
cái zhènɡ chì zì
  • Fiscal deficit;financial deficit
  1. 影响我国国债发行规模的最重要因素是居民储蓄、GDP、国债还本付息额和财政赤字。

    The most important factor that influences the size of public debt is dweller 's savings , GDP , repayment of capital and interest of public debt , financial deficit .

  2. 财政赤字、铸币收入与通货膨胀

    On the Relationship of Financial Deficit , Seigniorage and Inflation

  3. 到1973年,政府财政赤字相当于国民生产总值的30%。

    By 1973 the government deficit equalled thirty per cent of GNP .

  4. 他承诺着手解决国家庞大的财政赤字问题。

    He promised to get to work on the state 's massive deficit

  5. 会议指出,要抓紧研究提出一揽子宏观政策措施,适当提高财政赤字率,发行特别国债,增加地方政府专项债券规模,引导贷款市场利率下行。

    A package of macro policies and measures will be introduced , the meeting noted2 , and China will appropriately raise the fiscal3 deficit4 ratio , issue special treasury5 bonds , increase the scale of special bonds for local governments , and guide the interest rate to decline in the loan market .

  6. 财政赤字对GDP的冲击效应分析

    Empirical Analysis of Deficit 's Innovation Effect to GDP in China

  7. 税收措施也将令财政赤字占gdp的比例减少4%。

    Tax measures are to yield 4 per cent of GDP .

  8. 经济合作和发展组织(OrganizationforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment,OECD)反而批评美国巨大的财政赤字。

    The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in return criticized the United States for its huge budget deficits .

  9. 首先,德国财政赤字在2003年达到峰值时只有GDP的4%。

    First , Germany 's fiscal deficit peaked at only 4 per cent of GDP in 2003 .

  10. 摩根大通估计,今年日本财政赤字的GDP占比预计将达到11.5%&这是一个惊人的数字。

    The fiscal deficit is expected to reach a shocking 11.5 per cent this year , JPMorgan estimates .

  11. 如果政府尝试过结束财政赤字正如它们在上世纪30年代所尝试过的那样那么,我们可能已身陷另一场大萧条(GreatDepression)之中。

    If governments had tried to close fiscal deficits , as they attempted to do in the 1930s , we would be in another Great Depression .

  12. 正如野村综合研究所(nomuraresearch)的辜朝明(richardkoo)所言,财政赤字帮助私人部门实现去杠杆化。

    As Richard Koo of Nomura Research has argued , fiscal deficits help the private sector deleverage .

  13. 此外,欧元区总体公共债务仅占其gdp的84%,而财政赤字仅占6%。

    Moreover , overall eurozone public debt is only 84 per cent of GDP , while its fiscal deficit is 6 per cent .

  14. 预计明年经合组织整体的实际财政赤字将占国内生产总值(GDP)的8.7%,其中结构型赤字为5.2%。

    The real OECD-wide fiscal deficit is forecast at 8.7 of gross domestic product next year , with a structural deficit of 5.2 per cent .

  15. 如果结构性经常账户赤字占gdp的比例处于4%,那么整个财政赤字需要占到gdp的10%。

    If the structural current account deficit remained 4 per cent of GDP , the overall fiscal deficit would need to be 10 per cent of GDP .

  16. 英国私人部门平衡的转移幅度,预计也将达到GDP的8.9%,被财政赤字的大幅上升所抵消。

    The UK 's private balance is also forecast to improve by 8.9 per cent of GDP , offset by the huge deterioration in the fiscal position .

  17. 而这些措施的结果是,冰岛的财政赤字估计已降至其国内生产总值(GDP)的1%至2%,2008年的这个数字是14%。

    And as a result , the fiscal deficit has fallen to an estimated 1-2 per cent of gross domestic product from 14 per cent in 2008 .

  18. 英国和美国没有出现这样的情况,因为在美联储(Fed)和英国央行(bankofEngland)启动各自的债券购买计划时,这两个国家运行着巨额财政赤字。

    That did not happen in the US and the UK because these countries had large fiscal deficits when the Federal Reserve and Bank of England began their respective bond-buying programmes .

  19. 但在g20内部仍然存在担心,认为匆忙削减财政赤字可能在短期内有损经济复苏。

    But there were concerns around the G20 that the rush to reduce budget deficits would undermine recovery in the near term .

