
  1. 财政介入教育的理论探讨

    A Theoretical Discussion on Public Finance Involving Education

  2. 市场机制运作在社会经济领域出现的失灵和盲区,决定着财政介入的必要性和职能范围。

    The failure of market mechanism operation determines the necessity and function of fiscal policy .

  3. 因此,建立可持续的养老保险体制,需要处理好财政介入基本养老保险领域的形式。

    To establish a sustainable endowment insurance system , financial policy should be well dealt with in basic endowment insurance system .

  4. 高新技术产业具有显著的外部性、高风险性、不确定性和高投入性,这决定了政府和公共财政介入高新技术产业发展的必要性。

    It 's necessary that government and public finance get involved in New High-Tech industry development , for which has the characteristics of externality , high risks , indetermination and high investment .

  5. 第二部分分析了财政政策介入人力资本投资的理论依据。

    The second part , analyzes the basis of the fiscal policy investing in human capital theory .

  6. 分析财政支持介入公共文化发展的理论依据,并对财政支持在公共文化发展中的功能定位和效应进行了分析;第三章,我国财政支持公共文化发展的现状及存在的问题。

    Analyzing the theoretical basis , function , effect for financial support involved in the development of public culture . Chapter three , the current situation and issues in the financial support for promoting the development of public culture in China .

  7. 第五章归纳总结了国外政府在自然风险管理和市场风险管理中介入的实践经验,指出国外政府介入农业风险管理的政策基点是高度的财政补贴型介入,这是与其农业发展政策相适应的。

    Chapter five Summarizing practical experience of natural risk management and market risk management of government intervention , Pointing out that government intervention of high financial subsidy is commensurate with agricultural development policies . Chapter six .

  8. 根据国际上创业投资发展的经验,在创业投资的发展初期,政府和来自于政府的财政资金的介入,对于引导和促进创业投资的发展至关重要。

    According to the international experience of carving out venture capital , the financial found of government is important to guide and promote the development of carving out venture capital in the beginning of carving out venture capital .

  9. 那么,在英国央行的贷款消息出来之后,财政部未能及时介入,为存款提供担保,或是进行资金担保以说服其它机构并购北岩,这是否是一个错误呢?

    Yet is it then perhaps the Treasury that is to blame for not leaping in with the guarantee of deposits as soon as the news of the Bank 's lending came out or providing a guarantee of funds to persuade another institution to take Northern Rock over ?

  10. 科学研究与技术开发领域的市场失灵和公共财政的本质属性要求财政必须介入科技事业的发展。

    With the market-failure in the field of science research and technology development as well as the features of public finance , it is necessary for government to concern and involve themselves into the in S & T enterprise .

  11. 国外政府雄厚的财政实力及其农业政策的发展取向,决定了政府介入农业风险管理的方式是高度的财政补贴型介入;

    It is the money and policy goal of agriculture that determines the way that government intervention brings many subsidies .

  12. 其中,财税政策理论是这部分的重点,依次从文化产品特性及财税支持,文化产业财政扶持的社会效用分析,税收对文化产业的影响,财政介入文化建设的现实依据进行了分析。

    Wherein , fiscal and taxation policy intervention theory is that portion of the key , turn from the cultural characteristics and financial support , cultural industry financial support for social utility analysis , tax on culture industry influence , financial intervention culture construction of reality basis undertook an analysis .