
  • 网络Financial assets;public finance-assets
  1. 随着危机的加深,财政资产负债表和央行资产负债表之间的界限正在变得越来越模糊,而这也一直是一条危险的道路。

    The lines between the fiscal balance sheet and the central bank balance sheet are becoming increasingly blurred as the crisis deepens , and that remains a perilous path to go down .

  2. 由于美国财政部资产负债表上的其他证券额是上述MBS组合的四倍足以支撑约半年的常规偿债需求进一步资产出售可能会进一步损害投资银行。

    With four times that amount of other securities on the Treasury balance sheet enough to fund normal debt-related activities for about half a year further sales will likely make the investment banks suffer even further .

  3. 我认为,借助财政固定资产投资,推动经济快速大幅反弹,对中国并非好事。

    I do not believe a quick , steep bounce driven by fiscal fixed investment is a good thing for China .

  4. 公共财政与国有资产管理

    Public Finance and the Reform of National Capital Management

  5. 美国财政部外地资产管制办公室

    Office of Foreign Assets Control , US Treasury

  6. 财政风险的资产负债表管理是将财政风险和政府会计联系在一起的纽带。

    Balance sheet approach of fiscal risk is the link of fiscal risk management to the government accounting .

  7. 在此阶段,财政损失,资产冻结以及突发性困难是非常有意义及常见的。

    At this time , financial losses , frozen assets and sudden difficulties are quite significant and normal .

  8. 嗯,去年财政年度的资产负债表和损益计算书马上就该做出来了。

    B : Well , the balance sheet and profit and loss statement for this past fiscal year should be ready soon .

  9. 当下,土地财政综合症和资产泡沫风起云涌,激发拜金主义在过度商品化的中国社会甚嚣尘上。

    Currently , the storm of real estate property syndrome and asset bubble has stimulated the increasing materialism in the highly commercialized Chinese society .

  10. 同时,通过对建行资产证券化的税务处理及会计处理的分析来论证财政部有关资产证券化税务处理及会计处理的效果及具体适用性。

    At the same time , by analysis the accounting and tax of asset securitization of CCB to demonstrate the effect of the measure which taken by Treasury .

  11. 被元总资产)的价值分开的总资产(税务局的每元价值税务局:你能为在财政的报告资产负债表上的总资产找数字。

    Revenue per dollar value of total assets ( Revenue divided by Dollar value of total assets ): You can find the number for total assets on the financial reports balance sheet .

  12. 如果美国财政部增加资产出售,银行对企业的贷款将减少,随后消费者信贷也将缩减&这两项副作用将不利早已疲弱的美国经济。

    If Treasury asset sales increase , bank lending to companies will decrease , followed by a shrinking of credit lines to consumers & two side effects that will stall an already sluggish economy .

  13. 财政部的问题资产援助计划(TARP)正是通过向银行注资以达到平抑恐慌的目的,这样一来,银行可以在不必缩减资产的情况下降低他们的财务杠杆。

    The Treasury 's Troubled Asset Relief Programme ( TARP ) aims to quell those fears by injecting equity into banks so that they can reduce their leverage without shrinking their balance-sheets .

  14. 财政与资源性资产管理的关系问题研究

    Research on the Relationship between Public Finance and Resource Assets Management

  15. 财政主权的无价资产,保证了从名义上来看,它们的公共债务完全没有任何风险。

    The invaluable asset of fiscal sovereignty guarantees that their public debt is completely risk-free in nominal terms .

  16. 它在消费贷款、财政和市场、资产管理、证券经纪领域中都处于领导地位。

    It has leading positions in consumer banking , treasury and markets , asset management , securities brokerage , equality and debt fund raising .

  17. 本文通过对财政与资源性资产管理的关系的分析,提出了对我国目前国有资产管理进行改革的政策建议。

    This paper through analysis on the relationship between public finance and resource assets , put forwards suggestions to reform present stated-owned assets management system .

  18. 但该集团警告称,预计未来数月市场将呈震荡格局;在截至2009年3月的当前财政年度,其资产价值可能遭受损失。

    However , the group warned that it expected market volatility in the months ahead and there was a risk it could suffer losses in asset values during the current fiscal year , which ends in March 2009 .

  19. 从财政收支、固定资产投资、边境贸易、扶持人口较少民族发展和提高居民收入等五个方面,结合具体的统计数据做了论述。

    It interpreted the role from the five perspectives namely the revenue and expenditure , fixed assets investment , border trade , to support the development of the less populated nation and improve the residents ' income , combining with the specific statistics discussed .

  20. 目前,主权财富基金大多来源于国家的财政盈余、外汇储备和自然资源收入,这些国家为了财政稳定、资产增值或长期发展等宏观经济目的将这部分资金投资于国内外市场。

    At present , sovereign-wealth funds mostly come from finance surplus of the nation , foreign exchange reserves , and natural-resource income . The funds are invested into domestic and overseas markets by these nations for macro-economy purpose to keep financial stability , capital appreciation or long run development .