
cái zhènɡ shuì shōu
  • Fiscal revenue;fiscal levy
  1. 因此,他认为财政税收的理论研究应当和法学研究联系起来。

    Therefore , he thought that the fiscal levy the fundamental research must contact with the legal science research .

  2. 汤教授首先指出自己在学术研究上的一点体会,即财政税收和法学联系非常紧密。

    Professor Tang first pointed out that he in a scholarly research 's experience , namely the fiscal levy is close with the legal science relation .

  3. 无论是在吸纳劳动力、增加财政税收、对我国GDP的增长等方面都有着不可磨灭的贡献。

    Whether absorbing labor 、 increasing tax revenue and promoting GDP growth for our country and so on , They have an important contribution .

  4. 二是实施一系列财政税收支持;

    Second , implement a series of financial and revenue support ;

  5. 降低他们的财政税收,对他们都有好处。

    They get a cut of the revenue , which is helpful .

  6. 促进国内居民消费需求的理论诠释及政策建议&基于财政税收政策的视角

    On Promoting Consumption by Domestic Residents : Theoretical Interpretation and Policy Suggestions

  7. 对当前财政税收高速增长的分析与思考

    Analysis on the Present Highly Increasing Financial Tax Income

  8. 运用财政税收政策扩大居民消费需求

    On the Application of Fiscal and Tax Policy to Expand Resident Consumption Demand

  9. 财政税收政策正是这一系列政策中最具效果的。

    Financial and tax policies is the most effect policy of these measures .

  10. 这个市去年的财政税收合计达10亿美元。

    The financial revenue of the city last year added up to10 billion dollars .

  11. 财政税收政策与中国农业可持续发展

    The Policy of Finance and Taxation and China s Sustained Development of the Agriculture

  12. 支持清洁能源发展的财政税收政策建议

    Recommendations on Fiscal Policy Supporting Clean Energy Development

  13. 一九九四年我国进行了财政税收体制改革。

    In 1994 China conducted a taxation reform .

  14. 最后分析了财政税收政策对风险投资产生影响的经济学原理。

    Fiscal and taxation policies affect the venture capital in both theory and practice .

  15. 财政税收与印度经济发展

    Public finance and economic development in India

  16. 政府可以通过财政税收政策影响企业创新的不同方面。

    The government can affect different aspects of enterprise innovation through financial and tax policies .

  17. 第五是财政税收制度的改革的进一步完善。

    Fifthly , will be the furtherance of the reform in the fiscal and taxation system .

  18. 政策主要是财政税收优惠政策和风险担保政策。

    Secondly , the policies of financial and tax preferential policies and risk guarantee are necessary .

  19. 上海科技投资与财政税收的配套改革研究

    A Study of Complete Reform of Scientific and Technological in Investment and Financial Revenue in Shanghai

  20. 西部大开发与财政税收手段

    Western development and financial tax means

  21. 对十一五时期我国财政税收发展的几点看法

    On the Fiscal and Tax Development during the Period of the " Eleventh Five-Year Planning "

  22. 论统筹区域发展的财政税收立法

    On the Legislature on Finance and Tax Revenue to Plan as a Whole to Regional Development

  23. 而财政税收问题又是权益分配的焦点问题。

    Financial and tax issues and is the focal point of the allocation of rights and interests .

  24. 在经济手段中,财政税收政策将扮演非常明显和主要的作用。

    In the economic means , fiscal and tax policy will play an obvious and essential role .

  25. 国务院应当制定有利于实施清洁生产的财政税收政策。

    The State Council shall formulate fiscal and tax policies conducive to the implementation of cleaner production .

  26. 作为一国财政税收制度对保险供给方和需求方课税的方式和征税力度都可以有效地影响保险产品的供求,从而对保险行业的发展产生巨大而深远的影响。

    As the insurance tax system , it will have deep effect on the supplier and buyer of insurance .

  27. 晚清至日本投降前宣化县财政税收概况

    Outline of Xuanhua 's Financial Taxation & From the Late Period of Qing Dynasty to that of Japanese Surrender

  28. 采取多种财政税收激励政策,以激励企业对创新药物的投入。

    Government makes a variety of financial and tax incentive policies to encourage enterprises to investment in innovative drugs .

  29. 我国当前的财政税收政策存在一些不利于农业可持续发展的问题。

    There are some problems on the sustained development of the agriculture in the present financial and tax policies .

  30. 首先,政府应该从财政税收中全部承担到期即付的遗留福利债务。

    First , the government should finance all legacy benefits out of general tax revenues on a pay-as-you-go basis .