
  • Chanel;Coco Chanel;Gabrielle Chanel
  1. 可可·香奈儿在半个世纪里一直主宰着时尚界。

    Coco Chanel reigned over fashion for half a century .

  2. 香奈儿·米勒令人惊叹的回忆录被《人物》杂志评为年度最佳书籍。这是一个充满创伤和超越的故事,闪耀着克服苦难、过上充实而美好生活所需的勇气。

    Chanel Miller 's breathtaking memoir and transcendence , shining with the courage required to move through suffering and live a full and beautiful life .

  3. 随后香奈儿又向位于卢森堡的欧盟法院提出诉讼,不过这一诉讼请求也在4月21日被驳回了。

    The French luxury house subsequently challenged the ruling at the Luxembourg-based General Court , which dismissed the appeal in its ruling on Wednesday .

  4. 据路透社22日报道,法国奢侈品牌香奈儿在与华为的商标纠纷中败诉,欧洲法院裁定,两个标识并不相似。4月21日,法国奢侈品牌香奈儿在与华为科技的商标纠纷中败诉,欧洲法院裁定,两个标识并不相似。

    French luxury house Chanel on Wednesday lost its trademark fight with Huawei Technologies after a top European court said their logos bear no similarity to each other .

  5. 2019年,欧盟知识产权局驳回了香奈儿的反对,认为这两个商标并不相似,也不会造成公众混淆。

    In 2019 , the trademark office dismissed Chanel 's objection , saying there was no similarity and no likelihood of confusion in the mind of the public .

  6. 香奈儿认为,华为的商标设计与自家两个水平互联的半圆标识相似,其商标用于香奈儿的香水、化妆品、饰品、皮革以及服装等产品。

    Chanel said that the design was similar to its registered French logo of two horizontal interlocking semi-circles used for its perfumes , cosmetics , costume jewellery , leather goods and clothing .

  7. 路透社:欧洲法院裁定,香奈儿在与华为的商标纠纷中败诉这起纠纷始于2017年,当时华为曾向欧盟知识产权局申请,为其计算机硬件注册商标,图案为两个在垂直方向互联的半椭圆。

    The dispute dated to 2017 when Huawei sought approval from the EU Intellectual Property Office ( EUIPO ) , a trademark body , to register its computer hardware trademark which has two vertical interlocking semi-circles .

  8. 著名的香奈儿双C交叠商标即来自她的姓名字首。

    The famous Chanel logo of two intertwined Cs is based on her initials .

  9. 发间点缀珍珠的香奈儿(Chanel)风最受欢迎。

    The Chanel trend with the pearls in the hair is hugely popular .

  10. 香奈儿(Chanel)的作品中包含了莱卡蕾丝制成的精致绑腿。

    Chanel sent out intricate leggings made from lace woven intricately with lycra .

  11. 另一个有钱的熟人告诉我说,她最近买了一条香奈儿(Chanel)的裙子。

    Another wealthy acquaintance tells me that she recently bought a Chanel dress .

  12. 这个变化对路易威登(LouisVuitton)和香奈儿(Chanel)这样的奢侈品牌来说格外强烈。

    This change has been particularly acute for luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton and Chanel .

  13. 个案研究2:Net-a-Porter与香奈儿(Chanel)的合作

    Case study : Net-a-Porter x Chanel

  14. 今年4月,香奈儿首次试水电商,在Net-a-Porter上销售其限量版珠宝系列“CocoCrush”。

    Chanel made its e-commerce debut in April with an exclusive jewellery line for Net-a-Porter .

  15. 因此,让我们务必为下一个可可?香奈儿(CocoChanel)培养大量的数码技术人才。

    So let 's make sure we provide our next Coco Chanel with plenty of digital talent .

  16. 她穿着一件ColdwaterCreek的仿香奈儿上装,Jones的衬衫,Gap的仔裤和一双鳄鱼皮的高跟鞋。

    She arrived wearing a Chanel-inspired blazer from Coldwater Creek , a Jones blouse , Gap jeans and a pair of alligator-patterned pumps .

