
  • 网络CityU;City Univ Hong Kong;CUHK;the city university of hong kong
  1. 韩国科学技术院(KoreaAdvancedInstituteofScienceandTechnology)和韩国另外一所大学浦项科技大学(PohangUniversityofScienceandTechnology)分列第三和第四,香港城市大学(CityUniversityofHongKong)位居第五。

    The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and Pohang University of Science and Technology , another Korean institution , were third and fourth , with City University of Hong Kong placed fifth .

  2. 交织多址IDMA(Interleave-DivisionMultipleAccess)技术是近年来由香港城市大学李平教授提出的一种多址通信方式。

    Interleave-Division Multiple Access ( IDMA ) was recently proposed by Prof. Li Ping coming from the City University of Hong Kong .

  3. 香港城市大学(CityUniversityofHongKong)城市研究小组的调查显示,尽管香港失业率仅为3%,但在18至35岁的香港人中,76%仍与父母同住。

    Seventy-six per cent of Hongkongers aged 18-35 are still living with their parents , according to the Urban Research Group of City University of Hong Kong , despite an unemployment rate of just 3 per cent .

  4. 香港城市大学研究小组的JiLing将香港新一代年轻人的住房选择形容为一项经过深思熟虑的策略——以在面对不确定性和财务压力时“弥合梦想与现实之间的差距”。

    Ji Ling of the City University research group characterise the new generation 's housing choices as a deliberate strategy " to bridge the gap between dreams and reality " at a time of uncertainty and financial stress .

  5. 然而,用在猪身上可能还为时过早。“我喜欢这个想法,我喜欢这个概念,但它的效果还有待证明,”香港城市大学(CityUniversityofHongKong)兽医流行病学教授迪尔克·法伊弗(DirkPfeiffer)说。

    This pig push , however , may be a step too soon . " I like the idea , I like the concept , but I need to be shown that it works , " said Dirk Pfeiffer , a professor of veterinary epidemiology at the City University of Hong Kong .

  6. 香港城市大学;

    ( a ) City University of Hong Kong ( CityU );

  7. 语文自学中心〔香港城市大学〕

    Self-access Language Learning Centre [ City University of Hong Kong ]

  8. 香港城市大学迈向卓越新纪元

    City University of Hong Kong Advancing Toward Her New Era of Excellence

  9. 目前正在香港城市大学修读工商管理硕士课程。

    I am studying for my MBA in City University of Hong Kong .

  10. 社会工作荣誉学士〔香港城市大学〕

    Bachelor of Social Work with Honours [ City University of Hong Kong ]

  11. 香港城市大学公共及社会行政学系

    " Department of public and social administration , City University of Hong kong "

  12. 香港城市大学,计算机科学系,香港。

    Department of Computer Science , University of Texas at Austin , Austin , USA.

  13. 转变管理模式,促进学生发展&香港城市大学考察心得

    Change running mode Promote students ' developing

  14. 香港城市大学(城大)是在香港的综合性研究型大学。

    City University of Hong Kong ( CityU ) is a comprehensive research university in Hong Kong .

  15. 香港城市大学副监督副主任(幼儿中心督导组)

    " Pro-Chancellor , City University of Hong Kong " Assistant Supervisor ( Child Care Centres Advisory Inspectorate )

  16. 中国反应过头了,香港城市大学政治学教授宋立功表示。

    China has overreacted , said James Sung , a political science professor at City University in Hong Kong .

  17. 布赖恩•巴赫纳,香港城市大学微软公司说,“我们将与你们建立伙伴关系”。

    BRYAN BACHNER , CITY UNIVERSITY OF HONGKONG Microsoft is saying , We 'll enter into a partnership with you .

  18. 执行儿童及青年中心服务检讨报告书评估研究〔香港城市大学〕

    Evaluative Study on the Implementation of the Review Report of the Children and Youth Centre Service [ City University of Hong Kong ]

  19. 联校运动中心由香港城市大学、香港浸会大学及香港理工大学联合管理。

    The joint sports centre is jointly owned by City University of Hong kong , Hong Kong Baptist University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic university .

  20. 中国南海红树的内生真菌No1403是由香港城市大学Vrijmoed教授等分离出来的.其发酵液粗提物有明显的抗菌活性,对酵母菌和霉菌均有抑制作用。

    The ethyl acetate extract of the mangrove endophytic fungus No 1403 from the South China Sea showed an obvious inhibition effect on yeast and mold .

  21. 香港城市大学汇编的最流行青少年偶像名单被歌星、影星及其他名人占据。

    A list compiled by Hong Kong 's City University of the most popular youth idols was dominated by singers , movie stars and other celebrities .

  22. 涂业生:毕业于香港城市大学创意媒体学院(主修互动及新媒体)。

    Told Y.S. TO : Graduated from the School of Creative Media , City University of Hong Kong ( majoring in New Media and Interactivity ) .

  23. 本硕士学位论文是参加与香港城市大学合作项目&柔性多体系统动力学问题研究的基础上完成的。

    This thesis is based on the investigation on " Dynamics Response of Flexible Multibody Systems " which is a cooperative project with City University of Hong Kong .

  24. 城乡规划管理专业城市规划原理课程建设研究目前正在香港城市大学修读工商管理硕士课程。

    On the Curricular Development of the Course Concerning City Planning Principles in the College Major of Urban-Rural Planning & Management I am studying for my MBA in City University of Hong Kong .

  25. 香港城市大学的研究人员在上周五发表在《科学进展》杂志上的一项研究中报道了一种新颖的“陶瓷油墨”,这是一种聚合物和陶瓷纳米颗粒的混合物。

    Researchers at City University of Hong Kong reported in a study published last Friday in the journal Science Advances a novel " ceramic ink , " a mixture of polymers and ceramic nanoparticles .

  26. 试谈香港城市性大学规划设计的特点

    Discussion on the Planning Scheme Characteristic of Hongkong Urban University

  27. 今届「大学杯跆拳道锦标赛」由香港浸会大学、香港城市大学和香港科技大学的跆拳道学会联合筹办。

    This year 's competition was jointly organised by the taekwondo clubs of HKBU , City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology .

  28. 香港城市理工学院〔改称香港城市大学〕

    City Polytechnic of Hong Kong [ retitled as City University of Hong Kong ]