
  • 网络Deficit treasury bond;deficit covering national bond
  1. 财政赤字、国债与经济增长

    The Impacts of Deficit Financing and National Debts on Economic Growth

  2. 一是保持适度的财政赤字和国债规模。

    First , we will keep the deficit and government bonds at appropriate levels .

  3. 增加中央财政赤字和国债发行规模。

    The central budget deficit and the volume of treasury bonds issued will be increased .

  4. 从改革开放以来,我国的财政隶属度一直呈现递增趋势,特别是1998年至今,过高的隶属度反映了我国存在过高的财政赤字和国债负担。

    Especially from 1998 to now , the high degree of membership represents the high financial deficit and burden of national debt .

  5. 特别是要增加保障改善民生支出,保持对经济增长和结构调整的支持力度,适当扩大财政赤字和国债规模是必要的。

    In particular , it is necessary to increase spending to ensure and improve people 's well-being and maintain support for economic growth and structural adjustment .

  6. 年初适当减少中央财政赤字和国债项目资金,同时增加中央基建投资。

    At the beginning of the year , we reduced the central government deficit and funding for bond-financed projects and increased spending on capital construction in the central budget .

  7. 总统说,两党财政委员会提出的一些建议已为今后艰难的协商提供了框架。该委员会建议大幅削减财政支出来解决财政赤字和国债问题。

    The president said recommendations of a bipartisan fiscal commission , which proposed drastic cuts to deal with deficit spending and the debt , provided a " framework " for tough conversations .

  8. 财政赤字和国债规模随着经济总量扩大而有所增加,但赤字率稳定在2.1%,体现了财政政策的连续性。

    The government deficit and national debt are increasing along with the growth in the whole economy . However , the deficit rate will be kept at 2.1 % , which demonstrates continuity of our fiscal policy .

  9. 笔者认为,政府为弥补预算赤字发行国债,会减少民间部门的资金供给,造成金融市场利率上升,导致民间投资的萎缩,进而降低产出。

    To issue treasury bonds to fetch up budget deficit will lessen the fund supply from nongovernmental sector , drive the interest rate of finance market up , and lead to the atrophy of private investment , thus it cuts down on production .

  10. 尽管人们担心美国的赤字水平,国债收益率仍保持在很低的水平上;当美联储停止买入国债,会出现什么情况呢?

    Yields have stayed very low in spite of the worries about the US deficit ; what happens when the Fed stops buying ?

  11. 共和党人说,如果就削减赤字、降低国债增长幅度达不成一项协议,他们将不会投票支持提高国债上限。

    Absent a deal to cut the deficit and slow the growth rate of the national debt , many Republicans say they will not vote to increase the debt ceiling .

  12. 美国为了填补创纪录的财政赤字而大量抛售国债。

    The U.S.government is selling huge amounts of debt to finance record-high deficits .

  13. 日本曾维持20年的巨额财政赤字,而其国债收益率却一直处于全球最低水平。

    Japan has run huge deficits for 20 years yet with the lowest yields worldwide .

  14. 这一政策实施的直接后果是赤字的出现与国债的发行,赤字和国债又会对经济稳定与经济增长产生一定的影响,进而影响扩张性财政政策的可持续性。

    Direct consequence that policy implements is an appearance of the national debt and deficit , The deficit and national debt will have a certain impact on economic stability and economic growth , and then they will influence the sustainability of expansive financial policy .