
  1. 会议指出,要抓紧研究提出一揽子宏观政策措施,适当提高财政赤字率,发行特别国债,增加地方政府专项债券规模,引导贷款市场利率下行。

    A package of macro policies and measures will be introduced , the meeting noted2 , and China will appropriately raise the fiscal3 deficit4 ratio , issue special treasury5 bonds , increase the scale of special bonds for local governments , and guide the interest rate to decline in the loan market .

  2. 多杂质质量交换网络赤字率方法的改进

    Improved Method of Mass-Exchange Network with Multiple Impurities Deficit Diagram

  3. 去年只有美国,希腊,爱尔兰的赤字率较高。

    Only America , Greece and Ireland had bigger deficit ratios last year .

  4. 但是,我国的国债政策并没有有效启动国内最终消费需求,而且国债规模的急速膨胀导致了我国赤字率、政府偿债率和国债负担率的快速增长。

    But the increase of bonds scale lead to deficit problem and government payment burden .

  5. 报告称,中国今年的赤字率预计将在3.6%以上。

    The report says China 's deficit-to-GDP ratio this year is projected at more than 3.6 percent .

  6. 而加入欧元共同货币区的国家相比非欧元区国家的财政赤字率也更高。

    Country to join the euro area compared to non-euro-zone countries , the rate of the deficit higher .

  7. 同时在对政府赤字率的分时段平稳性检验中,证明了欧洲财政纪律约束存在着作用。

    Meanwhile , this paper proves the function of financial discipline by testing the stationary of government deficit ratio in different periods .

  8. 刘昆呼吁,要坚持提高政府赤字率、实施税费减免、扩大政府投资等措施。

    Liu calls for measures including increasing the government deficit ratio , implementing tax and fee reductions , and expanding government investments .

  9. 从债务风险角度判断中国合理的财政赤字率的关键是看经济增长速度是否大于真实利率。

    Based on the government 's debt risk , the rational deficit ratio depends on whether the economic growth rate exceeds the real interest .

  10. 论证和说明中国现阶段的赤字率和债务率及其警戒线,是本文展开分析的主题。

    To analyze and explain the deficit rate and debt rate and their boundaries in China 's current development stage is the main subject of this paper .

  11. 即使美国经济完全摆脱衰退,实现复苏,这些因素也将导致该国的结构性赤字率接近3%,不利于可持续经济复苏。

    Even once the economy has wholly recovered from the recession , these factors mean that the country faces a structural deficit of around 3 % , which is not sustainable .

  12. 欧元区各国多数出现财政状况恶化,政府财政赤字率和政府债务负担率不断上升,其中尤以希腊、爱尔兰、葡萄牙、意大利和西班牙等国最为严重。

    Most euro area members are experiencing awful financial situation , with increasing government deficit ratios and government debt ratios , among which countries like Greece , Ireland , Portugal , Italy and Spain are most serious .

  13. 其中上期政府债务率、经济增长率、实际利率和政府连续执政时间对政府财政年度赤字率有负的影响,政府财政支出则有正的影响。

    Government debt rate of the previous year , the rate of economic growth , real interest rates and the government ruling the government fiscal year deficit rate have a negative impact , and the government expenditure may have a positive impact .

  14. 笔者从动态和静态两个角度对我国国债政策的可持续性和债务风险进行了分析,从动态看未来我国保持1&2%的基本赤字率可将债务风险控制在安全范围之内。

    Dynamically and statically , the paper analyses the sustainability of national debt policy and financial risk in China : Dynamically , financial risks can be within safe scope if basic deficit ratio can be kept between 1 percent and 2 percent ;

  15. 同时引用国际经济学的模型进一步论证了中美贸易并不是美国贸易赤字和失业率上升的主要原因。

    By using the model of international economics , further demonstrates that Sino-American trade is not the main reason of the trade deficit and the increase of unemployment rate in America .

  16. 本文基于地方政府财政赤字与通货膨胀率相关关系的模型,对我国地方政府收支与地方性通货膨胀的关系进行实证研究。

    Based on the model of local governments ' deficits and inflation , this paper means to make empirical studies on the relationship between Chinese local governments ' economic behavior and local inflation .

  17. 他们还有很多其它理由:各国居高不下的财政赤字、通胀率和负债水平,低得异常的政策利率,糟糕的全球协作,中国地产与大宗商品价格的潜在泡沫,甚至新西兰的那场地震。

    There are many others : high levels for fiscal deficits , inflation and debts , freakily low policy interest rates , poor global co-ordination , possible Chinese property and commodity bubbles , and even an earthquake in New Zealand .

  18. 长期赤字、高通胀率和被高估的汇率,使得巴西别无选择,只能收紧货币政策、接受衰退。

    Chronic deficits , high inflation and an overvalued exchange rate have left the country with no alternative but tighter monetary policy and a recession .

  19. 通过考察我国的债务水平,笔者认为,我国的赤字规模,远低于临界赤字率,与国际相比,也处在低水平上,财政赤字的压力在财政承受能力之内;

    And when compared with other countries , it is also at a low level , thus the pressure coming from fiscal deficit is within the financial capacity .

  20. 今年拟安排财政赤字1.62万亿元,比去年增加2700亿元,赤字率从去年的2.1%提高到2.3%。

    The government budget deficit for 2015 is projected to be 1.62 trillion yuan , an increase of 270 billion yuan over last year , which means that the deficit to GDP ratio will rise from last year 's 2.1 % to 2.3 % .

  21. 财政赤字和国债规模随着经济总量扩大而有所增加,但赤字率稳定在2.1%,体现了财政政策的连续性。

    The government deficit and national debt are increasing along with the growth in the whole economy . However , the deficit rate will be kept at 2.1 % , which demonstrates continuity of our fiscal policy .

  22. 财政赤字占国内生产总值的比重从2009年的2.8%降到去年的1.5%左右,赤字率和债务负担率保持在安全水平。

    As a result , the government deficit dropped from 2.8 % of GDP in 2009 to about 1.5 % last year , and both deficit-to-GDP and debt-to-GDP ratios remained at a safe level .