
  1. 针对香港资本市场设计了投资者的访谈。

    Against Hongkong capital market we designed interview with investors .

  2. 香港资本市场:黄金平台

    Golden Platform & Hong Kong Capital Market

  3. 香港资本市场规范的资本经营为深圳资本市场的发展提供了可贵的借鉴经验。

    The development of the Hong Kong capital market and standard capital operation provide valuable experience for reference .

  4. 由此我们认为中国内地资本市场与香港资本市场的分割效应较为明显。

    Therefore , we argue that the segmentation effect between Mainland and Hong Kong capital markets is very prominent .

  5. 尽管国际投资者获得了直接投资中国内地上市股票的机会,但香港资本市场仍将是一条重要的金融管道。

    Even though international investors gained direct access to China , Hong Kong 's capital markets remain an important financial conduit .

  6. 香港资本市场的融资能力向来为内地企业关注,近5年来更是硕果累累。

    Hong Kong 's capital market , with a strong financing capacity , has made numerous significant achievements over the past five years .

  7. 由于香港资本市场的风险溢价低于中国内地资本市场,蒙牛乳业的加权资本成本(即机会成本)要小于伊利股份。

    Because the risk premium of capital market in Hong Kong is consumedly lower than the Chinese hinterland , the WACC of CMDC is consumedly smaller than that of YIG .

  8. 普华永道(PwC)香港的资本市场服务集团合伙人陈朝光(EdmondChan)表示,去年下半年,香港共有约80宗IPO,今年为50宗左右。

    There were about 80 listings in the second half of 2010 compared with about 50 this year , said Edmond Chan , capital market services group partner at PwC in Hong Kong .

  9. 另外,中国的企业主管正计划进入充满活力的香港国际资本市场,而不是疲软的上海资本市场。

    In addition , Chinese corporate executives are now seeking to tap robust international capital markets in Hong Kong instead of Shanghai 's weaker capital markets .

  10. 香港的资本市场,特别是债市及股市,应可满足内地对金融中介服务的需求。

    The capital markets , in particular the debt and equity markets , in Hong Kong should be used to serve the financial intermediation needs of the mainland .

  11. 不过,香港人民币资本市场的增长,将取决于人民币从内地流入外国投资者口袋的速度与规模。

    Yet the growth of the Renminbi capital markets in Hong Kong will depend on the speed and extent to which the Chinese currency flows out of the mainland and into the pockets of foreign investors .

  12. 保荐制起源于英国,盛行于香港等成熟资本市场的创业板市场,中国成为世界上第一个将保荐制引入主板市场的国家。

    Sponsor system originated in Britain , popular in Hong Kong and other second board markets , and China became the first country to adopt sponsor system in main board market .

  13. 然而,在香港和其它国际资本市场上交易的股票必须遵守国际会计准则,而香港上市公司的公司治理更好一些。

    However , shares traded in Hong Kong and in other international capital markets must conform to international accounting standards and Hong Kong listed companies have somewhat better corporate governance .

  14. 我国企业境外上市集中在香港、美国和新加坡的资本市场,其中在香港资本市场上市的占多数。

    Listings of this kind are mainly concentrated in capital markets in Hong Kong , USA , Singapore and Hong Kong claims the largest share .

  15. 譬如,我们将积极创造条件,建立上海与香港股票市场交易互联互通机制,进一步促进中国内地与香港资本市场双向开放和健康发展。

    For example , we will actively create conditions to establish a Shanghai-Hong Kong stock exchanges connectivity mechanism , and further promote two-way opening-up and healthy development of the capital markets on the mainland and Hong Kong .