
  • 网络Departmentalization;Departmentation
  1. Enviros实行跨办公室管理,按照面对市场的部门划分。

    Enviros is managed on cross-office basis in line with our market facing divisions .

  2. 一些较大或较复杂机构的行政部门划分。

    An administrative division of some larger or more complex organization .

  3. 从经济法现象透视法律部门划分理论

    Phenomena and Concepts of Economic Law The Analysis on the Dividing Legal Department Theory

  4. 基于工业生产力推动机制的工业部门划分设想部门间业务分散工作队

    Industrial Department Allocation Based on Industrial Productivity Promotion Mechanism Interdepartmental Task Force on Decentralization

  5. 但是其计算的前提一投入产出表的数据统计及部门划分有着相当的工作量和技巧性。

    However the premise of calculation process input-output table needs lots of statistic work and skills .

  6. 把经济部门划分为农业经济部门和非农业经济部门。

    We divide the economy field into two department , agricultural economic department and non-agricultural economic department .

  7. 大陆法系和英美法系之间存在着两种不同的法律部门划分的思维进路。①对地震层析成像方法进行分类。

    The civil law system and the common law system have two different entrances of legal classification .

  8. 二是完善了将法分为公法与私法这一法律部门划分标准。

    Two is it can consummate the standard that the legal system has been divided into the public law and the civil law .

  9. 组织结构研究主要包括职务分析和设计、部门划分和设计以及组织结构形式三部分。

    The study on organization structure includes three parts , anglicizing and designing on duty , dividing and designing apartment and structure form .

  10. 目前,对于一家市值4870亿美元的公司,谷歌披露的内容实在不算多,基本上没有按业务部门划分的具体细节。

    At the moment , Google 's are paltry for a $ 487bn company , with barely any breakdown between lines of business .

  11. 在对传统的法律部门划分理论进行批判和补充的基础上,可以从多方面给经济法的地位进行明确的界定。

    Based on criticizing dividing theory on traditional legal departments and making compenation , this paper gives clear definition for the status of economic law .

  12. 经济法自其诞生之日起与传统的民法、商法在法律部门划分上产生了交叉和冲突。

    Economic law , traditional civil law and commercial law have some intercrosses and conflicts in the partition of law branch as soon as economic law generated .

  13. 建筑企业的管理组织的概念及作用、组织设计的原则、部门划分、组织结构的基本形式;

    The concept of the management organization of the building enterprise and the basic forms of function , principle , department 's dividing , institutional framework which the organization design ;

  14. 公共物品多元供给的理论依据是社会学的社会结构三部门划分理论、经济学的供给与需求理论和合作博弈理论。这些概念和理论为不确定性信息理论奠定了基础。

    This academic and institutional basis of pluralistic supply of public goods are derived from the classification theory of social structure in sociology , the theory of supply and demand in economics and the theory of cooperative game .

  15. 企业组织反映了企业内部的分工与协作、部门划分与职责范围、决策权限与组织边界的构成体系,它的先进性与合理性直接影响到企业经营活动的效率和竞争能力的强弱。

    Enterprise organization reflects division and cooperation , departments ' partition and duty scope , decision-making extent of authority and composing system of organization border in internal enterprise , and its advance and rationality have direct impact to business operations efficiency and competitiveness .

  16. 本文进一步研究了不同部门划分下消耗系数矩阵间关系,证明了优化产业结构的不变性,降低了优化产业结构提高最终产品率的难度。

    Furthermore , the relation of consumption coefficent matrices is studied by different methods to divide departments , the invariance of the optimal industrial structure is proved , then a method is given to reduce the difficulty of optimizing industrial structure and to improve final product rate .

  17. 论法律部门的划分标准与经济法的地位

    Discussion on the Division Standards of the Legal Departments and Their Position in Economic Laws

  18. 对技防办与经济文化保卫部门职权划分的思考

    Thoughts on the right division between the technical defense office and the department of economy and culture defense

  19. 基本组织单位、部门的划分与结构设计;冀东太古宙结晶基底区构造单元划分

    Division and design of elemental organization department ; TECTONIC UNITS OF THE ARCHEAN CRYSTALLINE BASEMENT IN EASTERN HEBEI

  20. 传统的部门法划分理论不足以说明经济法是独立的部门法。

    The traditional division theories of branch laws are inadequate to describe economic law as an independent branch law .

  21. 正如对理念的认识一样,对各部门的划分只能是预想的东西。

    A preliminary division , like the limited conception from which it comes , can only be an anticipation .

  22. 在社会组织部门的划分中,高等学校应属于社会领域的第三部门。

    The worldwide attention is being paid to the third section because of its special role in the public field .

  23. 产业经济结构部门的划分对研究经济展与产业结构变动有着重要意义。

    The demarcation of the industrial structural sectors is of great significance to the research on economic development and industrial structural changes .

  24. 然而,这种探讨更多的却是在强调法律部门的划分,而对于部门法之间的互动关系未给予足够的重视。

    However , the discussion emphasizes the division of legal branches , so that the interaction relationship between legal branches is neglected .

  25. 第一、公司兼并收购,依被并购对象所在行业部门来划分,被分为横向并购、纵向并购,混合并购。

    Firstly , according to merger objectives ' industry , mergers are often categorized as horizontal , vertical , mixed or conglomerate mergers ;

  26. 根据商法和经济法产生的历史原因和法律部门的划分理论阐述了经济法和商法的关系。

    According to historical reason and division theory of legal department on economic law and commercial law , refer to the relations on them .

  27. 在商店里看到的不同部门的划分方法实际上在19世纪百货商店开始大发展以前并不存在。

    The departments as we find in our stores id not actually exist prior to rise of the aptly named department store in the19th century .

  28. 我国法学理论界一般认为法律的调整对象是社会关系,并以调整对象作为部门法划分的主要依据。

    In Chinese law circle , branch law is divided on the basis of adjustment object of law , which is generally regarded as social relations .

  29. 根据目前法律责任按部门法划分的原则,经济法责任是以一种动态发展和综合的形态独立存在的。

    According to the principle of classifying legal liability by branch , the liability of economic law does exist independently in the form of dynamic development and integration .

  30. 市场是一个有机联系的整体,对市场进行调整的竞争法与消费者保护法之间的联系也不应该因为法律部门的划分而割裂开来。

    Market is an integral whole unity , and the relationship between competition and consumer protection law cannot be broke up only because of the division of legal departments .