
  • 网络Partially Funded;partially funded system;Partially Funding system;partial accumulation system
  1. 接着总结了基本养老保险的筹资模式,并结合世界人口预测分析了现收现付制的弊端,得出部分积累制更能适应人口老龄化的发展趋势。

    And then the basic endowment insurance fund-raising modes are summarized , combined with the world population prediction disadvantages of pay-as-you-go system are analyzed and the partially funded system can better adapt to the development trend of the aging population .

  2. 部分积累制公共年金、双向利他与内生增长

    Partially Funded Public Pension , Two-Sided Altruism And Endogenous Growth

  3. 部分积累制养老保险模式存在问题分析

    Analysis of Existing Problems on Partial Accumulation Old-security Model

  4. 中国仍应坚持社会统筹与个人帐户相结合的部分积累制的养老保险制度。

    China should insist on the partial-funding system : PAYG combining the individual account .

  5. 目前很多国家的社会保障制度都在朝部分积累制方向改革。

    Now many countries are part of social security system reform at pay-as-you-go system direction .

  6. 从现收现付制向部分积累制或多支柱模式转轨是大势所趋。

    It is an inevitable trend to shift from pay-as-you-go to funded or multi-pillar system .

  7. 养老保险转制成本是中国养老保险部分积累制转型过程中所无法避免的。

    The carryover cost of endowment is the main issue in the process of accumulative carryover .

  8. 这些年的重要改革目标之一就是要从现收现付体制改革部分积累制。

    The most important reform goal is the transformation from PAYG system to partially funded system .

  9. 而它对部分积累制下基金收支平衡的影响则是前两者的综合。

    However the effect will be the integration of them under the part - funding scheme .

  10. 现收现付制转向统账结合的部分积累制导致隐性养老金债务显性化,本文给出了测算‘老人’和‘中人’隐性养老金债务的精算模型,并提出了一些缩减隐性养老金债务的对策。

    Actuarial models of implicit pension debt of " old person " and " mid person " .

  11. 我国社会养老保障体制也开始从现收现付制向部分积累制的转变。

    The system of social security for elderly in our country also changes partly to backlog systems from the cash-based system .

  12. 我国从1991年实行养老保险改革开始到现在,基本上确定了从现收现付制向部分积累制转轨的方向。

    The pension system reform of China which was began from 1991 has desided from the pay-as-you-go model to the pension funded model .

  13. 世界性社会保障筹资模式的改革证明,部分积累制是现代社会较为理想的筹资模式。

    The world financing mode reforms of social security system prove that " partly funding " is the ideal objective mode in the modern society .

  14. 随着中国人口年龄结构的不断老化和建立市场经济的需要,必须由现收现付制转变为部分积累制。

    With aging of the people age structure in China and developing of market economy , its finance mode must be changed to part-accumulating system .

  15. 本文在部分积累制的财务平衡模型的基础上,定量分析了提高退休年龄对缴费率的影响。

    On the basis of financial balance on half-funded pension , this paper quantitatively analyses the impact of increase of retirement age on the contribution rate .

  16. 我国养老保险制度改革的目标是将融资模式由现收现付制转向部分积累制,转轨必然导致部分养老金隐性债务的显性化。

    The most exigent task of Chinas pension system reform is to seek the appropriate channel of financing for the implicit pension debt with no fund accumulation .

  17. 社会保障制度是部分积累制。虽然目前的养老金大部分是用对当前工人课征的税收来筹资的,但将来,养老金用社会保障信托基金的积累资金来支付。

    The Social Security trust fund is essentially an accounting device , and by itself dose not enhance society 's ability to care for retirees in the future .

  18. 随着养老保险制度从现收现付制向部分积累制的转换,我国的养老保险基金规模日益增大。养老保险基金是一种长期货币支付计划,必然受到通货膨胀的影响。

    With the transition from the system of collection followed by payment to the system of partly accumulative funds , the scale of the pension fund in China increases quickly .

