
cái zhènɡ wēi jī
  • financial crisis
财政危机 [cái zhèng wēi jī]
  • [financial crisis] 财政预算出现巨额赤字,无力偿还债务,国家经济运转受到严重威胁

  1. 财政危机已引发了新的变数。

    The financial crisis has brought new factors into play .

  2. 公司正面临财政危机。

    The company is facing a financial crisis .

  3. 如果不对其加以阻止,财政危机将会加剧。

    If this is not stopped , the financial crisis will deepen

  4. 政府把自己推向了财政危机的边缘。

    The government brought itself to the brink of fiscal disaster

  5. 我们必须使公司尽早摆脱财政危机的困境。

    We must pull our company out of the financial crisis as soon as possible .

  6. 国际货币基金组织(imf)正处于财政危机之中。

    The International Monetary Fund is in financial crisis .

  7. 并不存在一个神奇的债务对gdp比值,一旦突破这个比值就会自动引发财政危机。

    There is no magic level of debt to GDP that will automatically trigger a fiscal crisis .

  8. 而相比之下,尽管市场对欧洲的财政危机感到惶惶不安,但纳斯达克综合指数(NasdaqComposite)仅下跌了5%。

    The Nasdaq composite , by contrast , declined 5 % in a market jittery about the financial turmoil in Europe .

  9. 迄今为止,npc已经和大约170家公司合作,其中一些公司正面临一触即发的财政危机。

    To date , the NPC has worked with about 170 companies , some facing imminent financial ruin .

  10. 或许需要一场真正的财政危机才能说服法国人,就像撒切尔夫人(MargaretThatcher)曾说过的那样:别无选择。

    It may need a genuine fiscal crisis finally to persuade the French that , as Margaret Thatcher once put it : There is no alternative .

  11. 欧洲财政危机可能是下周墨西哥G20经济会议的主要议题,财长盖特纳将出席会议。

    But details of any deal with big European economies have yet to be decided . Europe 's financial crisis is likely to be the main issue at the G-20 economic meeting in Mexico next week .

  12. NEC是设计团队中的重要一员,不过他们宣称由于遇到财政危机因此不得不在原型机制造阶段离开项目组。

    NEC was an important part of the design team but said that its own struggling business has forced it to halt participation in the manufacturing phase of the supercomputer effort .

  13. 那些热议中的新兴国家金砖四国(Brics,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)都需要一场财政危机,把它们送上经济改革和国家复兴之路。

    Those much discussed emerging powers , the Brics ( Brazil , Russia , India and China ) all needed a fiscal crisis to set them on the road to economic reform and national resurgence .

  14. PhilipsAvent公司的家庭理财专家SueHayward表示;只要稍稍计划一下,新手父母们迎接宝宝降生时就能够理性消费,而不会遭遇财政危机。

    Philips Avent ` s family finance expert Sue Hayward added : ` With just a little planning new parents can make some sound purchases to welcome their baby into the world without breaking the bank .

  15. CedarRidgePartners公司管理着六亿多美元的资产,其合伙人盖•本斯泰德(GuyBenstead)在谈到近期这些备受瞩目的债券违约时说,这是一些地方政府出现财政危机的具体体现,但不至于蔓延开来。

    The recent bankruptcies ' are very specific instances of financial trouble , ' says Guy Benstead , a partner at Cedar Ridge Partners , which manages more than $ 600 million , speaking of the high-profile defaults . ' But contagion is just not there . '

  16. 正如塔列朗(Talleyrand)据信在谈及波旁皇族时所说的那样,政策制定者们什么都没学会,也什么都没忘记&尤其是在当前财政危机的私人财务根源这一点上。

    As Talleyrand is supposed to have said of the Bourbons , policymakers have learnt nothing and forgotten nothing , not least about the private financial roots of the present fiscal crises .

  17. 晚宋宫廷浪费与财政危机

    Financial Crisis in the Late Song Dynasty and the Court Waste

  18. 目前欧元区没有正在进行中的财政危机谈判。

    No crunch negotiations on the eurozone are currently under way .

  19. 财政危机之后,她陷入了贫困。

    After the financial disaster , she was consigned to poverty .

  20. 这么说吧,财政危机可能是金融危机之后的余震。

    Well , fiscal crises can be the aftershocks of financial crises .

  21. 财政危机至少在一些情况下是有可能的。

    Fiscal crises are at least conceivable in some cases .

  22. 此外,这些高税收国家也没有遭遇财政危机。

    Moreover , these high-tax countries are also not suffering fiscal crises .

  23. 他推测这家公司不久就会陷入财政危机。

    He conjectured that the company would soon be in financial difficulties .

  24. 高等教育财政危机:发展中国家解决途径述评

    Financial Crisis of Higher Education : Commenting the Resolvents in Developing Countries

  25. 我可能还会遭遇财政危机。

    I would have had a financial calamity , frankly .

  26. 他们的财政危机日益加剧。

    Their financial crisis is getting ever more acute .

  27. 美国财政危机的不确定性已导致金融市场接连几周的动荡。

    Uncertainty over the U.S. fiscal crisis has roiled financial markets for weeks .

  28. 晚宋财政危机原因初探

    Analysis on the Causes of the Financial Crisis in the Late Song Dynasty

  29. 这次财政危机意味着政府的经济政策破产了。

    This financial crisis means that the government 's economic policcy is finished .

  30. 北宋中期以后,发生了严重的财政危机。

    Serious financial crisis came into being in the middle northern song dynasty .