
  • Elijah
  1. 不仅仅是耶稣,上帝法制的代表人摩西(Moses)和先知以利亚(Elijah)也现身了。

    Nor is Jesus alone , in this vision Moses , representing the Law of God , and Elijah , representing God 's prophets also seem to be present .

  2. 以利亚照着神的话去做。在那里他找到了水喝。

    Elijah obeyed , and found plenty of water to drink .

  3. 以利亚我等待这一天已经很久了

    I 've waited so long for this day , Elijah .

  4. ??以利亚睡觉的时候,神还派天使来保护他。

    God even had His angel protecting Elijah as he slept .

  5. 但是,以利亚却继续向前走去,好象一点也不注意我们似的。

    But Elijah passed on , without seeming to notice us .

  6. 以利亚或许是死了但事情还没结束

    Elijah may be dead , but this isn 't over .

  7. 你看得出来神仍在看顾以利亚吗?????

    Can you see that God was still caring for Elijah ?

  8. 以利亚不仅有人为他工作。

    Elias didn 't just have people working for him .

  9. 那个会计,我们找到他,就能找到以利亚。

    This accountant , we find him , and we find Elias .

  10. 以利亚吸血鬼祖先之一他是个传奇人物

    Elijah . One of the originals . He 's a legend .

  11. 他之前跟以利亚在海滩木板道见过面。

    He was over there on the boardwalk with Elias .

  12. 和以利亚一样不比起克劳斯以利亚就是复活节小白兔

    Like Elijah.No . Elijah was the Easter Bunny compared to Klaus .

  13. 你的地盘会比在以利亚手下时大得多。

    You 'll have more territory than you ever did under Elias .

  14. 谁是以利亚他是你的噩梦

    Who 's Elijah ? He 's your worst nightmare .

  15. 以利亚为什么这么关心一个会计?

    Why would Elias be so concerned about an accountant ?

  16. 以利亚…看来你走得挺急啊。

    Elias ... Looks like you left in a hurry .

  17. 我相信以利沙一定给年老的以利亚带来许多鼓励。

    Elisha must 've brought much encouragement to old Elijah .

  18. 你确定以利亚死了吗死透了

    And you 're sure that Elijah 's dead ? Beyond dead .

  19. 很模糊,很模糊,以利亚说。

    Very dim , very dim , said Elijah .

  20. 以利亚只留下身上掉下来的外衣。

    Old Elijah had disappeared into Heaven , leaving only his cloak behind .

  21. 以利亚明知我们在追杀他却非要来这里。

    Elias knew we were coming for him but he came here anyway .

  22. 以利亚,我只是为了保护我的生意。

    Elias , I was only protecting my business .

  23. 交给谁以利亚吗

    Delivery to who ? Elijah ? Ah heh .

  24. 以利亚作风老派如果他接受交易我们就自由了�

    Elijah is old school.If he accepts our deal , we 're free.You !

  25. 你还有点势力,以利亚。

    You 've still got some power , Elias .

  26. 当然,主耶稣不是以利亚,也不是任何一个先知。

    Of course Jesus was NOT Elijah or any of the other prophets .

  27. 你联系上了以利亚怎么做到的

    You got in touch with Elijah . How 'd you do it ?

  28. 证据盒上的名字是以利亚。

    The name on the evidence box was Elias .

  29. 先知以利亚让乌鸦喂养了40天。

    Elijah was fed by ravens for forty days ;

  30. 不过且慢,请你告诉我,你叫什么名字,好吗?以利亚。

    But stop , tell me your name , will you ? Elijah .