
  • 网络fiscal efficiency
  1. 鉴于此,财政效率成为理论界最重要的研究课题之一,也是各国政府广为关注的方面之一。

    Therefore ," fiscal efficiency " became one of the important research topic in theory , is also one of the aspects of attention by governments around the world widely .

  2. 为了提到政府的财政效率,需要确保“用脚投票”机制产生作用,并将财政效率纳入考核标准,促使地方官员不能忽视财政效率的空间对比。

    To improve fiscal efficiency of local governments , suggested measures include : ensure the " vote with feet " mechanism to be effective , and bring fiscal efficiency into assessment standards .

  3. 关于我国高等教育财政效率原则的悖论&效率原则下的低效

    The Paradox of Efficiency-based Financial Policies in China & low efficiency under the Efficiency-based Policies

  4. 接着构建了基本公共服务均等化财政效率指标,并运用数据包络分析法,对山东省财政管理体制对基本公共服务均等化的影响进行了实证分析。

    Then construct the index of the efficiency of equalization of basic public services , and using the data envelopment analysis , having the empirical analysis of the impact of the financial management system in Shandong Province on the equalization of basic public services .

  5. 新绩效预算是目前世界上发达国家普遍实行的一种预算模式,它作为一种新型的财政效率评价与改进技术,在促进政府改革和抑制财政浪费方面起到了积极作用。

    The performance based budgeting is a kind of budget pattern which is prevalent in the developed world at present . It takes one kind of new finance efficiency evaluation and the improvement technology . It played the positive role in government reform and suppressed financial waste .

  6. 论财政支出效率的三个层次及其实现

    On Three Levels of Efficiency of Fiscal Expenditure and Its Realization

  7. 完善公共预算决策程序提升财政支出效率

    Improve the Efficiency of Fiscal Expenditure Based on Perfect Public Budget Decision-making Procedure

  8. 我国财政支出效率分析与提升应策

    The Analysis of Our Country 's Financial Expenditure Efficiency and the Promotion Measures

  9. 内蒙古呼和浩特市财政支农效率研究

    Study on the Efficiency of Financial Support to Agriculture in Hohhot , Inner Mongolia

  10. 提高财政支出效率,促4万亿经济目标实现

    Improve the Efficiency of Public Expenditure and Realize the Four Thousand Billion Yuan Economic Goal

  11. 南江县退耕还林工程的财政支出效率评价

    Appraising the Efficiency of Finance Expenditure of Grain for Green Project in Nanjiang County of Sichuan Province

  12. 在资源有限的前提下,研究我国地方财政支出效率对改善我国地方政府财政现状以及提高政府运作效率有着十分重要的意义。

    Under the limitation of resources , there is very important significance to study efficiency of local financial expenditure .

  13. 审查联合国行政和财政业务效率高级别政府间专家组

    Group of High-Level Intergovernmental Experts to Review the Efficiency of the Administrative and Financial Functioning of the United Nations

  14. 对影响中国投资乘数效率发挥的因素研究有利于提高我国财政政策效率。

    Research on factors of handicapping efficiency of investment multiplication is propitious to advance the efficiency of financial policy .

  15. 但在我国,政府间财政竞争效率问题还是一个崭新的课题,有许多问题尚待于探索。

    Nevertheless , in China , the issue of intra-governmental financial competition efficiency is still a new issue , awaiting further explorations .

  16. 地方政府公共财政决策效率的高低,直接影响着我国社会经济的各个方面。

    The rate of the efficiency of local government policy making in public finance directly influences various aspects of China social economies .

  17. 国际经验表明,政府采购制度在提高财政支出效率,促进财政资金的分配和结构优化方面会产生积极影响。

    International experience shows that government purchasing system may have a positive effect on improving financial expenditure efficiency and distribution of financial capital .

  18. 而目前陕西农业财政投资效率不高,监督体系不完善。

    At present , the efficiency of fiscal investment of agriculture of Shaanxi is not high , and the supervision system is not perfect .

  19. 美国联邦政府推行的新绩效预算作为一种先进的预算管理方法在提高联邦财政支出效率方面已显示出了明显的成效。

    The new performance budget reform of the United States Government has been proved to be effective in improving the efficiency of fiscal outlay .

  20. 本文确立以农业财政投资效率评估和监督保障体系作为研究对象是基于以上背景。

    Because of the above background , the paper sets the assessment of efficiency of fiscal investment of agriculture and the supervision and security system of agriculture as the research objects .

  21. 最后提出政策建议:提高财政支出效率,加快基础设施领域改革,加快西部地区基础设施建设。

    Finally , a conclusion is drown , that the government should enhance the efficiency of public expenditure , accelerate the reform in infrastructure management and increase infrastructure investment in west regions .

  22. 本文认为适度控制项目规模,有利于提高财政支出效率,建议推广评价指标体系,将绩效评价结果作为项目立项的参考依据之一。

    Another extended evaluation index system is proposed which regards the results of performance evaluation as one of the reference in projecting . And there are several suggestions such as the scale control of project in this paper .

  23. 第七章在前六章研究的基础上,针对安徽省林业发展存在的问题,提出了提高林业财政投入效率的政策建议。

    On the basis of the first six chapters and the current problems of forestry finance investment in Anhui Province , we give some advices in order to improve the efficiency of forestry finance investment in the last chapter .

  24. 在西方国家,尤其是西方发达的联邦制国家,政府间财政竞争效率问题受到了学术界的高度关注,并得到了广泛深入而又具体的研究。

    In the developed countries , especially the federated ones , the issue of intra-governmental financial competition efficiency has received a high level of attention from the academia , for which there have emerged many in-depth and detailed studies .

  25. 它建立在新公共管理理论的基础上,将政府预算建立在可衡量的绩效基础之上,是一种旨在有效降低政府提供公共品成本、提高财政支出效率的现代预算管理方法。

    It is based on the new public management theory , and placed the government budgeting on the measurable footing , which aims to reduce the cost of public goods provided by the government effectively and improve the efficiency of fiscal expenditure .

  26. 公共财政支出效率的改善对于我国落实科学发展观、提高公共部门执政能力、构建和谐社会有重要的理论和实践意义。

    The improvement of the efficiency of the public Financial Expenditure have great Theoretical and Practical Implications for the spread of the Scientific Development Ideology , the improvement of the Governing Capability of the public department and the establishment of the Harmonious Society .

  27. 我国正处于保障性住房建设的高峰期,资金投入巨大,因此迫切需要研究住房保障的财政支出效率、提升保障效用。

    At present , our country is in the peak of the construction of public houses , which needs abundant money and resources , so we should study the efficiency of public finance spent on housing security to enhance the utility of housing security .

  28. 基于DEA的全国31个省市财政科技支出效率测评

    Based on DEA in the country 's 31 provinces and cities the efficiency of fiscal spending on technology evaluation

  29. 美国财政分权的效率分析

    An Analysis on Efficiency of the Fiscal Decentralization in America

  30. 西部地区财政支农的效率评价研究

    Efficiency Evaluation Research of Agriculture Financial Expenditure in Western Area