
chénɡ shù xiào yìnɡ
  • multiplier effect
  1. 东部发达地区GDP对就业的乘数效应比边疆民族地区的大,说明了东部发达地区依然是吸收就业和农村剩余劳动力的主要地区,并提出增加就业的对策建议。

    The multiplier effect in Eastern area is bigger than the ethnic area . The paper presented proposals on how to promote employment .

  2. 各国央行应该专注于价格稳定,而不是金融市场的稳定,而且,提供流动性的目的应该仅限于为了遏制泡沫破裂对经济造成的乘数效应(multipliereffect)。

    The central banks should focus on price stability , not financial market stability , and should provide liquidity only to contain the multiplier effect of the bubble bursting on the economy .

  3. 他的伙伴也帮助他在Facebook上发起了一个“3欧元挑战”,目的是取得乘数效应。

    His partner also helped him to set up a " Euro3 challenge " on Facebook with the aim of creating a multiplier effect .

  4. 这些GDP和就业机会并非直接由页岩油行业创造,甚至不是整个能源行业,而是该行业给地方经济带来的乘数效应所产生的。

    Not all that money and jobs come directly from the shale oil industry or even the energy industry as a whole but instead derive from the multiplier effect the industry has on local economies .

  5. 拉动作用主要表现为公路建设投资所产生的直接、间接和诱导经济效益,其总和为公路建设投资的乘数效应,可分别用产出乘数、GDP乘数和就业乘数来测算。

    The effects include direct , indirect , and induced economic benefits to an area , which can be identified in terms of multipliers of output , gross domestic product ( GDP ), employment throughout the affected area .

  6. 减税和政府转移见效很慢,乘数效应也很低即使两年后刺激方案已完全见效,每增加1美元的赤字,gdp的增长仍不足1美元。

    Tax cuts and government transfers are slow to have an effect and have a low multiplier , raising GDP less than $ 1 for every $ 1 increase in the deficit even when fully effective after two years .

  7. 诺贝尔奖获得者、芝加哥大学的罗伯特•卢卡斯和哈佛大学(Harvard)的罗伯特•巴若均对乘数效应的有效性进行了批判,并强烈谴责借贷对未来增长造成的负担。

    Both Robert Lucas , a Nobel Prize winner from the University of Chicago , and Robert Barro of Harvard debunk the power of the multiplier effect , and decry the burden borrowing imposes on future growth .

  8. 例如,如果支出新增加1万亿美元,而乘数效应为1.2这一理论的拥护者,包括政府部门都信誓旦旦地表示乘数超过1GDP将额外增加1.2万亿美元。

    For example , if new outlays rise by $ 1 trillion , and the multiplier effect is 1.2 and advocates , including the administration , swear the multiple is over 1 GDP will jump by an extra $ 1.2 trillion .

  9. 即使对乘数效应给予保守估计,综合运用削减工资税、维持对失业工人的支持、加速基础设施维护等措施,可能会在未来一年半里使gdp增长提高2%。

    With even very conservative estimates of multiplier effects , a combination of continuing payroll tax cuts , maintaining support for unemployed workers and accelerating infrastructure maintenance could add closer to 2 per cent of GDP growth over the next year and a half .

  10. 我国投资乘数效应的计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis of investment multiplier effect in our country

  11. 论军费支出乘数效应的性质与作用

    On the nature and function of the multiplier effect of military expenditure

  12. 回流民工创业的乘数效应分析

    Analysis of Multiplier Effect on Backflow Rural Laborers ' Enterprises

  13. 承办奥运会对城市发展的乘数效应

    Multiplier Effect of Hosting the Olympic Games on Municipal Development

  14. 论我国投资乘数效应变动的趋势及原因

    Change trend and causes of the investment multiplier effect in our country

  15. 从税收乘数效应理论角度怎样解释该现象?

    How to explain this phenomenon by the tax multiplier effect theory ?

  16. 中国对非洲不断增强的兴趣产生了乘数效应。

    China 's burgeoning interest in Africa has acted as a multiplier .

  17. 用专业术语表达,这种情况下的负乘数效应高于通常水平。

    In technical terms , the negative multiplier is larger than usual .

  18. 投资宏观调控的决策模型:从区域乘数效应角度

    Study on the macro-adjustment decision-making models of investment from the area multiplier effect

  19. 中小企业集群及其就业的乘数效应&广东经验及其理论启示

    On Cluster of Medium and Small Enterprises and its Multiplier Effect of Employment

  20. 军费的乘数效应分析

    An analysis of the multiplier effect of military expenditure

  21. 上海世博会的乘数效应

    The Multiplier Effects of The Shanghai World 's Fair

  22. 出口的减少,通过乘数效应降低了国民收入。

    Reduction in exports , reduce the national income through a multiplier effect .

  23. 国债乘数效应分析

    An analysis of the effect of national debt

  24. 乘数效应的省际差异分析

    Analysis of Inter-provincial Differences of the Multiplier Effect

  25. 论慈善事业发展的乘数效应

    A Tentative Discussion on the Multiplier Effect in the Development of the Charity Cause

  26. 城市轨道交通投资乘数效应计算的探讨

    Investment Multiplier Calculation for Urban Rail Transit Project

  27. 乘数效应与当前经济发展的分析

    Analysis Between Multiplier Effect and Economic Development

  28. 电子货币的货币乘数效应:基于中国的实证分析

    The Monetary Multiplier Effect of Electronic Money : Based on the Experimental Analysis of China

  29. 北京大都市土地开发的乘数效应和增长模式研究

    Analysis on multiplier effect and growth model in the land development of Beijing metropolitan area

  30. 地方支柱企业对就业岗位的创造乘数效应研究

    The Study of the Multiplier Effect on the Employment Created by the Local Primary Enterprise