  17. 小常识:一次,玛丽莲梦露被问及用了什么香水,她说:香奈儿No.5。

    Fact : When asked what she wore to bed , Marilyn Monroe replied , " Chanel No. 5 . "

  18. 他渴望像可可·香奈儿(CocoChanel)那样,在设计一个服装系列的过程中死去;

    his desire to die the way Coco Chanel did , while in the middle of creating a collection ;

  19. 这家初创公司发现,香奈儿(Chanel)、克里斯提o鲁布托(ChristianLouboutin)和爱马仕(Hermès)保值时间最长。

    The startup found that Chanel , Christian Louboutin , and Herm è s hold their value the longest .

  20. 本次展览的发轫是老佛爷(KarlLagerfeld)香奈儿2014年秋冬季高级女装展上的一件婚纱。

    The exhibition 's genesis was a wedding dress from Karl Lagerfeld 's AW14 Chanel couture show .

  21. 我卖了我的香奈儿(Chanel)珠宝,其中包括一个腕扣式手镯,这个手镯的成本为500美元,卖了600美元。

    I 've sold my Chanel jewellery , including a cuff bracelet costing $ 500 that sold for $ 600 .

  22. 他也不愿详述自己自1983年以来担任香奈儿(Chanel)首席设计师32年的陈年往事。

    Neither will he dwell on his 32-year stewardship ofChanel , where he has been the chief designer since 1983 .

  23. 消费香奈儿(chanel)香水和耐克(nike)运动鞋等产品的乐趣,大部分缘于品牌。

    The pleasure of consuming some products , such as Chanel perfume and Nike trainers , is largely due to their brands .

  24. 作为回报,Net-a-Porter的技术团队专门在网上创建了一家模仿香奈儿精品店时尚风格的快闪店(pop-upshop)。

    In return for the debut , Net-a-Porter 's tech-team created a digital pop-up shop that mimicked the aesthetic of a Chanel boutique .

  25. 所以虽然我承认LeVernis指甲油很是奢侈,但我可以向你保证你的香奈儿更加耗钱。

    And so while I concede Le Vernis varnishes are still a big extravagance , I can assure you Chanel is working a lot harder for your cash .

  26. 为夏洛特举办的这个午餐会、明天黛安·冯芙丝汀宝(DianevonFurstenberg)的野餐会和香奈儿(Chanel)的晚宴,以及周日的《名利场》派对。

    This lunch for Charlotte , the Diane von Furstenberg picnic tomorrow , the Chanel dinner tomorrow and Vanity Fair on Sunday .

  27. 包括路威酩轩(LouisVuitton)、香奈儿(Chanel)以及迪奥(Dior)在内的更多高级时尚品牌如今都成立了自己的珠宝分部,并与不少名人签订了合同。

    More haute couture brands , such as Louis Vuitton , Chanel and Dior , now have their own jewellery divisions and celebrity contracts .

  28. 靠着一份热情和沃顿商学院(Wharton)的MBA学位,我为艾利•塔哈瑞(EliTahari)、香奈儿(Chanel)、AnnTaylor等品牌提供咨询服务。

    Armed with a passion and a Wharton MBA , I consulted for brands like Elie Tahari , chanel and Ann Taylor ( ANN ) .

  29. 香奈儿(Chanel)、古驰(Gucci)、路易威登(LouisVuitton)等品牌都曾将产品植入韩国电视剧,以提升其对于中国年轻消费者的吸引力。

    The likes of Chanel , Gucci and Louis Vuitton have used product placements on Korean TV dramas to broaden their appeal to young Chinese consumers .

  30. 除了为香奈儿,Fendi,巴宝莉等大牌站台以外,这位伦敦女性还参演了电影《X特遣队》和《镇纸》。

    In addition to fronting campaigns for the likes of Chanel , Fendi and Burberry , the Londoner has starred in films including Suicide Squad and Paper Towns .