
  • 网络HKMA;The Hong Kong Monetary Authority
  1. 亚洲金融危机期间,当港元受到攻击时,香港金融管理局和汇丰(hsbc)使得对冲基金难以卖空港元,让香港得以摆脱这场风暴。

    When the Hong Kong dollar was under attack during the Asian financial crisis , the HKMA and HSBC made it very difficult for hedge funds to short the currency , enabling Hong Kong to ride out the storm .

  2. 香港金融管理局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)以通过干预削减房地产贷款而闻名。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is known for intervening to curtail property lending .

  3. 香港金融管理局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)周四表示,它在收到海外监管机构的相关信息后,正对瑞银的某些行为展开调查。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority on Thursday said it was investigating certain conduct by the Swiss bank after receiving information from overseas regulators .

  4. 上周,香港金融管理局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)入市干预,以维系联系汇率制,这是去年8月以来的首次。

    Last week , the Hong Kong Monetary Authority intervened in the markets to maintain the peg for the first time since last August .

  5. 香港金融管理局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)表示,将下调基本利率100个基点,以努力遏制信贷危机的影响。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority said it would cut rates by 100 basis points to try to contain the effects of the credit crisis .

  6. 香港金融管理局(HKMA)心里很清楚:它选择锚货币(anchorcurrency),应该考虑两个标准。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is clear enough : its choice of anchor currency should take two tests into account .

  7. 美元兑港币的联系汇率保持在7.8港元,这迫使香港金融管理局(hongkongmonetaryauthority)目前追随美国保持低利率,鼓励了投机资金流入房地产市场和股市。

    The peg is maintained at HK $ 7.8 to US $ 1 and forces the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to track currently low US interest rates , encouraging speculative flows into the property and stock markets .

  8. 另外,香港金融管理局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)总裁任志刚(JosephYam)昨日表示,香港可能会考虑在其2000亿美元外汇储备中,将更多资产从美元转向其它货币。

    Separately , Joseph Yam , chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , yesterday said Hong Kong might consider diversifying more of its US $ 200bn reserves away from the US dollar .

  9. 类似的“向质量转移”趋势,也体现于贸易融资统计数据,最详细的数据由香港金融管理局(hkma)编集。

    A similar flight to quality is reflected by trade finance statistics , the most detailed of which are compiled by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority .

  10. 香港金融管理局(hkma)同意国际合作是重要的,但表示,这个中国特别行政区的银行业监督已经比国际标准更加严格。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority agreed that international co-operation was important but said that banking supervision in the Chinese territory was already tighter than international standards .

  11. 香港金融管理局(HKMA)相当于准央行总裁任志刚(JosephYam)表示,他认为人民币正向着可自由兑换转变,有朝一日,可能会成为一种国际储备货币。

    Joseph Yam , the head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , the quasi-central bank , recently said he saw the renminbi becoming freely convertible and perhaps becoming an international reserve currency one day .

  12. 香港金融管理局(HKMA)昨日被迫再度干预汇市,原因是港元兑美元汇率触及交易区间的上限。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority was forced to step into the currency markets again yesterday as the Hong Kong dollar hit the limit of its trading band against its US counterpart .

  13. 今年2月份,香港金融管理局(HKMA)总裁任志刚(JosephYam)曾发出呼吁,建议创立“以上海、深圳和香港交易所上市股票托管证明书为形式的衍生工具”。

    In February , Joseph Yam , chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , mooted the creation of " certificates of ownership of shares listed on the Shanghai , Shenzhen and Hong Kong stock exchanges . "

  14. 阿里巴巴旗下的金融部门“支付宝”(Alipay)正与香港金融管理局(HKMA)进行谈判,希望获得推出港版余额宝的授权。余额宝于去年6月推出,至今已吸引逾5740亿元人民币(合940亿美元)资金。

    Its Alipay financial unit is in talks with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority about securing authorisation to offer a local version of its Yu'E Bao money market fund , which launched in June last year and has already attracted more than Rmb574bn ( $ 94bn ) .

  15. 货币政策及市场部〔香港金融管理局〕

    Monetary Policy and Markets Department [ Hong Kong Monetary Authority ]

  16. 联合财富情报组〔香港金融管理局〕

    Joint Financial Intelligence Unit [ Hong Kong Monetary Authority ]

  17. 外汇基金咨询委员会〔香港金融管理局〕

    Exchange Fund Advisory Committee [ Hong Kong Monetary Authority ]

  18. 支付系统委员会〔香港金融管理局〕

    Committee on Payment System [ Hong Kong Monetary Authority ]

  19. 外聘投资经理处〔香港金融管理局〕

    External Managers Division [ Hong Kong Monetary Authority ]

  20. 香港金融管理局新版1000元港币出台,新港币具有更好的防伪特征。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has unveiled new1000-dollar bank notes with enhanced security features .

  21. 政府会与香港金融管理局紧密合作,跟进这项建议的进展。

    The government will work closely with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority on the development of this initiative .

  22. 派驻香港金融管理局筹划处的政府新闻处人员,负责协助执行有关的安排。

    An ISD team was attached to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority Planning Division to help implement the arrangements .

  23. 香港金融管理局是这三类认可机构的发牌机关。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority ( HKMA ) is the licensing authority for all three types of authorised institutions .

  24. 事实上,这是一项贷款安排,香港金融管理局会按市场利率收取利息。

    This is in effect a loan facility that attracts a market interest rate payable to the Hong Kong Monetary authority .

  25. 同年十月,机管局更就香港金融管理局为其安排的50亿元票据发行计划,进行签约。

    In october , the AA signed a $ 5 billion Note Issuance Programme arranged by the Hong Kong Monetary authority .

  26. 香港金融管理局总裁任志刚说,新币防伪措施十分先进,要想仿造必须付出很大代价。

    The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority Joseph Yam said the new security features were very advanced and would be costly to fake .

  27. 香港金融管理局已向银行表明会确保银行同业市场有足够的流动资金及结算交收系统会运作正常。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority had assured banks of adequate liquidity provision in the interbank market and the smooth functioning of the clearing and settlement systems .

  28. 香港金融管理局在周五的声明中表示:汇丰是香港最大的银行,与香港有着深厚的历史渊源。

    HSBC is the largest bank in Hong Kong and has deep historical links with Hong Kong , the Hong Kong Monetary Authority said in a statement on Friday .

  29. 为此,香港金融管理局正落实建议,发展港元回购市场,以期促进银行同业借贷(特别是较长期的贷款);

    To that end , the Hong Kong Monetary Authority is implementing the proposal to develop a Hong Kong dollar repo market to facilitate interbank lending , especially at the longer end ;

  30. 香港金融管理局的张文郎和罗炳良表示,随着中国家庭越来越富裕,猪肉、禽肉和牛奶在其预算中所占的份额越来越大。

    As China 's households grow richer , meat , poultry and milk are claiming a bigger share of their budgets , according to Wenlang Zhang and Daniel Law of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority .