
chì zì
  • deficit
赤字 [chì zì]
  • [deficit] 支出大于收入的超出数额,入账时用红笔写,故名财政赤字

赤字[chì zì]
  1. 10万联邦公务人员将被辞退以减少赤字。

    100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit

  2. 到1973年,政府财政赤字相当于国民生产总值的30%。

    By 1973 the government deficit equalled thirty per cent of GNP .

  3. 11月美国的贸易赤字扩大到75.9亿美元。

    The US trade deficit widened to $ 7.59 billion in November .

  4. 在银行的放纵之下,赤字增加了。

    The deficit had grown with the connivance of the banks

  5. 他承诺着手解决国家庞大的财政赤字问题。

    He promised to get to work on the state 's massive deficit

  6. 这些选择实际上只会造成经济形势更加恶化,赤字愈见增加。

    These options would actually worsen the economy and add to the deficit

  7. 出口在缩减,贸易赤字在增长。

    Exports are dwindling and the trade deficit is swelling

  8. 现在,每年的赤字约达3亿美元。

    The deficit is now running at about 300 million dollars a year .

  9. 贸易赤字是经济快速发展带来的负面产物。

    The trade deficit is the flip side of a rapidly expanding economy .

  10. 预算赤字已经猛增到250亿美元。

    The budget deficit has ballooned to $ 25 billion

  11. 奢侈品税其实对削减预算赤字并不会有多少帮助。

    The luxury tax won 't really do much to pare down the budget deficit

  12. 国会预算办公室说有种种的迹象表明联邦赤字正在增加。

    The Congressional Budget Office says the federal deficit shows every sign of getting larger

  13. 他们已准备好削减下一财年的联邦预算赤字。

    They 're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year .

  14. 两国都深受失业率飙升、预算赤字拉大以及财政岌岌可危之苦。

    Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment , large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors .

  15. 布什总统已结束了在削减国家预算赤字的措施上形成的僵局。

    President Bush has ended the stalemate over moves to cut the country 's budget deficit

  16. 简要概括起来,一项关于削减预算赤字的协议在10天前遭到了否决。

    To recap briefly , an agreement negotiated to cut the budget deficit was rejected 10 days ago

  17. 如果不能成功解决赤字问题,我们将错过等了一代人才等来的机会。

    Failing to tackle the deficit would be throwing away an opportunity we haven 't had for a generation

  18. 在公共开支出现赤字的情况下承诺减税让我不以为然。

    I 'm not impressed by the promise of tax cuts against the backcloth of a public-spending deficit .

  19. 我们打电话给3位经济学家询问如何消除赤字,他们坦率地给予了答复。

    We called up three economists to ask how to eliminate the deficit and they obliged with very straightforward answers

  20. 他敦促政府和国会出台一整套切实可行的方案,以缩减预算赤字。

    He urged the administration and Congress to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit .

  21. 美国国会和总统就削减巨额预算赤字的提案仍持不同意见,双方僵持不下。

    The United States Congress and the President are still locked in disagreement over proposals to reduce the massive budget deficit

  22. 考虑到当务之急是削减预算赤字,今年夏天政府只计划向国会申请1,500万美元的预算。

    Given the overriding need to cut the budget deficit , the administration will ask congress for only $ 15 million this summer .

  23. 预算赤字的不断增加开始产生不良后果。

    Rising budget deficit is beginning to bite .

  24. Austerity紧缩欧洲范围内实行的经济政策,主要是通过缩减政府开支减少赤字或借贷。希腊获得援助贷款的前提就是实施紧缩政策,但是今年1月新组建的政府反对紧缩,拒绝执行。

    Europe-wide economic policy of reducing government spending to reduce deficit in Greece as a condition of bailout loans , but rejected by its new anti-austerity government in January .

  25. 市场或许应该对这些赤字感到惊慌失措

    And maybe the markets should be panicking about the deficits .

  26. 董事们报告赤字为250万美元。

    The directors have reported a deficit of 2.5 million dollars .

  27. 财政部一贯高估预算赤字

    The Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits .

  28. 在德国看来,这么大的外部赤字应该转移到哪里

    Where does Germany think offsetting shifts into greater external deficits might occur ?

  29. 出现赤字的90多个国家的净债务(根据飞机租赁调整)平均是EBITDAR(衡量航空公司利润的指标)的6倍。

    The 90-odd that are in the red have on average six times as much net debt ( adjusted for aircraft leases ) as EBITDAR ( a measure of airline profits ) .

  30. 会议指出,要抓紧研究提出一揽子宏观政策措施,适当提高财政赤字率,发行特别国债,增加地方政府专项债券规模,引导贷款市场利率下行。

    A package of macro policies and measures will be introduced , the meeting noted2 , and China will appropriately raise the fiscal3 deficit4 ratio , issue special treasury5 bonds , increase the scale of special bonds for local governments , and guide the interest rate to decline in the loan market .