
  • 网络Hong Kong Financial Market
  1. 进一步推动香港金融市场的发展。

    It further promotes the development of Hong Kong 's financial market .

  2. 香港金融市场的最大优势,在于市场素质。

    The biggest advantage of our financial market lies in its quality .

  3. 这些发展对稳定目前香港金融市场会产生正面的作用。

    These developments will have a positive effect on the stability of our financial market .

  4. 委员会成员又获悉,虽然香港金融市场保持稳定,但经济活动仍然疲弱。

    Members noted that in Hong Kong financial markets continued to be stable but economic activity remained weak .

  5. 委员会成员注意到香港金融市场继续表现强劲,原因是经济前景较乐观及有更大资金流入。

    Members noted that financial markets in Hong Kong continued to be strong , driven by the brighter economic prospects and increased fund flows .

  6. 香港人民币离岸金融市场发展与人民币国际化

    Hong Kong 's RMB Offshore Financial Market Development and Internationalization of RMB

  7. 香港先进的金融市场基建继于2005年进行全面检讨后,于2006年进一步加强。

    Hong Kongs advanced financial market infrastructure was further strengthened in2006 following a comprehensive review in2005 .

  8. 《股市资讯》诚邀您与曾渊沧博士共度一个难得的投资对话与晚宴,并聆听他对香港与区域金融市场的深入观察与独到见解。

    Dine with Professor Chan Yan Chong on this rare investment occasion and gain insights into the Hong Kong and regional stock markets , and the opportunities and risks that present .

  9. 他表示:内地可将香港更先进的金融市场作为一种宝贵财富,更好地加以利用。

    China can better utilise Hong Kong 's more advanced financial market as an asset .

  10. 开始步入本论文正题,先介绍香港金融、汇率制度的发展过程、曾经使用过的汇率制度、使用联系汇率的原因及其在香港金融市场的运作情况。

    Coming to the theme of the thesis , chapter 2 introduces the development of the financial system and exchange rate system of Hong Kong ;