
  1. 美联储也将买进3000亿美元的长期财政债券。

    The Fed will also buy up to three hundred billion dollars of longterm Treasury bonds .

  2. 政府长期债券和实际财政债券利率依然非常之低,以至于我不得不揉揉眼睛看看是不是看错了。

    The long-term nominal and real Treasury rates continue to be absurdly low , so much so that I rub my eyes whenever I see them .

  3. 他表示不会发行新的财政赤字债券,但有可能为特定项目融资而发行债券。

    He ruled out issuing fresh deficit-financing bonds , though he left open the possibility of bonds to finance specific projects .

  4. A计划是实施紧缩;B计划承认有必要通过结合使用财政转移和债券持有人的贡献,来削减债务。

    Plan B acknowledges the need for debt relief , through some combination of a fiscal transfer and a contribution by bondholders .

  5. 该报告认为,绝大多数国家拥有足够的财政空间让债券市场动荡成为渺小的可能,而债务与国内生产总值(GDP)比率的略微下降几乎无法降低这种可能。

    The paper argues that most countries have enough fiscal space for a bond market revolt to be a distant possibility , one barely lessened by a slightly lower debt / gross domestic product ratio .

  6. 这点在美国财政部通货膨胀保值债券的(TIPS)市场上表现最为明显。

    That 's clearest in the market for Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities .

  7. 出于这个原因,在你的固定收益投资中持有部分财政部通货膨胀保值债券(TIPS)当是明智之举。

    For that reason , it 's smart to have a portion of your fixed-income investments in Treasury inflation-protected securities , or TIPS .

  8. 对比10年期美国国债和10年期财政部通胀保值债券(Tips)的利率,支持长期名义利率上升源于通胀预期的解释。

    Comparing the interest rates on 10-year Treasuries with the interest rates for 10-year Treasury inflation protected securities ( Tips ) supports this inflation explanation for the rise in long-term nominal rates .

  9. 惠誉(FitchRatings)表示,任何新债换旧债或债务互换行为仍会被视为违约,这对财政部长们和债券持有人试图寻找解决方案时构成了限制。

    Fitch Ratings said that any rollover or debt exchange would still be considered a default , which constrains finance ministers and bond holders as they try to hammer out a rescue .

  10. 美国财政部通胀保值债券(tips)能够以0.046%的负收益率出售,显示出债券投资者愿意高价购买这种债券,他们认为长期来看,这种债券将针对侵蚀固定收益率回报的价格大幅上涨提供补偿。

    The sale of Treasury inflation protected securities , or tips , at a negative yield of 0.046 per cent shows the willingness of bond investors to pay up for a security that will over time compensate them for a sharp rise in prices that would erode fixed rate returns .

  11. 过去一年,美国财政部票据和债券的拍卖次数增加了一倍,达72次。

    In the past year , the Treasury has doubled the number of note and bond auctions to 72 .

  12. 在某个时候,随着多数主要经济体采用相同的财政政策,全球债券市场将会透不过气。

    At some point , with most big economies adopting the same fiscal policy , global bond markets are going to start choking .

  13. 认为农村社保银行的负债筹资来源应该包括财政划拨、专用债券和农村土地产权货币价值。

    It considers that the fund of rural social security should include the government finance , special bond and the money value of the rural land .

  14. 在财政紧张和市政债券过度发行时期,美国各州限制、甚至禁止公共部门投资私人公司,并规定了债券发行上限。

    US states responded to episodes of financial stress and over-issuance of municipal debt by limiting or preventing public investment in private companies and capping debt issuance .

  15. 分析家们指出西班牙是一个风险,由于推测西班牙这个欧洲第四大的经济体会寻求财政支持,西班牙债券的收益率从3月份以来已经翻番了。

    Analysts point to Spain as a potential risk . Yields for Spanish bonds have doubled since March on speculation that the Europe 's fourth largest economy might seek financial support .