
  • 网络Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange;Hong Kong Commodity Exchange
  1. 即便是港交所的对手、有中国国企持股的香港商品交易所(HKMEx),也未能在中国内地建立起燃油储存设施&尽管它有那么一层关系。

    Even the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange , a rival backed by Chinese state enterprises , failed to set up mainland storage facilities for fuel oil despite its links .

  2. 目前,香港唯一从事大宗商品衍生产品业务的交易所是新成立的香港商品交易所(HKMEx)。该交易所去年才开始交易,提供黄金和白银期货合约。

    The only existing Hong Kong-based bourse to offer commodity derivatives is the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange ( HKMEx ), a new venture which last year made its debut with gold and silver futures contracts .

  3. 本条例旨在禁止在香港再设立商品交易所。

    To prohibit the establishment of further commodity exchanges in Hong kong .

  4. 香港政府去年建立了一个戒备森严的金库,使得海外投资者可以在港储存黄金,同时一家称为香港商品交易所(hongkongmercantileexchange)的公司正准备推出黄金期货。

    The Hong Kong government last year set up a high-security gold vault , allowing overseas investors to store their gold in the city , while a company called the Hong Kong mercantile exchange is preparing to launch gold futures .