
  • 网络Israel Airlines;EL AL Israel Airlines
  1. 以色列航空公司预计,新航线每周一班。

    El Al expects the new route to operate on a weekly basis .

  2. 以色列航空公司的7架喷气机无法运走提供给他们的全部装备。

    Israel could not pick up all the promised equipment in the seven jets of the El Al airfleet .

  3. 以色列航空公司宣布,首架飞往迪拜的货运航班将于9月16日起飞。

    Israel airline El Al has announced that it will its first cargo flight to Dubai on September 16 .

  4. 更早之前,在1955年,以色列航空公司401航班(原文笔误,应为402航班)从维也纳经停伊斯坦布尔飞往以色列特拉维夫,误入保加利亚领空时被击落,7名机组人员和51名乘客全部遇难。

    Prior to that in 1955 seven crew members and 51 passengers were killed when El Al flight 401 from Vienna to Tel Aviv via Istanbul was shot in Bulgarian air space .