
  • 网络Deficit fiscal policy;deficit financing policy
  1. 凯恩斯赤字财政政策的启示

    The Warning of Deficit Financing Policy of Keynes

  2. 论文对促进经济增长和增加就业的赤字财政政策的有效性进行了分析。

    The article analyzes the validity of the deficit financing policy for increase the economy and employment .

  3. 从美国赤字财政政策的演变看我国财政政策的选择

    Our Fiscal Choice According to The History of American Deficit - fiscal Policy

  4. 并且经济衰退和多年的赤字财政政策使得美国的公共债务总额不断累积。

    And the economic recession and years of deficit fiscal policy makes the United States total public debt has accumulated .

  5. 尽管凯恩斯以后,有些国家政府实行以赤字财政政策来刺激经济增长、扩大需求、实现就业。

    After John Keyhes , some countries adopted the deficit fiscal policy to stimulate the economy expand the domestic demands and realize full employment .

  6. 根据财政政策在调节社会总供给和总需求方面的不同功能,分为平衡财政政策、盈余财政政策和赤字财政政策三种类型。

    According to its function of adjusting social total supply and total demanding , it is divided into three types : balance financing policy , surplus financing policy and deficit financing policy .

  7. 理论和实践分析表明,赤字财政政策可以促进经济增长和提高就业率。但是在赤字财政政策刺激经济发展的同时,也将带来一些难以解决的问题。

    The analysis of theory and practice shows that deficit financing policy could increase the economy and employment . However , deficit financing policy will also bring some difficult problems while it activates the economic development .

  8. 20世纪30年代资本主义世界大危机后产生的凯恩斯主义彻底改变了古典公债观,它主张通过发行国债来实行赤字财政政策,刺激社会有效需求,以实现经济的稳定与增长。

    After the Great Crisis in the thirties of twenties Century , there came Keynesian Economics which is totally different from the former concept , holding that to carry out deficit policy stimulates domestic effective demand for economic stability and growth via issuing treasure bonds .

  9. 为刺激贫弱经济而引起预算赤字的财政政策。

    A fiscal policy of incurring budget deficits to stimulate a weak economy .

  10. 例句与用法:学会仔细研读公司年度报告,并从中发现财政困难的迹象为刺激贫弱经济而引起预算赤字的财政政策

    Learned to read between the lines of corporate annual reports to discern areas of fiscal weakness . A fiscal policy of incurring budget deficits to stimulate a weak economy .

  11. 财政赤字与积极财政政策

    Financial Deficit and Positive Financial Policy

  12. 美国没有让巨额赤字妨碍财政刺激政策,减轻了经济低迷可能的程度。

    That the US did not let enormous deficits get in the way of fiscal stimulus made the downturn less deep than it would otherwise have been .

  13. 这种观点为中央银行的独立性和设定通胀目标提供了理论基础,也为绑定债务和赤字目标的财政政策提供了理论基础。

    Such thinking has provided a rationale for central bank independence , inflation targeting and for an approach to fiscal policy that involves binding debt and deficit targets .

  14. 受到未来几年预期赤字的限制,财政政策只能作壁上观。

    Fiscal policy is sidelined by the deficits projected for the years ahead .

  15. 但是,本文认为,不能仅仅从里根政府财政政策所导致的巨额赤字就断定其财政政策是失败的。

    But the author believes that we cannot judge that his financial policy is unsuccessful just from the big deficit it brings .