
  • 网络Financial subsidy policy;policy of fiscal subsidies
  1. 加入WTO后,我国的财政补贴政策要按照市场经济和WTO有关规则,特别是《补贴与反补贴协议》的要求进行相应的调整,以适应WTO更加市场化的需要。

    After China 's entry into the WTO , the policy on financial subsidy has been adjusted according to the market economy and the relevant regulations of the WTO , especially ″ Agreement of Subsidy and Anti-subsidy ″, to meet the market need of the WTO .

  2. 中韩农村财政补贴政策比较研究

    Comparative Study about Rural Financial Subsidy Policy of China and South Korea

  3. 国外城市公共交通财政补贴政策研究

    Study of urban public transportation finance subsidy policy abroad

  4. 入世后我国财政补贴政策的调整对策

    Strategies about Adjusting the Policy on Financial Subsidy after China 's Entry into the WTO

  5. 财政补贴政策的仿真模拟

    Simulation of the Financial Subsides Policy

  6. 退耕还林财政补贴政策的经济学透视

    Grasp the Essence of the Economics to Analyze the Financial Subsidies in Returning the Grain Plots to Forest

  7. 我国应借鉴别国的经验,根据自身的实际和需要,合理地制订财政补贴政策、政府采购政策和税收优惠政策,对科技型中小企业给予全方位的扶持。

    It is hoped that more reasonable finance subsidy policy , government procurement policy and taxation policy will be practised to assist these small firms .

  8. 海水淡化作为公益事业享受与传统水资源建设项目一样的财政补贴政策等。

    With seawater desalination as a cause of public welfare , to enjoy the same financial subsidies policy as the traditional water resources construction project etc.

  9. 在建筑节能市场发展阶段,应制定以财政补贴政策和税收优惠政策并重的经济激励政策;

    In the developing stage , economic incentive policies which would pay equal attention to financial subsidies policies and tax preferential policies should be established ;

  10. 西方通行的环保手段主要有征收排污费制度、财政补贴政策、污染权交易制度等,这些经济手段有其适合于应用的一面,但与绿色税收相比,都存在一定的弊端。

    The protection means are collects the dirty fee , public finance subsidy system and pollute power trades system , these means all contain its abuse .

  11. 对西部农村妇女,特别是少数民族,文化程度低、经济条件差的妇女应实施财政补贴政策。

    Appropriate policies on financial assistance should be made for women in rural areas of western , especially from minority ethnic groups , with low education level or poor economic conditions .

  12. 财政补贴政策是政府调节国民经济的重要杠杆,是调节经济结构、弥补市场缺陷以及刺激消费、扩大内需的重要手段。

    Financial subsidy policy is the important lever for the government to regulate Economy , to adjust the economic structure , to make up for deficiencies , to boost consumer market and expand domestic demand .

  13. 同时还要不断完善我国财政补贴政策的补贴重点,改进财政补贴转移支付机制,提高财政资金的利用效率。

    Meanwhile , China should constantly improve the focal point of subsidy in China 's policy on financial subsidy , promote the transferring payment system in the financial subsidy , and increase the efficiency in the financial funds .

  14. 本文在若干发达国家公交财政补贴政策分析的基础上,结合我国城市的特点,提出了我国城市公交财政补贴的改进建议。

    Based on analysis of public transportation finance subsidy policy in some developed countries , and combined with indentification of characteristics of Chinese cities , advices in improving Chinese cities ' public transportation finance subsidy policy have been presented .

  15. 城市公共交通是城市交通系统的重要组成部分,为促进城市公共交通事业的发展,保障公交企业的正常运营,世界各发达国家和地区无不实行了公交财政补贴政策。

    Urban public transportation is an important component of urban transportation , In order to promote the development of public transportation and guarantee usual operation of public transportation enterprises , many developed countries and areas adopt finance subsidy policy .

