
  • 网络hkust;The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;HONG KONG University of Science & Technology;HONG KONG UNIV SCI & TECHNOL
  1. 在这份列举了全球150所大学的就业排行榜中,香港科技大学名列第13位。

    HKUST was ranked 13th in this global ranking of 150 universities .

  2. 现为香港科技大学研究生的周可颖在1997-98学年曾经作为交换生在美国洛杉矶加州大学学习。

    Now a postgraduate at HKUST , Calvin spent a year as an exchange student at the University of California at Los Angeles in1997-98 .

  3. 在过去两次的排名中均居第二的新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,简称N.T.U.)超过香港科技大学,拔得头筹。

    Nanyang Technological University in Singapore , second in the past two editions , overtook Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to secure the top spot .

  4. 凯洛格与香港科技大学的EMBA项目从2009年至2014年一直位居该排行榜榜首,但2014年输给Trium项目,2015年又败给清华大学(Tsinghua)与欧洲工商管理学院(InseadUniversity)合办的EMBA项目。

    Kellogg / HKUST dominated this ranking from 2009 to 2014 but lost out to Trium in 2014 and to Tsinghua University / Insead in 2015 .

  5. 香港科技大学商学院(HKUSTBusinessSchool)分管硕士课程的副院长肖恩•弗格森(SeanFerguson)同样认为香港学生视野更开阔,但他表示香港科大也在采取行动,招收那些愿意发言贡献观点的内地中国学生。

    Sean Ferguson , associate dean of masters programmes at HKUST Business School , also thinks Hong Kong students have a broader view , but says HKUST has made efforts to recruit mainland Chinese students who will not be reticent about contributing .

  6. Trium跃升3名,击败由凯洛格管理学院(KelloggSchoolofManagement)与香港科技大学(HKUST)联合推出的课程,后者多年来一直高居排行榜榜首。

    Trium jumped three places to overtake the joint programme taught by Kellogg School of Management near Chicago and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology , which had been top of the ranking for five years .

  7. 此项调查的另一位牵头人、香港科技大学教授朴之水(AlbertPark)说,其他国家是老而且富,而中国则将在尚未成为发达国家时就进入老龄化社会。

    ' Other countries are old and rich , ' said Albert Park , a professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and another survey leader . ' China will be old at a relatively early stage in its development . '

  8. 香港科技大学(HongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology)社会科学教授穆嘉(CarstenHolz)表示,这些数据有可能是更可靠的,但这里也存在问题。

    Certainly these data have the potential to be more reliable but there are complications there , too , said Carsten Holz , a professor of social science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology who has scrutinized China 's economic data .

  9. 香港科技大学和美国西北大学凯洛格商学院合办了一个EMBA课程。这是一个美国式的两年制课程,周末授课,学员还可前往美国学习。

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology , in partnership with the Kellogg school at Northwestern University , offers an American-style two-year programme , with weekend classes and overseas visits to the US .

  10. 讽刺的是,当陈家乐担任香港科技大学金融系主任的时候,他帮助建立了该校最著名的联合课程之一&与纽约大学斯特恩商学院(NYUStern)合作教学的环球金融学硕士课程。

    The irony is that when Prof Chan was head of the finance department at HKUST he was instrumental in establishing one of its highest-profile joint programmes & the master of science in global finance , taught jointly with NYU Stern .

  11. 讽刺的是,当陈家乐担任香港科技大学金融系主任的时候,他帮助建立了该校最著名的联合课程之一——与纽约大学斯特恩商学院(NYUStern)合作教学的环球金融学硕士课程。

    The irony is that when Prof Chan was head of the finance department at HKUST he was instrumental in establishing one of its highest-profile joint programmes - the master of science in global finance , taught jointly with NYU Stern .

  12. 本文的研究基于我们和香港科技大学合作研制的KD-2000并联原型机床,但不限于此。

    Our research work on based a parallel machine tool prototype , named KD-2000 . But not confined to it .

  13. 香港科技大学一方面积极招聘受过海外培训的师资(其中许多人与香港有联系),另一方面与登上全球商学院排行榜的商学院发展联合课程——美国西北大学凯洛格商学院(NorthwesternUniversity:Kellogg)或许是其中最著名的。

    HKUST combined its aggressive approach to recruiting internationally trained faculty , many of whom had ties to Hong Kong , with developing joint programmes with globally ranked schools - the Kellogg school at Northwestern University in the US is perhaps the most notable .

  14. 香港科技大学副校长

    " Vice-President , Hong Kong University of Science and Technology "

  15. 香港科技大学数学系;

    Department of Mathematics , Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ;

  16. 论科技地理学香港科技大学

    On scientific and technological geography Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  17. 文学硕士〔香港科技大学〕

    Master of Arts [ Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ]

  18. 我叫艾伦,香港科技大学计算机科学毕业年学生。

    I 'm Allan , Graduating student from Computer Science Department of HKUST .

  19. 香港科技大学

    The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  20. 家声选择香港科技大学的计算机专业是因为它集硬件和软件于一体。

    Ken chose HKUST 's Computer Engineering program because it covered both hardware and software .

  21. 11个大陆项目团队代表应邀赴香港科技大学交流。

    And representatives of11 teams visited Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to meet students there .

  22. 香港科技大学是以科技和商管为主的研究型大学,于一九九一年创立。

    Officially opened in1991 , HKUST is a research university emphasising science , technology , business and management .

  23. 香港科技大学于一九九四年设立学业成就奖,目的为表扬在学期间学业成绩卓越的本科毕业生。

    The HKUST Academic Achievement Medal was established in1994 to commend our undergraduate students for their outstanding academic achievements .

  24. 香港科技大学顾问委员会凯西是一名为南亚服务的科学顾问。

    Court of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Cassie Dummett is the technical adviser for South Asia .

  25. 到香港科技大学任职之前,他曾先后在芬兰和美国的俄亥俄州立大学任教。

    He taught in Finland and the US – at Ohio State University – before pursuing a career at HKUST .

  26. 他获得了中国中心红口袋奖学金的资助,在香港科技大学2010年春季学习了一个学期。

    He received a Red Pockets Scholarship to spend the2010 spring semester at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology .

  27. 联合学位使香港科技大学获得了全球范围内的顶尖师资。

    The joint degree has given HKUST access to some of the best business school faculty in the world and provided brand recognition .

  28. 后来,杨树从香港科技大学毕业,在24岁的时候成功拿到了博士学位。

    She then graduated from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology , achieving her Doctor 's Degree at 24 years old .

  29. 作为香港科技大学商学院的院长,他希望在学校的世界级办学目标与香港当地商界的需求之间搭起一座桥梁。

    At the school he hopes to build a bridge between the world-class aspirations of HKUST and the local needs of Hong Kong business .

  30. 配药学,制药业制配药品的科学生物技术研究所传统中药中心〔香港科技大学〕

    The art of preparing and dispensing drugs . Biotechnology Research Institute & Traditional Chinese Medicine Centre [ Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ]