
  • 网络currency issue for fiscal purposes
  1. 美元的财政发行行为是美国量化宽松货币政策的表现形式。

    The fiscal issue behavior of dollars is the representational form of U.S. quantitative looser monetary policy .

  2. 1998年,国家通过财政发行2700亿特种国债补充国有商业银行资本金,1999年通过设立四家资产管理公司剥离1万多亿不良资产。

    In 1998 , the government issued 270 billions special national debts to supply the capital of the state owned banks .

  3. 他还略带讽刺地说,解决方法之一是财政发行“稳定汇率债”,“尤其要让那些反对人民币升值的人多买”。

    He also said in a bit ironical way that one of the solutions is to issue " debts of stable exchange rate " for people ," particularly for those who oppose the appreciation of RMB " .

  4. 从前由美国财政部门发行的可兑换成银子的票证。

    Formerly a bank note issued by the US Treasury and redeemable in silver .

  5. 美国财政部发行“吉利钱”迎兔年(纪念币)。

    US Treasury unveils new " Lucky Money " products for Chinese Lunar New Year .

  6. 伴随金融经济的不断发展,中央财政部发行的凭证国债在发行和兑付过程中存在一些弊端。

    Along with the development of financial economy , there are some abuses in the course of circulation of proof national debt .

  7. 周二,西班牙财政部发行52亿美元短期债券时也不得不向投资者支付更高的收益率。

    Meanwhile , yesterday , the Spanish Treasury was forced to pay investors a higher yield as it issued $ 5.2 billion in short term debt .

  8. 需要更多资金的机构将向财政部发行足够数量的可转换优先证券,同时有不超过6个月的时间来募集私人资金。

    Institutions needing more capital will issue a convertible preferred security to the Treasury in a sufficient amount and will have up to six months to raise private capital .

  9. 建国初期,解放全中国及百废待兴,导致人民币财政性发行和生产性发行双向推进,通货膨胀严重,物价波动剧烈。

    Just after the Liberation , the task of rebuilding China led to the two-way advancement of financial and productive issuance of RMB , serious inflation and tempestuously fluctuant prices .

  10. 会议上提出了一项实现投资者构成多样化的提案,包括由财政部发行新证券,包括可赎回债券、期限长达100年的超长期债券,以及利息跟随通胀涨跌的浮动利率债券。

    One proposal advocated at the meeting for diversifying the base of investors would entail the Treasury issuing new securities , including callable debt , ultra-long bonds with maturities of up to 100 years and floating rate debt , on which payments to investors would rise and fall with inflation .

  11. 财政部通过发行国债实现其对宏观经济的调控,中央银行通过国债回购来实现对市场短期资金供给的微调。

    Treasury Ministry control the macro economy by issuing bonds and National Central Bank realize its short-term monetary targets with Treasury bond repo .

  12. 预计美国在去年10月开始的当前财政年度将发行约2万亿美元的政府债券,是去年的两倍多。

    The US is expected to issue about $ 2000bn in the fiscal year starting last October , more than double last year .

  13. 因此,当一些政客和经济学家呼吁欧元区立即实现飞跃、建立财政联盟并发行共同债券时,我感到不安。

    Hence my unease when some politicians and economists call on the eurozone to take a sudden leap into fiscal union and joint liability .

  14. 这几年实施积极的财政政策,发行长期建设国债,是在特定情况下实行的特殊政策。

    The proactive fiscal policy we followed during the past few years and the issuance of long-term construction treasury bonds were special policies implemented under special circumstances .

  15. 美国国债收益率昨天上扬至2个多月来的最高水平,而本周美国财政部即将发行创纪录的670亿美元新债券。

    US government bond yields climbed to their highest levels for more than two months yesterday ahead of the Treasury 's record $ 67bn of issuance this week .

  16. 本文从自我积累、财政注资、发行长期次级债券、上市等几个方面入手,分析了充实四大国有商业银行自有资本的途径。

    The paper analyses the way of enriching self-capital of four bigger business bank from four aspects including self-accumulation , finance investment , issuing long term subordinate bonds , coming into market etc.

  17. 在以下情况下,上述过程有可能被逆转:德国承诺建设完整的财政同盟,发行欧元债券,在欧元区实行银行存款保险制度,向边缘国家进行无限制的财政转移。

    This process might be reversed if the Germans were to commit to a full fiscal union with eurobonds , bank deposit insurance for the eurozone , and unlimited fiscal transfers to the periphery .

  18. 据银行家和分析人士表示,这一暂停可能促使持有花旗约17%股份的美国财政部考虑发行股票,而不是在市场上一点一点地出售股票。

    The lull could prompt the US Treasury , which has a stake of about 17 per cent in Citi , to consider a share offering instead of selling the stock in small quantities in the market , according to bankers and analysts .

  19. 实际上,欧洲央行的无条件纾困可能带来危险,正如未建立财政联盟就发行欧元区债券一样。你会解决眼前的危机,但根本性的失衡将持续下去,并导致债务进一步累积。

    In fact , an unconditional ECB bail-out could be dangerous , just as a eurobond would be if not accompanied by a fiscal union . You would resolve the short-term crisis , but the underlying imbalances would persist , and cause a further build-up of debt .

  20. 会议指出,要抓紧研究提出一揽子宏观政策措施,适当提高财政赤字率,发行特别国债,增加地方政府专项债券规模,引导贷款市场利率下行。

    A package of macro policies and measures will be introduced , the meeting noted2 , and China will appropriately raise the fiscal3 deficit4 ratio , issue special treasury5 bonds , increase the scale of special bonds for local governments , and guide the interest rate to decline in the loan market .

  21. 英国财政部希望明年发行该债券。

    The Treasury hopes to launch its bond next year .

  22. 增加中央财政赤字和国债发行规模。

    The central budget deficit and the volume of treasury bonds issued will be increased .

  23. 今年2月底,美国财政部将开始每月发行7年期债券,这是自1993年停止此类债券发行以来的首次。

    At the end of February , the Treasury will start selling seven-year notes every month for the first time since the issue was discontinued in 1993 .

  24. 按照美国法律,财政部不能通过发行债券借更多的钱,除非国会同意增加债务限额。

    Under U.S. law , the Treasury Department cannot borrow more money by issuing bonds unless Congress gives its approval by increasing the legal limit on borrowing .

  25. 大量资金沉淀在国库,导致财政资金利用效率低下:一方面财政部门要为发行的国债支付高额利息费用,另一方面财政闲置资金得不到有效利用,而只能赚取活期存款利息。

    Too much money depositing in treasury leads to inefficient use of funds . On one side , fiscal departments have to pay high interest for government debts . On the other side , financial idle funds are not used effectively .

  26. 尽管当前政府的偿债能力有一定的局限性,但考虑到政府财政收入的良好增长前景,我国政府仍应采取更积极和更进取的财政政策,大规模发行10&30年期的长期国债。

    Our government should adopt a positive and initiative fiscal policy and issue long-term treasure bonds of ten to thirty years in large size .