
cái zhènɡ ɡuǎn lǐ tǐ zhì
  • Financial management system;financial control system
  1. 南朝财政管理体制探微。

    Fourth , the Southern Dynasty financial control system searches micro .

  2. 一个国家、一个地区的财政管理体制不是一成不变的,它随着社会经济形势和社会环境的变化而不断调整和完善。

    A national , a local financial control system is not irrevocable , but it along with social economy situation and social environment change continual readjustment and consummation .

  3. 总而言之,Byrd强调,公共财政管理体制的根本作用就是提供服务。

    Overall , Byrd stresses that the ultimate outcome of an effective public finance management system is to deliver services .

  4. 希望本文通过对TL镇为例进行的完善乡镇财政管理体制的措施,能够为我国的乡镇财政管理体制及乡镇财政的良好运作提供借鉴和参考。

    It is hoped that , through the solution made for perfecting the fiscal management system of TL Town , this paper could provide some reference and guidance for the health operation of township fiscal management system and township finance in China .

  5. 新中国财政管理体制的变迁与完善

    The Changes and Improvement of Fiscal Management System of New China

  6. 镇级财政管理体制变革的制度分析&以深圳市宝安区沙井镇为例

    On Fiscal Management System on the Town Level

  7. 永州市财政管理体制改革问题研究

    Reforms on Fiscal Management System of Yongzhou City

  8. 改革财政管理体制,强化支出管理与监督。

    Reform the public finance management system , enhance the expenditure management and inspect .

  9. 中国财政管理体制改革30年规律总结与取向展望

    Summary and Prospects of Financial Management System Reform in China over the Past 30 Years

  10. 第一,改革县乡财政管理体制。

    The first issue is to reform the fiscal administration system of counties and towns .

  11. 二是改革财政管理体制,确保基层政权的正常运转。

    Two is reforming the financial management system to ensure the normal operation of grassroots .

  12. 内容提要现阶段我国财政管理体制具有混合性、高度复杂性和易变性的特点。

    Now Chinese fiscal administrative system has the characteristics of over-commixing , over-complex and changeability .

  13. 我国县乡财政管理体制改革思路探析

    An Exploration of the Thinking over County and Township Fiscal Management System Reform in China

  14. 转移支付是一国财政管理体制的重要组成部分。

    Intergovernmental transfer system is an important part of the fiscal management system of a country .

  15. 进一步深化县乡财政管理体制改革的思考&以贵州省为例

    Thinking of further deepening county and countryside finance management mechanism reform & take Guizhou as example

  16. 实施国库集中收付制度,是我国财政管理体制改革的重大举措。它对于规范预算执行程序,提高财政资金的拨付效率;

    The enforcement of fiscal centralization is a major measure in reforming China 's fiscal administration system .

  17. 税权是分税制财政管理体制法的核心内容。

    The tax right is the key of financial system of law of the system of tax allocation .

  18. 本文的理论创新还表现在,对义务教育的财政管理体制进行了细致的分析,财政管理体制就是要明确在义务教育提供过程中,不同级次政府所担负的职责。

    Public finance governing structure is a system that distributes the public responsibility among different levels of government .

  19. 第六部分,比较分析西方主要国家财政管理体制的主要特点。

    Part Six makes a comparative analysis on the characteristics of fiscal management system in major western countries .

  20. 新中国财政管理体制变迁研究(1949-1958)

    The Study on Changes of the Financial Management System of the People 's Republic of China ( 1949-1958 )

  21. 第二部分叙述了省管县财政管理体制的紧迫性、理论基础和基本内容。

    Part II describes the " County ," the urgency of the financial management systems , theoretical basis and fundamental content .

  22. 财政管理体制改革的一项重要内容就是实行会计集中核算制度。

    One of the important issues in the reform of the financial management system is to exercise the centralized accounting system .

  23. 第五部分对聊城市县乡财政管理体制存在的问题提出针对性的对策和建议。

    Liaocheng City , county and township for the fifth part of the structure of the problem put forward countermeasures and suggestions .

  24. 但从我国县乡的财政管理体制的实际运转情况看,还存在着不少问题。

    However , there remain many problems from the perspective of the actual functioning of the county and township financial management system .

  25. 第四部分介绍了完善省管县财政管理体制的措施,从不同的方面提出了改革的建议。

    Part IV describes the perfect " County ," measures of financial management system , from different aspects of the reform proposals .

  26. 此外,通过深化财政管理体制改革,构建地方政府融资体系,为地方政府融资铺平道路。

    Moreover , by deepening the financial management system , build local government financing system to pave the way for local government finance .

  27. 在现行的行政管理体制、财政管理体制和干部管理机制下,存在管事与管人相分离的突出问题。

    In the current administrative management system , financial management system and the cadre management mechanism , existing problems and pipe work phase separation .

  28. 可见过度分权化的义务教育财政管理体制是制约当今中国义务教育发展的症结所在。

    From this we can draw a conclusion that excessive division of powers in compulsory educational system is restricting the development of Chinese compulsory education .

  29. 政府间转移支付规模过大或过小都会影响分税制财政管理体制目标的实现。

    Either too large or too small scale of inter-governmental transfer payment will influence the achievement of aim of tax distribution in financial management system .

  30. 1994年我国建立了分税制财政管理体制,这标志着我国地方税体系的初步确立。

    The financial management system of taxation separation was established in 1994 , which indicated the starting of the local taxation system in our country .