  20. 那些曾放任预算纪律日渐松弛的国家应该继续削减支出:比如马来西亚,该国今年的财政赤字已达到国内生产总值(GDP)的5.6%。

    And those that have allowed budget discipline to slip should continue making cuts : Malaysia for example , where the fiscal deficit this year is 5.6 per cent of GDP .

  21. 近四年来,美国政府财政赤字规模一直高于1万亿美元,政策利率在接近于零的水平徘徊,美联储(fed)资产负债表规模激增,为何这些因素没能推动经济实现较快增长?

    After almost four years of $ 1tn-plus fiscal deficits , near-zero policy rates , and a fed balance sheet that is pregnant with triplets , how can we not have some growth , any growth ?

  22. 但是,不论重组与否,希腊都需要消除基本财政赤字、实现财政盈余。有了IMF的支持,要实现这一点总会容易一些。

    But restructuring or no , Greece still needed to turn a primary fiscal deficit into a surplus , and was always likely to find that easier when supported by the IMF .

  23. 届时希腊将不再支付债务利息,但它必须一下子消除占gdp9%-10%的基本财政赤字(付息前的赤字)。

    The country would then no longer pay debt interest , but it would have to close its primary fiscal deficit ( the deficit before interest payments ) , of 9-10 per cent of GDP , at once .

  24. 据苏格兰政府称,即使把苏格兰在北海收入中的所谓地理份额包含在内,其2009-10财年的总体财政赤字仍然为GDP的10.6%。

    According to the Scottish government , even with what it calls its geographical share of revenue from the North Sea , its overall fiscal position was a deficit of 10.6 per cent of gross domestic product in 2009-10 .

  25. 比如说,假设一国政府的债务再融资周期是6年,同时财政赤字约为GDP的3%,则它每年需要发行相当于其GDP五分之一的新债。

    If , say , a government rolls over its debt every six years and also runs a fiscal deficit of about 3 per cent of GDP , it needs to issue new debt equal to a fifth of GDP every year .

  26. 自上世纪50年代以来,政策制定者应对接连不断的经济低迷的方式,本质上都是同样的凯恩斯(Keynes)主义。他们允许财政赤字扩大,并通过降息刺激总需求。

    Policymakers have responded to successive economic downturns in essentially the same Keynesian way since the 1950s . Fiscal deficits have been allowed to rise and interest rates to fall to stimulate aggregate demand .

  27. 这些担保加上私人部门紧缩造成的巨额财政赤字国际货币基金组织(imf)的资料显示,爱尔兰私人部门今年的财政盈余将达到gdp的15%导致了公共债务的爆炸式增长。

    The combination of the guarantees with huge fiscal deficits caused by private sector retrenchment the Irish private sector will run a financial surplus of 15 per cent of GDP this year , according to the International Monetary Fund has caused an explosion of public indebtedness .

  28. 众议院议长博纳(JOHNBOEHNER,俄亥俄州共和党人)向共和党人介绍了一项方案,该方案将在10年内将财政赤字削减至少3万亿美元,同时分两个阶段将债务上限提高2.5万亿美元。

    House Speaker John Boehner ( R. , Ohio ) briefed Republicans on a plan that would cut the deficit by at least $ 3 trillion over 10 years while raising the debt ceiling in two stages by up to $ 2.5 trillion .

  29. 曾记否:日本央行(BoJ)曾将利率降至零水平,并推出量化宽松政策和各色计划以鼓励放贷,与此同时日本政府一直维持着极高的财政赤字&然而日本还是身陷通缩的泥潭。

    Remember the Bank of Japan pushed rates to zero , launched quantitative easing and assorted programmes to jump-start lending - all while the government ran substantial budget deficits - and still Japan remained mired in deflation .

  30. 包括G8主要的工业大国和中国印度等重要的发展中国家经济体在内的G20同意为削减赤字提出时间限制,同时给予各国政府根据自身情况调整变更速度的灵活性。由东道主加拿大提议的计划要求大部分先进国家在2013年之前将财政赤字削减一半。

    G20 Commits to Deficit Reduction Time Line The G20 , which includes major industrialized powers in the Group of Eight plus developing nations with significant economies such as China and India , agreed to a A plan promoted by host Canada will have the most advanced countries cut their budget deficits in half by 2013 .