
  • 网络fiscal investment and loan;FILP
  1. 中国财政投融资体制改革研究

    The Study on System Reformation of Chinese Fiscal Investment and Loan

  2. 财政投融资&助推东北经济起飞

    Fiscal Investment and Loan Program & Helping the Economy of Northeast Fly

  3. 我国教育财政投融资的实证研究

    The Positive Research of Financial Investment and Financing of Our Country

  4. 财政投融资制度适用性分析

    The Applicability Analysis for the Fiscal Investment and Financing System

  5. 关于财政投融资范畴的认识

    Viewpoints on the Concept of Fiscal Investment and Loan Program

  6. 日本财政投融资制度改革刍议

    A Preliminary Review on the Reform of Fiscal Loan System in Japan

  7. 第二部分论述了财政投融资相关的理论基础。

    The second part discusses the related theory of fiscal investment and loan .

  8. 最后介绍中国现行经济运行环境中实施财政投融资的重要意义。

    Finally introduces the necessity and importance in current economic environment in China .

  9. 美国财政投融资体制的特点主要是投资来源的多渠道化;

    The system of American Financial investment and circulation mainly has the following features .

  10. 中国国有资本财政投融资体制的缺陷与矫正

    The Defects of the State Financial Capital Investment and Fund-raising System and Its Rectification

  11. 第四部分介绍了我国财政投融资体系现存的问题。

    The fourth part describes the existing problems of financial investment and loan system .

  12. 财政投融资是一个同财政、金融有着密切联系的独特经济范畴。

    Financial investment and circulation is a particular economic category which is closely linked with finance .

  13. 第三部分阐述财政投融资的一般内涵、特征及必要性。

    The third part describes the general content , features and necessity of the financial investment and loan .

  14. 在市场经济中,财政投融资具有动态的内涵界定和独特的功能定位。

    In the market-oriented economy , financial investment and fund-raising system has its dynamic connotation definition and its special function orientation .

  15. 美国、韩国、日本、德国、法国财政投融资体制的特点各不相同。

    The systems of financial investment and circulation are different in the USA , Korea , Japan , German and France .

  16. 我国目前财政投融资的理论体系尚不成熟,具体的运作制度尚不规范。

    The theory of the current financial investment system is still immature and the specific operation of the system is not standardized .

  17. 财政投融资应以实现特定政策目标为目的,不一定形成实物资本;

    The Fiscal Investment and Loan Program should be aimed at the realization of policy goal , and the formation of physical capital is not absolutely necessary ;

  18. 并且,分析了国外的一些资本理论和我国的财政投融资理论,为财政资金动态使用提供了理论上的可行性。

    Secondly , It has provided the theoretical feasibility for the dynamic use of the financial funds through analyzing some overseas capital theories and our financial investment theory .

  19. 我国的财政投融资从建国初期就已经开始为解决国家的财政困难、促进国民经济发展发挥了重要的作用。

    The Fiscal Investment and Loan of our country has already been set up in the early years to solve difficulties of public finance and promote the economy .

  20. 良好的财政投融资体制能将体育产业市场和投资者的优势很好地结合起来,对体育产业经济效益的提高作出贡献。

    Good financial investment and financial system has can superiority well combine of sport industry the market and investment to raise give contributes of sport industry economic benefit .

  21. 财政投融资形式即公债&投资杠杆,是国家调整产业结构、优化资源配置的重要工具。

    State treasury & The form of financial financing , ie investing lever is an leading instrument for the nation to adjust industrial structure and to optimize resource disposition .

  22. 目前,财政投融资建设项目采用的经评审的最低价中标法难以对施工图设计阶段前的投资进行有效地控制,并可能由于设计原因对项目工期控制产生一些不利影响。

    The Lowest Price Proposal Selected in use for investment projects has no control over the investment before the construction plan design phase except possible negative impact to control over project under construction .

  23. 该文指出,财政投融资制度是财政创新制度,并对财政投融资制度进行了理论分析和适用性分析。

    The paper points out the fiscal investment and financing system is a system of financial innovation and the paper also dose some analysises about the fiscal investment and financing system and the applicability .

  24. 地方财政投融资是以地方政府信用为基础,为实现政府基本目标,采取有偿融资和投资方式所进行的经济活动及所形成的制度体系。

    The investment and funding of local finance is based on the local government 's credit , and it is the economic activity and system to take paid funding for realizing the basic aims of local government .

  25. 从1994年开始,我国对财政体制和投融资体制实施了一系列的改革。

    Since 1994 , China Government has implemented a series of reformation in finance and investment system .

  26. 就体制层面来看,主要受行政体制、财政体制和投融资体制的影响;

    On the level of system , the reasons are administrative system , financial system , and investment and financing system .

  27. 在这样的背景下,如何调动社会资源投入城市基础设施建设,实现政府主导下社会资金的广泛参与,从而改变单纯依靠财政的单一投融资模式就成了一个亟待解决的问题。

    Under such a background , how to shift social resources to put into public infrastructure construction , change the situation that the investment merely depends on the national finance , become a problem that urgently to be solved .

  28. 地方政府债券既是发达的资本市场重要组成部分,也是分级财政不可或缺的投融资媒质,在深化国有资产管理体制改革过程中,政府应适时推出地方政府债券这一公债品种。

    Local government bond is not only a main component of developed capital market , also indispensable media for investment and financing . Governments should appropriately present a public bond , " local government bond " in the process of deepening the state-owned assets management regime reformations .

  29. 本文认为,我国现行的公共财政体制和农业投融资体制存在着一定的缺陷和不足,对其进行改革已成为促进我国农业发展的必然要求。

    My advice is that we must establish public finance and establish a good institution to drive the village development . It is necessary to reform current agricultural investment and financing system .

  30. 文章从加快新兴产业规模化进程的角度,提出了产业扶持、财政支持政策以及投融资、人才、服务、物流等配套体系建设的思路。

    This article has , from the acceleration of the scale of burgeoning industries , proposed the policy of industrial and financial supporting and the construction of the system of investment , talents , service and logistics .