
  • 网络Cathay Pacific Airways;CATHAY PACIFIC
  1. 马克•琼斯从香港乘坐国泰航空公司(CathayPacific)的航班飞抵奥克兰。

    The writer flew from Hong Kong to Auckland on Cathay Pacific

  2. 同样在周二,总部位于香港的国泰航空及其子公司港龙航空宣布,鉴于旅游警示,它们将免除乘客更改从香港到韩国的机票所需的费用。

    Also on Tuesday , the airline Cathay Pacific , which is based in Hong Kong , and its subsidiary , Dragonair , said they would waive fees for people to rebook travel to South Korea from Hong Kong , given the travel alert .