
  • 网络the Equator Principles
  1. 中国兴业银行(industrialbankofchina)是一家中等规模的银行,是中国首家致力于遵循“赤道原则”(equatorprinciples)等国际可持续性标准提供项目融资的机构。

    Industrial Bank of China , a medium-sized lender , is the first Chinese institution to have committed itself to international sustainability standards such as the equator principles for project finance .

  2. 只是在4年以前,10家银行会聚并发起“赤道原则”(equatorprinciples),以解决项目融资中的环境和社会问题。

    It was only four years ago that 10 banks met to launch the equator principles to manage the environmental and social issues in project financing .

  3. 已有逾40家银行签署了赤道原则(equatorprinciples),这意味着一个项目若向上述银行申请融资,那么,银行将依据该项目是否有利于环境和社会标准来做出评判。

    More than 40 banks have now signed up to the equator principles , which bind their signatories to standards governing the environmental and social criteria by which a project applying to the bank for funding should be judged .

  4. 法律分析国际融资中的赤道原则

    The Legal Analysis of the Equator Principles in the International Financing

  5. 国际融资中的环境与社会标准:赤道原则何为赤道原则

    The Environment and Social Code in International Financing : The Equator Principle

  6. 赤道原则-国际金融公司政策的延伸

    Equator principle & international finance company policy 's extension

  7. 赤道原则:商业银行可持续发展的助推器

    Equator Principles : Commercial Bank of Sustainable Development Boosters

  8. 因此,我国金融机构要讲究策略,积极应对接受赤道原则。

    It is necessary for financial institutions in China to actively and tactically adopt the Principles .

  9. 绿色信贷源于国际上公认的赤道原则。绿色信贷是银行业贯彻落实科学发展观的一项重大举措。

    Green credit , derives from the internationally recognized Equator Principles is an important measure to implement the scientific development .

  10. 虽然赤道原则2003年才产生,但是已经成为国际项目融资领域不可或缺的行业惯例。

    After the inception in2003 , the Equator Principles has become the minimum international standard in international project financing field .

  11. 但在我国,仅有兴业银行承诺采纳赤道原则,而对其他众多国内银行来说,该原则并无约束力。

    But in China , only the Industrial Bank undertakes to fulfill the Equator Principles , as for many other domestic banks , the principle is unbinding .

  12. 主要论述了可持续金融理念、绿色信贷的基础赤道原则和绿色信贷的产生与发展,对每个部分进行回顾和总结,为我国完善绿色信贷以及构建法律制度提供理论参考。

    This part describes sustainable financial , the equator principle and the green credit production and the development , to provides the theory reference for perfect green credit legal regime .

  13. 事实上,我希望世界银行能与中国及其它新兴经济体的银行进行建设性的交往,以拓展赤道原则的应用。

    In fact , it is my hope that the Bank can engage constructively with banks in China and in other emerging economies to expand the use of the Equator Principles .

  14. 同时,赤道原则本身也存在一些弊端,也需要我们在构建我国金融机构环境与社会责任时予以克服。

    Furthermore , the Equator Principles itself also have some drawbacks , which we need to overcome in the course of reconstruction of the environmental and social responsibility of financial institutions .

  15. 第四,自2008年开始兴业银行宣布按照赤道原则履行社会责任,但是距赤道原则的具体要求还有很大的距离。

    Fourthly , since 2008 , the Industrial Bank has announced to adopt to the Equator Principles . However , the great distance from the specific requirements of the Equator Principles exists .

  16. 再次,讨论了社会责任投资原则对环境保护责任的影响,讨论了赤道原则在国际项目融资中的作用以及法律问题。

    Thirdly , it discussed the impact of socially responsible on environment protection . Then , it also discussed the effect of the Equator principles on international project financing and legal issues .

  17. 赤道原则的提出体现了金融机构致力于可持续发展的愿景,并广泛运用于国际信贷业务,发展成为行业惯例。

    The proposal of the Equator Principles reflects the financial institutions ' commitments to the vision of sustainable development , and is widely used in international credit business . The principles have become industry practice .

  18. 赤道原则是由世界主要金融机构根据国际金融公司和世界银行的政策和指南建立的,旨在决定、评估和管理项目融资中的环境与社会风险而确定的金融行业基准。

    The environment and social standards in international BOT : the Equator Principle The equator principle is set by world leading financial institutions in line with the policies and guidelines of international financial companies and the World Bank .

  19. 但与赤道原则相比,绿色信贷在理念和技术上都存在巨大差距,在实践上更是难以得到执行,使得绿色信贷制度更多的只是停留在口号上。

    However , there is a huge gap between the Equator Principles and the Green Credit in idea and technology , and it is also difficult to implement it in practice , so the Green Credit System is just a slogan .