  16. 要建立市场公平竞争的机制,煤炭行业需要一定的政策保障,即:实行公平税负,减轻煤炭企业负担;改革和完善煤炭财政补贴政策;

    In order to build fair competition market system , coal industry need some policy guarantees : reasonable tax rate , separation of social burden , reform and perfect of financial subsidies policy and economic policy for the transition to market-directed economy .

  17. 此外,他们对国家财政补贴政策的落实也持有疑虑,对国家助学贷款缺乏动力,如此一来,国家助学贷款就出现了叫好不叫座的状况。

    In addition , they to national public finance subsidy policy of practical also hold the worry in uncertainty , lack the motive to the state student-aided loan , like this on coming , state student-aided loan appear " shout bravo not good box-office " of condition .

  18. 绝大多数农户都知道粮食财政直接补贴政策,但了解程度相对较低。

    Most farmers know food financial direct subsidies ' policy , but the degree is low relatively .

  19. 但是,如果全面取消粮食财政直接补贴政策,又可能造成影响国家粮食数量安全的巨大损失。

    But , if we completely abolish all food financial direct subsidies , it may cause a great loss of national food quantitative security .

  20. 而在粮食财政直接补贴政策中,粮食直接补贴、农资综合补贴和良种补贴是提高农民种粮积极性的主要因素。

    Grain direct subsidy , agricultural comprehensive materials direct subsidy and seed subsidy are main factors of improving farmers ' enthusiasm in the four kinds of subsidies .

  21. 主要研究结论(1)粮食财政直接补贴政策对粮食数量安全确有重要的保障作用,但影响程度不高。

    Main research conclusions ( 1 ) Food financial subsidy policies really play a big part in food quantitative security , but its impact degree is not high .

  22. 中国于2001年开始着力构建粮食财政直接补贴政策体系,其核心目标是确保增加粮食产量,首要保障粮食数量安全。

    China began to implement food financial direct subsidies ' policy system . Its core goal is to make sure to increase food production ; the first is to ensure food quantitative security .

  23. 在此基础上,政府应通过环保法规、金融支持、税收减让和财政补贴等产业政策鼓励LNG产业发展。

    Then the government should encourage LNG industry by the industrial policies such as the law of environmental protection , financial support , revenue decrease and financial allowance etc. as well .

  24. 无论是关税政策、税收政策、财政支出政策、补贴政策,还是财政政策与其他政策的协调配合,都自然地成为外贸政策的重要组成部分,对中国外贸出口发展起着鼓励或抑制的作用。

    Whether such measures concerned the areas of tariffs , taxation , expenditure or subsidies , or any mixture of financial and other measures , they formed a natural combination within an integrated foreign trade policy that worked to encourage or depress China 's export development .

  25. 政府支持产业技术进步的手段很多,如政府财政补贴、税收优惠政策、贷款优惠政策:除此之外,还有为在产业技术创新中消除市场失灵问题所实施的研究与开发政策。

    Such as the special policy of the government public finance subsidy , revenue from lax . lend money to the enterprise policy . In addition , there are some kinds of policy lo remove the market failure in the progress of the technical innovation of industry .

  26. 因而即便湖南已实施了诸如财政投入政策、财政补贴政策、税收政策、排污收费制度等多种财政政策,并取得了一些成效,但农业生态环境中存在的问题仍然严重。

    Therefore , though Hunan have already implemented kinds of policies like the financial input policy , fiscal subsidence policy , tax policy , and emission charge policy , and achieved some effect , the problems in the agriculture ecology environment are still severe .

  27. 接着通过大量数据从财政农业投入政策、财政农业补贴政策、农业税收政策、农村社会保障政策和财政扶贫政策五个方面分析了当前农业财政政策中存在的问题。

    Then with a large number of data analyzes the current problems in fiscal policies on agriculture in five respects : the financial agricultural input policy , agricultural subsidy policy of the finance , agricultural tax policy , rural social security policy and fiscal anti-poverty policy .