
zhí jiē tán pàn
  • Direct negotiation;direct bargaining
  1. 美国特使乔治·米切尔(GeorgeMitchell)敦促巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯从与以色列进行间接对话转变为进行面对面的直接谈判。

    US Envoy Pushes Palestinians to Enter Direct Talks With Israel U.S. envoy George Mitchell urged Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to move from indirect peace talks with Israel to face-to-face negotiations .

  2. 我们应开始和贸易工会直接谈判。

    We should initiate direct talk with the trade union .

  3. 您是否可以与出租人直接谈判?

    Can you negotiate with the Lessor ?

  4. 口头业务协商指的是面对面的直接谈判或通过国际长途电话进行的商谈。

    Oral business negotiations refer to face-to-face discussions or those conducted through international truck calls .

  5. 下星期的会谈将是20个月来以色列和巴勒斯坦人的次直接谈判。

    The meetings will be the first direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians in20 months .

  6. 欧足联还首次就欧锦赛在欧洲以外地区的转播权事宜进行了直接谈判。

    UEFA carried out direct negotiations for the first time for the European Championship rights outside Europe .

  7. 美国说过,除非伊朗终止浓缩铀,否则美国不会同伊朗人直接谈判。

    The United States has said it would not negotiate directly with the Iranians until they suspend uranium enrichment .

  8. 因异议无法通过双方直接谈判解决,我们同意通过仲裁调解。

    Since the dispute cannot be resolved through direct negotiation between our two parties , we agree to ~ it by arbitration .

  9. 国际贸易的很大一部分不仅是靠买卖双方直接谈判进行的,而且还可通过代理实现。

    A large amount of international trade is handled not only by direct negotiation between buyer and seller but also by agencies .

  10. 远期合约是双方在场外交易市场直接谈判达成的协议。

    The FRA is an agreement that two parties agree today to a future exchange of cash flows based on two different interest rates .

  11. 根据国际法和国际实践,领土和海洋争议首先应当通过当事国之间的直接谈判解决。

    According to international law and practice , territorial and maritime disputes should first be settled through direct negotiations between the parties to the disputes .

  12. 刚果总统卡比拉也许要答应恩昆达将军直接谈判的要求,原因很简单,因为图西叛军在军事上占有优势;

    Congo 's President Kabila may have to meet General Nkunda 's demand for direct negotiation , simply because the Tutsi rebels are militarily dominant ;

  13. 但在稍后的新闻发布会反对派政治首席坚持同刚果总统约瑟夫·阿比亚直接谈判,然后他们才会考虑退出戈马。

    But at a later news conference the rebels ' political chief insisted on direct negotiations with the Congolese President Joseph Abila before they consider withdrawing from Goma .

  14. 恩孔达说,他在保护这一地区的图西族人不受在这里活动的卢旺达胡图族民兵的伤害,并要求同刚果政府举行直接谈判。

    Nkunda says he is protecting the region 's ethnic Tutsi community from Rwandan Hutu militia operating in the area , and has demanded direct negotiations with the Congolese government .

  15. 安南星期二暂时中止了谈判。他说,谈判在原地踏步。他说他要促使谈判双方的领导人直接谈判,以打破僵局。

    Mr. Annan had suspended the talks Tuesday , saying they were going in circles and that he would engage the two leaders directly to try to break the deadlock .

  16. 星期天,化解巴勒斯坦两派之间争端的努力似乎取得一步进展,哈马斯和法塔赫的代表在也门会晤,双方同意举行直接谈判,以解决分歧。

    Efforts to reconcile Palestinians appeared to take a step forward on Sunday when Hamas and Fatah representatives meeting in Yemen agreed to hold direct talks aimed at resolving their split .

  17. 今天,副总统乔·拜登表示,美国准备与伊朗就伊核问题展开直接谈判,该国必须严肃对待这次谈判。

    Vice President Joe Biden said today the United States is prepared to hold direct talks with Iran on its nuclear program if that country shows it 's serious about such negotiations .

