
  • 网络HKBU;HongKong Baptist University;UIC;The Hong Kong Baptist University
  1. “这对中国来说是一个新问题,中国在这个问题上,在外交政策方面正在两条战线上作战,”香港浸会大学政治及国际关系学系主任高敬文(jeanpierrecabestan)表示。

    " This is a new problem for China , which is now fighting on two fronts in its foreign policy on this issue , " said Jean-Pierre Cabestan , head of government and international studies at Hong Kong Baptist University .

  2. 香港浸会大学林思齐东西学术交流研究所1997年版。

    Lam Institute for East-West Studies , Hong Kong Baptist University .

  3. 你曾否在香港浸会大学服务?

    Have you ever served in Hong Kong Baptist university ?

  4. 李静娴为香港浸会大学视觉艺术院毕业生。

    Laura Li graduated from Academy of Visual Arts , Hong Kong Baptist University .

  5. 香港浸会大学教务议会

    Senate of the Hong Kong Baptist University

  6. 这是香港浸会大学中医药学院的网站。

    This is the website for School of Chinese Medicine of Hong Kong Baptist University .

  7. 香港浸会大学副校长(拓展)及商学院院长;

    Vice President ( Development ), and Dean of Business School , Hong Kong Baptist University ;

  8. 实践与理论的交融&感受香港浸会大学的文科理论教学

    A Practice Training in Theory Teaching ── Experiencing the Literate theory teaching in Hongkong Baptist University

  9. 香港浸会大学的同学,欢迎你与辅导中心联络。

    Students of the Hong Kong Baptist University are encouraged to contact the Counselling and Development Centre .

  10. 香港浸会大学为大学生介绍会计界于中国及环球发展前景;

    Presentation to student from Hong Kong Baptist University about the prospects of professional accountant in China and global market ;

  11. 申请表内之资料皆属实,本人明白若发现任何刻意隐瞒之事实,香港浸会大学持续教育学院将保留取消此申请之权利。

    Baptist University reserves the right to cancel the application at any time if the information given in this application is found untrue .

  12. 他表示,附属学校是香港浸会大学的一部份,浸大的教育系将会在教育理论和实践方面,为附属学校提供有力的支援。

    Professor Ng said the affiliated school , being part of the University , would receive strong support from HKBU 's Department of Education Studies .

  13. 我想,要实现人生目标,香港浸会大学就是我积累知识、迈向(走进)世界的最佳平台!

    I thought that , must achieve the life goal , the Hong Kong Baptist University is I accumulates the knowledge , enters the world the best platform !

  14. 他正与香港浸会大学附属学校王锦辉中小学联络,率先与该校师生分享他在南极的见闻和感受。

    Wilson is coordinating with the HKBU-affiliated school Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School to share with students and teachers his knowledge and experience of the expedition .

  15. 今届「大学杯跆拳道锦标赛」由香港浸会大学、香港城市大学和香港科技大学的跆拳道学会联合筹办。

    This year 's competition was jointly organised by the taekwondo clubs of HKBU , City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology .

  16. 22岁的刘宇(音译)在位于珠海市的北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院就读,主修统计学专业。

    Liu Yu , 22 , is a student majoring in statistics at the United International College of Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University ( UIC ), in Zhuhai .

  17. 香港浸会大学持续教育学院于1975年创立,是浸会大学七所学院之一。

    The School of Continuing Education ( SCE ) of the Hong Kong Baptist University was founded in 1975 and is one of the seven schools or faculties of the University .

  18. 香港浸会大学「全人教育教与学中心」今日开幕,中心将积极推动和发展浸大的全人教育教与学工作。

    HKBU opened today ( 29 September ) its Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning to promote and develop programmes to advance the University 's distinctive mission of whole person education .

  19. 另一方面,十多位专程由美国回港的南加州香港浸会大学校友会校友,在大学会堂表演粤剧贺校庆。

    Meanwhile , a troupe from the HKBU Alumni Association of Southern California ( HKBUAASC ) travelled to Hong Kong from Los Angeles and conducted a Cantonese opera performance for their alma mater .

  20. 本委员会亦呼吁香港浸会大学让两位因不同意加入新制而被解雇的职员立刻复职。

    This committee also calls upon Hong Kong Baptist University to allow the two staff who were fired for not agreeing to participate in the New Pay and Reward Structure to be reinstated immediately .

  21. 我有一个梦想,就是成为一个对国家有用的商业巨才,而香港浸会大学“全人教育”办学理念,与国际接轨的教学方式,深深使我向往。

    I have a dream , is becomes to the national useful commercial great talent , but the Hong Kong Baptist university " the perfect person educates " the school idea , with teaching way which international connects rails , deeply deeply causes me to yearn for .

  22. 欢迎来到香港青年奖励计划香港浸会大学执行处支部网页!

    Welcome to Hong Kong Baptist University User Unit of the Hong Kong Award for Young People homepage !

  23. 联校运动中心由香港城市大学、香港浸会大学及香港理工大学联合管理。

    The joint sports centre is jointly owned by City University of Hong kong , Hong Kong Baptist University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic university .