
  • 网络The open university of hong kong;OUHK
  1. 随后,他被香港公开大学授予荣誉文学博士学位。

    The Open University of Hong Kong later granted him an honorary PhD of Arts .

  2. 香港公开大学教务会认真推行政务公开制度。

    Senate of the Open University of Hong Kong We should conscientiously implement the system of making government affairs known to the public .

  3. 通识教育学士〔香港公开大学〕

    Bachelor of General Studies [ Open University of Hong Kong ]

  4. 本人同意遵守香港公开大学中国法律同学会之规章。

    I agree to follow the regulation of OUHK PRC law society .

  5. 工商管理学士(中文)〔香港公开大学〕

    Bachelor of Business Administration ( Chinese ) [ Open University of Hong Kong ]

  6. 香港公开大学的网上教学

    Online Learning at Open University of Hong Kong

  7. 香港公开大学的开放和远程教育理念

    The Concept of the Open and Distance Education in the Open University of Hong Kong

  8. 本文着重介绍香港公开大学远程课程的开发、质量保证以及效果评价。

    This paper focuses on the development of distance learning materials , quality assurance and outcome assessment in the University .

  9. 香港公开大学是一所开放和远程大学,非常注意资讯技术在教育中的有效运用。

    The effective application of information technology in open and distance learning ( ODL ) is of primary concern in the Open University of Hong Kong .

  10. 如果您是香港公开大学学生的话,请问您已在本校修读了多久?(非公开大学同学不用回答此题。)

    If you are a OUHK student , how long have you studied in the University ?( Non-OUHK student is not required to answer this question . )

  11. 莫言在香港公开大学的一次演讲中说:那时,我的家庭一年之中都负担不起这样的饭。

    At that time , my family couldn 't afford such a meal in one year , Mo said in a speech in Open University of Hong Kong .

  12. 香港公开大学课程和教学的传递模式是以远程教学为主并辅以面授教学,因此其学习支持服务系统发挥了重要的作用。

    The delivery model of curriculum and teaching in the Open University of Hong Kong ( OUHK ) is distance teaching and learning , with face-to-face teaching in assistance .

  13. 节目介绍香港公开大学的教材特色,教学方法,各项支援服务,成绩评审标准及学院设施。

    This programme introduces the main features of the course materials , teaching methods , studying supports , assessment formats and facilities of the Open University of Hong Kong .

  14. 莫言是香港公开大学荣誉文学博士,青岛科技大学(微博)客座教授。

    Mo Yan was granted an honorary PhD of Arts by OUHK ( Open University of Hong Kong ) and was appointed guest professor at the Qingdao University of Technology .

  15. 2004年,莫言的作品《四十一炮》获第二届华语文学传媒大奖年度杰出成就奖。可惜的是,2005年莫言与茅盾文学奖失之交臂。随后,他被香港公开大学授予荣誉文学博士学位。

    Though missing out on the 2005 Mao Dun Literature Prize , Mo did win the second Mass Media Award for Chinese Literature for Outstanding Achievements for his novel " Forty-one Cannons . " The Open University of Hong Kong later granted him an honorary PhD of Arts .