
zhènɡ zhì tán pàn
  • political negotiation
  1. 在言语交际过程中,从政治谈判、商业谈判到辩论、日常闲聊,劝说是很常见的。

    In our communication , persuasion is a very common phenomenon ranging from political negotiation , business negotiation to argument and daily chatting .

  2. 达区所有的主要反对派别都应积极参与政治谈判进程,尽快形成统一的谈判立场。

    All the major opposition parties should actively participate in political negotiation process and reach a single position in negation at an early date .

  3. 他们的工作摘要是政治谈判的结果。

    Summaries of their work are the result of political negotiations .

  4. 我们希望关于达尔富尔的维和行动和政治谈判进程能够继续取得进展。

    We hope to see continued progress in both peacekeeping operations and the political process in Darfur .

  5. 同时,一个非盟代表团将前往南苏丹首都朱巴市,试图通过政治谈判达成和平。

    Meanwhile an AU delegation is heading to South Sudan 's capital Juba to try a negotiated political peace .

  6. 然而美国及其盟友尚未为结束冲突所需的政治谈判框定战略。

    Yet the US and its allies had still to frame a strategy for the political negotiations needed to end the conflict .

  7. 在安全日益恶化的形势下,殖民部正依赖军队维持秩序,并竭力谋求政治谈判。

    The Colonial Office was trying to pursue political negotiations in a deteriorating security situation , relying on the Army to keep order .

  8. 巴以冲突的历史表明,武力征服不了一个民族,巴以和平唯有通过政治谈判才能实现。

    It tells us that the military force cant conquer a nation , and the peace between Israel and Palestine will realize from political negotiations .

  9. 答:我认为,在一个中国的原则下,两岸进行政治谈判的时机已经成熟。

    Qian : I believe that conditions are ripe for conducting political talks between the two sides under the ` ` one China ' ' principle .

  10. 恢复1999年中断的政治谈判,这些让步本身就算不是起码的措施,也只是初步的准备工作。

    By themselves , these concessions will constitute only the initial if not the minimum steps towards laying the groundwork for resuming the political negotiations suspended in 1999 .

  11. 法律规则还远未取代政治谈判成为调整民族国家间经济关系的主要手段,而是带有自身无法克服的局限性。

    The law articles is far from substituting the political negotiation to become the main means for regulating the economic relations among the nations and actually it has some unavoidable limitations .

  12. 我认为我们需要帮助其他国家培训女性胜任政务职位,帮她们搞清楚事实上她们如何能够发挥她们政治谈判的声音。

    I think that we need to help in other countries to train women to be in political office , to figure out how they can in fact develop political voices .

  13. 但有一名白宫助理人员说,政府几乎已放弃了在耶路撒冷恢复政治谈判的希望。这次谈判是两个星期前由于萨达特撤出谈判代表团而宣告中断的。

    But one White House aide said the Administration had all but abandoned hope of resuming the political talks in Jesusalem which were suspended when Sadat withdrew his delegation three weeks ago .

  14. 当把国家看作为一个整体,在与不同国家之间的政治谈判时,经济发展被认为比其他任何因素更重要。

    Both when the state is assumed to act as a unitary actor , and when the political bargaining between different sub-national interests are considered , economic development appears to be more important than any other factors .

  15. 这项法案是美国国会议员长期政治谈判的议题。参与立法过程的人士强调,在本周获得参议院领袖批准之前,法案中的任何条款都不能说是已经敲定。

    The bill has been the subject of long political negotiations on Capitol Hill and people involved in the process stressed that none of the components would be final until they were approved by Senate leaders this week .

  16. 他们认为,博弈论最重要的应用在于对安全、裁军、市场价格形成、经济与政治谈判等的认识和预测。

    The most important applications of game theory are , as the two Laureates have shown , to be found in such vital issues as security , disarmament policies , price formation on markets , as well as political and economic negotiations .

  17. 但是这是有关政治问题的谈判,因此增加了许多困难。

    It 's the politics that add layers of difficulty .

  18. 如果没有明确的政治领导,谈判代表们就会趋利避害。

    In the absence of clear political leadership , negotiators have an incentive to be risk averse .

  19. 但是,他另外提到“仅仅最高政治级别的谈判才能得到一种真正的解决和我们希望今天的报告朝着那个方向提供。”

    But he added that " only negotiations at the highest political levels can lead to a real solution and we hope today 's report provides momentum in that direction . "

  20. 星期四,联合国的缅甸特使甘巴里抵达缅甸,他的任务是继续努力说服军政府开始和反对党进行政治改革的谈判。

    Thursday , the United Nations special envoy to Burma , Ibrahim Gambari , arrived in Burma to resume his mission to try to convince the military government to start talks with the opposition on political reform .