  18. 洪磊说:“我们希望与中国南海争端不相关的国家,能够尊重有关国家通过直接谈判解决这一问题的的努力。”

    Hong Lei said " We hope countries not related to the disputes over the South China Sea will respect the efforts of the countries involved to resolve the issue through direct negotiation . "

  19. 但中国农科院的另一位教授李先德表示,农产品加工企业正越来越多地与控制土地使用的村级官员谈判供应合同,而不是与农民直接谈判。

    But Li Xiande , another CAAS Professor , says agribusiness groups are increasingly negotiating supply contracts with the village officials who control the use of the land , rather than with the farmers themselves .

  20. 1993年第一次朝核危机爆发时,中国的基本态度是不介入与不干涉。中国力促朝美双方的直接谈判,认为此举可以实现朝核问题的和平解决。

    In the first Korean nuclear crisis in 1993 , China has adopted the attitude of non-intervention and non-interference , tried to promote direct negotiations between the DPRK and the U.S. and achieve a peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue .

  21. 由联合国、欧洲联盟、俄罗斯以及美国组成的中东问题四方机制将召开一年多来的首次会议,以支持最近重启的以巴直接谈判。

    The Middle East Quartet consisting of the United Nations , the European Union , Russia and the United States will meet for the first time in more than a year to support the direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that have recently reconvened .

  22. 建立信心这次对话的目标是建立足够的信心,为开始直接谈判达成共识。而巴勒斯坦人只有在以色列停止在西岸和东耶路撒冷建筑定居点的情况下才同意进行谈判。

    Confidence building The goal is to build enough trust and reach enough common ground to begin direct negotiations , something the Palestinians are not willing to do until Israel stops building settlements in the occupied West Bank and in East Jerusalem .

  23. 国际上各个国家为终结叙利亚冲突所付出的努力并没有带来好的开端,叙利亚政府与反对派之间的会谈在瑞士日内瓦进行,但双方拒绝直接谈判。

    International efforts to bring an end to the conflict in Syria got off to a bad start on Friday . Talks between the Syrian government and the opposition coalition opened in Geneva , Switzerland . But the two sides refused to hold direct negotiations .

  24. 内贾德上台后,伊朗在核问题上态度强硬,但又注意讲求策略,避免矛盾彻底激化,其真实意图是促使美国进行直接谈判,从根源上解决核问题。

    Since Ahmadinejad came to power , as Iran 's stance over the nuclear question becomes more uncompromising , it pays attention to tactics to prevent conflict from intensifying completely . It aims to impel America to negotiate directly and solve the nuclear issue from the origin .

  25. 获取国际勘探生产区块或项目的途径很多,包括与资源国直接谈判、参与区块招标、受让项目、收购勘探区块、收购产量、收购全部项目、资产交换以及公司并购等。

    There are a number of ways to obtain international exploration and production blocks , including direct negotiation with resource nations , involvement in bidding for blocks , acceptance and transfer of projects , acquisition of exploration blocks and full project control , exchange of assets , and corporate mergers .

  26. 我们应该开始跟工会直接进行谈判。

    We should initiate direct talks with the trades unions .

  27. 以色列表示,直接和平谈判应该不带任何附加条件的情况下重新开始。

    Israel says direct peace talks should without s.

  28. 同时,总部位于约旦河西岸的哈马斯代表团已经抵达埃及,准备展开直接停火谈判。

    Meanwhile a westbank based delegation from Hamas has arrived in Egpyt for indirect ceasefire talks .

  29. 在与日本政府通过各种途径直接进行谈判的同时,并请其它国家出面调停,极力呼吁国际社会采取行动,其目的是争取以和平途径制止日本的侵略。

    The Chinese Government hold negotiations with the Japanese Government and requested other countries to mediate .

  30. 以色列总理在周一呼吁与巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯直接和平谈判,将在纽约和合作的开始

    The Israeli prime minister on Monday appealed for direct peace negotiations with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas , to be started in New York and co