邀担任以色列第二任总统,但他谢绝出任。

    Albert Einstein was offered the role of Israels second President in1952 , but declined .

  24. 因为现在,就是这个女人成为了以色列人民的女总统。

    Because now , this is that woman who is the governess of people of israel .

  25. 以色列指出,伊朗总统内贾德曾说过,“应该把犹太人国家从地图上抹掉”。

    Israel that President Ahmadinejad has said the Jewish State should be " the map . "

  26. 根据以色列的法律,总统在位期间有豁免权。只有在总统辞职或任期结束后,才能对其起诉。

    According to Israeli law , the president enjoys immunity while in office and could be tried only after his resignation or end of term .

  27. 布什总统将在抵达以色列后不久在耶路撒冷会晤以色列总统以及以色列总理奥尔默特。

    Shortly after arrival , Mr. Bush is to meet with his Israeli counterpart as well as Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in Jerusalem .

  28. 这位伊利诺伊州参议员先是和以色列内阁成员举行了会谈,然后和以色列总统佩雷斯举行了会晤。

    The Illinois senator began his day meeting with senior Israeli cabinet members , and then met with Israel 's ceremonial head of state President Shimon Peres .

  29. 美国官方支持以色列,并不意味着美国人乐于看到以色列总理鼓动美国总统投入一场战争。

    US support for Israel does not mean Americans are content to see an Israeli prime minister trying to propel their president into a war .

  30. 在以色列有75%的人口是犹太人,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡和总统西蒙?佩雷斯纪念在大屠杀中被杀害的犹太人。

    In Israel , where 75 percent of the population is Jewish , Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Perez commemorated the Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust .