
  • 网络HKEx;Hong Kong Stock Exchange;Hong Kong Exchange;HKSE
  1. 根据彭博(bloomberg)的数据,香港交易所股价较1月水平已跌去三分之一,这令其成为全球最大20家交易所中表现最差的一家。

    Shares in HKEx now stand a third lower than their January level , making them the worst performing of the largest 20 exchanges , according to Bloomberg .

  2. 在这种背景下,香港交易所几乎无法止步不前。

    Against this backdrop , HKEx could hardly stand still .

  3. 年代煤机在2010年通过反向收购在香港交易所(hongkongstockexchange)借壳上市。

    Era listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange through a reverse merger in 2010 .

  4. 今年1月份,该公司成为首家在香港交易所(hongkongstockexchange)上市的俄罗斯公司。

    In January , the company became the first Russian company to launch trading on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  5. 香港交易所(hongkongexchangesandclearing)也计划在2012年底前推出相关清算服务。

    Hong Kong Exchanges and clearing is also planning to launch clearing services by the end of 2012 .

  6. 虽然缺乏明确的财务效益,但仍然有一些公司决定在香港交易所(hongkongstockexchange)进行二次上市。

    In spite of the lack of proven financial benefits , a number of companies have decided to undertake secondary listings on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  7. 相比之下,香港交易所在2014年截至目前只吸引到60亿美元的境外公司IPO,而且全部为中资公司。

    This compares with just $ 6 billion for Hong Kong exchanges so far in 2014 , all of which came from China .

  8. 其母公司腾讯控股2013年的收入达到了99亿美元,该公司在香港交易所(HongKongStockExchange)上市,市值达到1500亿美元。

    Its parent company , Tencent Holdings , had $ 9.9 billion in revenue in 2013 , and is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with a market capitalization of $ 150 billion .

  9. 由于近期市场动荡,至少又有两家公司可能推迟在香港交易所进行首次公开发行(ipo)的计划。

    At least two more companies are likely to postponed their initial public offerings on the Hong Kong stock exchange because of recent market turmoil .

  10. 中国证券交易所(包括香港交易所)2009年IPO融资额度达到美国证券交易所融资额的二倍。

    Chinese stock exchanges , including the Hong Kong bourse , raised double the amount of capital secured by IPOs across the United States in2009 .

  11. 恒生指数本周一直在反弹&但几乎没有哪只股票的涨幅能超过市场管理机构香港交易所(HongKongExchangesandClearing),该股自上周末以来上涨了近四分之一。

    Hang Seng stocks have been bouncing all week – few more than the market operator , Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing , up almost a quarter since the weekend .

  12. 香港交易所(HongKongExchange)内地业务发展部副主管ChristopherHui表示:‘负面清单’显然需要缩短。

    It is clear that the ' negative list ' needs to be shortened , says Christopher Hui , vice-president of the Mainland Development department at the Hong Kong Exchange .

  13. 但周四,这两位负责人向beyondbrics传递了关于这话可能意味着什么的诱人的暗示以及未来可能与香港交易所(hongstockexchange)建立的联系。

    But on Thursday the duo offered a tantalising clue to beyondbrics about what this could mean and about possible future links with the Hong stock exchange .

  14. 香港交易所(hongkongstockexchange)比上海或深圳更能从内地公司期权的活跃交易中受益,这是因为这两个内地对手还不够成熟,无法提供这些复杂的产品。

    The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has benefited from the heavy trading in Chinese company options , rather than Shanghai or Shenzhen , because its mainland rivals are still not mature enough to offer these sophisticated products .

  15. 中石油在周日晚间递交上海证交所和香港交易所的一份声明中表示,该公司计划向投资者发售40亿股A股股票。中石油是中国石油天然气集团公司(ChinaNationalPetroleumCorp)的子公司。

    PetroChina , a unit of China National Petroleum Corp , said in a statement to the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges on Sunday night that it planned to offer 4bn local A-shares for sale to investors .

  16. 香港交易所(HKEx)行政总裁李小加(CharlesLi)形容这一市场渠道的开通是一个历史性时刻,将重新定义香港。

    Charles Li , chief executive of the Hong Kong stock exchange , described the new market opening as a historic moment that would redefine Hong Kong .

  17. 该公司昨日在一份致香港交易所(hongkongstockexchange)的声明中表示,“始终在考虑战略或其它机会”,但补充称:“尚未就任何由此产生的交易做出决定。”

    In a statement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange yesterday , the company said it was " always looking at strategic or other opportunities " but added : " no decision has been made about any resulting transaction . "

  18. 我为什么要失望呢?他反问那些在香港交易所(HKEx)采访的记者。

    Why would I be disappointed , he asked reporters at the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  19. 该业务持续给香港交易所的利润带来拖累,主要因为改进LME技术的耗资达数百万。

    The business has continued to drag on profits as the exchange spends millions on improving its technology .

  20. 香港交易所上市的67只ETF,大多都是利用衍生品追踪指数的合成ETF。

    The majority of the 67 ETFs listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange are synthetic , using derivatives to track indices .

  21. 去年,中国内地企业通过IPO,在上海、深圳和香港交易所的筹资总额达到了创纪录的1000亿美元,规模远远超过纽约或伦敦等老牌证交所。

    Mainland companies last year raised a record $ 100bn in IPOs on exchanges in Shanghai , Shenzhen and Hong Kong – far more than established bourses in New York or London .

  22. 为了表彰他在公司治理问题方面的工作,他于2003年和2006年两度被选为香港交易所(HongKongExchangesandClearing)的独立非执行董事。

    In recognition of his work on corporate governance issues , he was twice elected as an independent non-executive director of the Hong Kong stock exchange , Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing , in 2003 and 2006 .

  23. 在昨晚的声明中,香港交易所(hkex)没有具体提及汇丰。

    In a statement last night , Hong Kong Exchanges and clearing did not cite HSBC specifically .

  24. 这包括雅虎等阿里巴巴投资者,最近还有香港交易所(HongKongStockExchange)。香港交易所今年拒绝为了配合阿里巴巴希望采用的股权结构而修改上市规则。

    That includes Alibaba investors such as Yahoo and , most recently , the Hong Kong Stock Exchange , which this year refused to change its listing rules to accommodate the corporate structure Alibaba would like to use for its forthcoming IPO .

  25. 中国销售额最大的商业地产开发商——大连万达商业地产(DalianWandaCommercialProperties)在香港交易所(HKEx)完成37亿美元上市一个月后,发出了战略转变的信号。

    Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties , China 's largest business property developer by sales , has signalled a shift in strategy a month after its $ 3.7bn listing on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  26. 2009年香港交易所进行的首次公开发行(IPO)表现平平,尽管在该市场筹集的IPO资金超过了以往任何年份。

    The record of initial public offerings on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2009 has been lacklustre in spite of the market raising more funds than in any other year through such issues .

  27. 在周四向香港交易所提交的申报文件中,中石油表示,将把三家管道公司整合并入中油管道(PetroChinaPipelines),其将持有72.26%股份。

    In a statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange on Thursday , PetroChina said it would consolidate three pipeline companies into PetroChina Pipelines , in which it would own 72.26 per cent .

  28. 香港交易所(HongKongStockExchange)一直致力于解决国际基金公司提出的问题,后者担忧通过沪港通持有的投资的法律地位以及交易周期内不同时点所购股份的所有权问题。

    The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has been working frantically to address problems raised by international fund managers , who have had concerns over the legal status of investments held through Stock Connect and their ownership of those shares at various points during the trading cycle .

  29. 包括香港交易所在内,中国各证交所2009年通过首次公开发行(IPO)募集的资金额超过美国一倍,突显该地区在国际金融中的分量不断上升。

    Chinese stock exchanges , including the Hong Kong bourse , raised double the amount of money secured by initial public offerings across the US in 2009 , highlighting the region 's rising weight in international finance .

  30. 韦伯曾担任香港交易所(HongKongExchanges&ClearingLtd.)的独立董事,他现在一边用自己的钱购买自己精选的股票,一边从事公共服务活动。

    Once an independent director on the Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. , the operator of the city 's stock exchange , Mr. Webb splits his time between picking stocks to buy with his own money and his public-service activities .