  19. 随着中国迈入老龄化社会,养老保险制度由以往现收现付制筹资模式向部分积累制转变已是必然。

    When China began to enter old-aged society , the traditional old-age insurance system with " Pay as you go " characteristic is too weak to provide enough security to the olds .

  20. 随着养老保险制度从现金收付制向部分积累制的转变,我国农村社会养老保险基金的规模也开始日益增大。

    With the transition of endowment insurance from Cash receipts and payments to part accumulation , the scale of our country 's rural social endowment insurance fund is increasing day by day .

  21. 近年来,随着中国基本养老保险制度从现收现付制向部分积累制转换,基金的积累周期变长,基金规模日益增大。

    In recent years , with basic pension system in china shifting from the pay-as-you-go system to the integration system , the period for accumulation becomes longer and the scale of fund expands continuously .

  22. 从我国老龄化问题面临的严峻现实入手,揭示了传统养老保险制度的缺陷,并通过对比两种主要模式,提出采取部分积累制,建立我国多层次并举的养老保险体系的主张。

    Starting with the austere reality facing Chinese aging problems , this paper reveals the defects of traditional endowment insurance , and brings forward the opinion of using partial accumulating system to establish multi-level endowment insurance system .

  23. 另一方面,人口老龄化速度加快、社会保险福利费水平刚性上升以及部分积累制改革必须应对的隐形债务问题使社保基金的支出量迅速增加;

    On the other hand , expenditure of social security funds is rapidly increased by the fast pace of population aging , upgrading of social welfare funds and invisible debt problems to be solved in reforms of partial accumulative system .

  24. 为了解决老龄化给现收现付制带来的危机,我国开始寻求养老保险制度新的出路,并将制度改革为社会统筹和个人账户相结合的部分积累制模式。

    In order to solve the aging of pay-as-you-go system crisis , our country began to seek a new way of endowment insurance system , and the system reform of social pooling and individual account a combination of partial accumulation model .

  25. 为了应对人口老龄化,我国对基本养老保险制度的筹资模式进行了重要变革,使之从原来实行的现收现付制改为统帐结合的部分积累制。

    For replying to aging , we take action to reform the financing pattern of social endowment insurance system , which is from the pattern of " pay as you go " to the pattern of public account linked individual account .

  26. 长期偏高的缴费水平既不利于企业发展,也不利于养老保险制度的持续健康发展,最终违背了社会养老保险制度实行部分积累制的设计初衷。

    Long-term high payment impacts the survival and development of enterprises . And it is not conducive to sustained healthy development of pension insurance system . In the end , it is against the social pension insurance system designed to be part of the cumulative system .

  27. 另一方面,本章通过运用经济学理论模型对事业单位实行社会统筹与个人账户相结合的部分积累制养老模式进行了求证。第六章是事业单位养老保险制度的转制成本分析。

    On the other hand , this chapter through the application of economic theory model of social institutions with personal accounts of some of the accumulation of a combination of old-age pension system to verify models . Chapter ⅵ is the pension system and institutions of the conversion cost analysis .

  28. 我国养老保险基金历经了十多年的改革,已实现了从现收现付制向部分积累基金制的转换。

    Old Age Insurance Funds in China has been reformed for more than ten years , with the transition from the system of collection followed by payment to the system of accumulative funds .

  29. 我国已于1997年正式建立了社会统筹和个人账户相结合的基本制度,基金管理方式也由现收现付制转向部分个人积累制。

    Our country has already established the basic system which combine between the social whole and personal account in 1997.The method of funds management has turned from the ready money pay cash to personal accumulation .

  30. 我国采取的统账结合的制度安排模式,使得由现收现付制向部分基金积累制转轨面临更为严峻的挑战和考验。

    Our country chooses the mode of the united accounts of social welfare , turning from " pay-as-you-go system " into " Accumulation Pension System ", which will bring us more rigorous challenges and trials .