
  • 网络Financial Functions;Fiscal Function;functions of public finance
  1. 在深化改革中强化财政职能

    Reinforcing Functions of Public Finance in Deepening Reform

  2. 我国政府公共财政职能正在逐步实行三大转变,即宏观上合理配置资源的职能、收入再分配职能和稳定社会的职能。

    The functions of public finance were changing gradually , which were described as resources allocation , income redistribution and society stabilization in macro-economics .

  3. 库尔纳人民黄麻厂将在2010年二月份恢复它的财政职能,并由BJMC管理。

    Khulna People 's Jute Mills will resume its functions by February and will be managed by BJMC .

  4. 试论地方财政职能及其运行机制

    On the Functions of Local Public Finance and its Operating Mechanism

  5. 东西方财政职能演进的启示与思考

    Thought on the Fiscal Functions Evolvement in East and West

  6. 发挥财政职能加强环境保护

    Utilizing the Financial Function and Strengthening the Environmental Protection

  7. 对财政职能若干理论问题的探讨

    Discuss on some Theoretical Issues of the Financial Functions

  8. 浅论我国公共财政职能

    On the Function of Public Finance in Our Country

  9. 地方分权与乡镇财政职能

    Fiscal Decentralization and Functions of the Township Government

  10. 关于完善我国财政职能的一些思考

    Reflections on the Perfection of our Financial Functions

  11. 转变财政职能建立公共财政

    Transforming Fiscal Functions and Establishing Public Economy

  12. 政府财政职能问题研究

    A Study of Financial Function of Government

  13. 居民收入分配中财政职能强化和调控对策研究

    Research on Strengthening Fiscal Redistribution Function and Readjusting Income Distribution Through Fiscal & Tax Policy

  14. 论财政职能的转变

    On the transformation of financial function

  15. 第四部分,讨论了政府财政职能的领域、功能、方式和价值取向。

    The fourth section discusses the field , pattern and value orientation of governmental financial function .

  16. 浅论政府行为制约下的财政职能

    Fiscal Functions Checked by Government Act

  17. 西部经济重建和破解三农问题中强化财政职能的一个新途径

    A New Approach for Strengthening the Financial Function in the Reconstruction of Economy in Western China

  18. 财政职能与财政职能范围

    Financial Functions and Their Range

  19. 积极发挥财政职能促进粮食宏观调控

    Fiscal Instrument for Grain Regulation

  20. 资源流动性与经济转型时期的中国地方财政职能

    The Relationship between Fluidity of Resources and the Functions of Sub-National Finance of China in Transforming Times

  21. 行政事业单位国有资产监管也是我国国有资产管理和公共财政职能的一个重要部分。

    Supervision on administrative assets plays an important part in State-owned assets management and public finance in China .

  22. 财政职能是政府活动所固有的经济活动,随着政府职能的转变,与其相适应的财政职能也应该转变,一个国家财政支出结构是其财政职能的具体表现。

    Fiscal function inherently belongs to a government and should change accordingly with the change of government function .

  23. 转变政府经济职能,核心的内容就是必须明确政府的公共财政职能。

    The central command of the transformation of governmental economic function is to define governmental public financial function .

  24. 财政职能作用能否更高效率的发挥以及财政资金能否高效率使用都取决于财政管理水平的高或低。

    Whether financial functions play an efficient role and funds are used efficient depend on the financial management level .

  25. 政府通过征税以满足公民的公共需要,实现国家的公共财政职能。

    The government satisfies the commonality needs of the citizens and achieves the commonality finance functions by imposing the taxes .

  26. 完善的政府会计理论与实务、健全的公共财政职能都是良好的公共治理的关键因素。

    Reasonable theories and practices of government accounting and public finance are both key elements of sound public governance structure .

  27. 根据事物的普遍性和特殊性关系,可以把财政职能分为一般、特殊和个别。

    According to the relationship between universality and particularity , financial functions can be divided into general , special and individual .

  28. 国内外有关公共财政职能的文献可谓汗牛充栋,而最为经典的是著名财政学家马斯格雷夫所作的分类。本文认同这种分类方法,但是得出这一分析结论的角度却有所不同。

    The classification which is self-identified by this article of public finance function put forward by Musgrave is classical among literatures .

  29. 政府的财政职能一般被规定为三大职能:资源配置、分配调节和社会经济稳定。

    So the government 's main economic role is allocation , such as the provision of public goods and merit goods .

  30. 有效的政府管制措施有助于财政职能的发挥,资源优化配置的实现,进而促进经济的稳定增长和人民福利水平的提高。

    Effective regulations go a long way to the realization of public finance function and to the optimization of resource allocation .