
  • 网络ezra;ESRA;Ibn Ezra
  1. 拜托帮帮我她可是以斯拉的妈妈

    Help me , please . This is Ezra 's mom .

  2. 你是在冲我还是以斯拉还是你自己发火

    So are you mad at me or Ezra or yourself ?

  3. 以斯拉没有心情庆祝生日

    Yeah , Ezra 's not in the mood to celebrate .

  4. 是个男孩以斯拉有孩子了

    It 's a little boy . Ezra has a kid ?

  5. 这个部分以斯拉没告诉你对吗

    Ezra didn 't tell you about that , did he ?

  6. 以斯拉说这地方现在是你在打理

    Um , Ezra says that you manage the place now .

  7. 是斯宾塞我是以斯拉的朋友

    Spencer . Yes , I 'm a friend of Ezra 's.

  8. 《美少女的谎言》中,以斯拉和艾瑞亚的前路会更加坎坷吗?

    Are Pretty Little Liars'Ezra and Aria headed for more trouble ?

  9. 不是我把马尔科姆的事告诉以斯拉的

    that it wasn 't me that told Ezra about Malcolm .

  10. 艾瑞亚和以斯拉是因为我才分手的

    I 'm the reason that Aria and Ezra broke up .

  11. 我不会扔下儿子自己走的以斯拉

    I 'm not gonna leave my son behind , Ezra .

  12. 以斯拉我们在一起都有一年多了

    Ezra , we 've been for over a year now !

  13. 以斯拉这些展览品都是你家族的

    Ezra . All of this stuff belongs to your family ?

  14. 爸爸我得和你谈谈以斯拉

    Dad , I need to talk to you about ezra .

  15. 我怎么可能告诉梦娜以斯拉有个孩子

    Why would I tell Mona that Ezra has a kid ?

  16. 因为以斯拉想确定她过得好不好

    Because Ezra needed to know that she was okay .

  17. 以斯拉称颂耶和华至大的神。

    And Ezra blessed the LORD , the great God .

  18. 了解以斯拉记就明白原因了。

    When we consider Ezra we can understand why he was chosen .

  19. 我们得谈谈以斯拉.费兹的事

    You and I need to talk about Ezra Fitz .

  20. 你还是认为以斯拉是A吗

    You still think that Ezra is " A " ?

  21. 你觉得她会去见以斯拉吗

    You think she 's going to go see Ezra ?

  22. 我不知道你和以斯拉到底发生了什么

    I don 't know what exactly happened with Ezra ,

  23. 我和以斯拉很久没说话了

    Ezra and I haven 't talked in a really long time .

  24. 以斯拉我问你个问题

    Ezra , I have to ask you a question .

  25. 那时我才意识到以斯拉是个富家子弟

    That 's when I realized Ezra was a rich boy

  26. 以斯拉打电话来给我留了言

    Um , Ezra called and left me a message .

  27. 一天以斯拉受够了出走了后

    One day Ezra just had enough and walked out .

  28. 麦琪不想让以斯拉见到他的孩子

    Maggie didn 't want Ezra to meet his kid .

  29. 她不是A但以斯拉知道谁是

    She 's not " A. " But Ezra knows who is .

  30. 以斯拉知道你知道吗

    Does Ezra know that you know ? Know what ?