
  • 网络direct financial market
  1. 各国部长拒绝了IMF的要求。IMF呼吁世界各国联合起来进行公开干预,直接对付金融市场问题,成为应对信贷危机的第三道防线。

    Ministers rejected the IMF 's call for globally co-ordinated public intervention to tackle the problems in the financial system directly as a third line of defence against the credit crisis .

  2. 价格对信息调整的速度提供了一种直接衡量金融市场反应不足或反应过度的程度,进而检验市场有效性的方法。

    Speed of adjustment of stock prices towards information will provide a directive measure of the degrees of under and overreaction in financial markets .

  3. 国际货币基金组织的专家指出,最近几个月来,全球金融市场面临的风险急剧增加,直接威胁到金融市场的稳定。

    IMF specialists say the overall risks to global financial stability have increased sharply in recent months .

  4. 外国直接投资通过金融市场的发展对经济增长有积极的影响,金融市场越发达的省份将会吸引越多的外国直接投资。

    FDI has positive impact on economic growth through financial market development and more FDI will be attracted to the provinces with more developed financial market .

  5. 从宏观层面上看,也直接影响到金融市场投融资的质量与效率,影响到资本市场合理配置资源的能力。

    From the macro angle , it would affect the quality and efficiency of the financial market and the ability of disposing resources reasonably in capital market .

  6. 现代金融制度是通过直接性的金融市场与间接性的金融中介机构,利用一系列的复杂金融工具,将资金剩余方转移到短缺方的机制。

    Modern financial institutional innovation is a mechanism that transfers capital from surplus to deficit by direct financial market and indirect financial mediation using a series of economic financial instruments .

  7. 本文回顾了金融市场化度量的相关文献,发现已有方法与思路并不能直接用于区域金融市场化的研究。

    The paper , by reviewing literatures about measuring the degree of financial liberalization , notice that the previous method can 't be directly used in the field of regional finance .

  8. 一种分析不同金融活动模式的新的理论框架,将一切金融活动区分为市场间接金融、市场直接金融、非市场间接金融及非市场直接金融等四种模式。

    A new theoretical framework in which to analyze different patterns of all financial activities , namely , market indirect finance , market direct finance non-market indirect finance and non-market direct finance .

  9. 国际资本市场结构变化直接影响国际金融市场价格形成机制,导致汇率波动幅度加大,汇率与资本市场表现的相关程度上升。

    The structure transformation of international capital market directly affects the price forming mechanism of international financing market , increases the fluctuation of exchange rate and has exchange rate more closely related to the capital market .

  10. 美元不仅行使国际储备货币的职能,而且在全球范围内有相当多的商品特别是大宗商品的定价和交易都使用美元,资本流动、直接投资、金融市场交易也大量使用美元。

    The dollar does not merely perform as the international reserve currency . Around the globe , the pricing and trade of considerable commodity , bulk commodity in particular , all use dollar , so do capital flow , direct investment and financial market transactions .

  11. 公司债券作为一种直接融资工具在金融市场上扮演着愈加重要的角色,其市场发展问题也越来越受到研究者们的关注。

    As one of direct financing instruments , the corporate bond is playing an increasingly important role in the financial market . Therefore , its development has attracted much more attention from the researchers .

  12. 证券交易所是各国资本市场的重要组成部分,证券交易所性质的改变会直接影响该国金融市场监管的体制和模式,对资本市场长期的发展也具有深远的影响。

    A stock exchange is an important part of capital markets in all countries and the change of its nature will not only affect the regulatory system and pattern of the financial market in that country but also bring deep influence to the development of the capital market .