
  • 网络mas;Malaysian Airlines;Malaysia Airline
  1. 如此马来西亚航空公司是一个好方法作为敏捷的供应链经营。

    Thus MAS is a good method for agile supply chain management .

  2. 同样在去年,马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)的一架客机失踪,另一架客机在飞越乌克兰时被击落,共计有539人遇难。

    Also last year , a Malaysia Airlines jet disappeared and one of its sister planes was downed over Ukraine with a combined loss of 539 lives .

  3. 但是其它公司似乎没办法从马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)的困境中学到什么。

    But there does not appear much other companies can learn from Malaysia Airlines ' travails .

  4. 调查人员看上去正逐渐解开马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)MH370航班的最终下落之谜。

    Investigators now look closer to solving the riddle of where missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 met its end .

  5. 王林诗是马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)370航班上18位中国艺术家之一。这个中国艺术代表团由书法家、画家和诗人组成。

    Mr. Wang was among 18 Chinese artists -- calligraphers , painters , poets -- aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 .

  6. 第二天,马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)的MH17航班坠毁,298人丧生。

    The next day , Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed , killing 298 people .

  7. 中国电信设备供应商华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.)说,马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines,简称:马航)上周末失踪的那架航班上有其两名员工。该航班共载有239人。

    Chinese telecommunications equipment supplier Huawei Technologies Co. said two of its employees are among the 239 passengers on board the Malaysia Airlines flight that went missing over the weekend .

  8. 对马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)失联班机MH370的搜索行动,下一步将主要取决于亚洲各国政府和军方是否愿意交出可能较为敏感的雷达和卫星数据。

    The hunt for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 now depends on the willingness of governments and the military across Asia to hand over potentially sensitive radar and satellite data .

  9. 今年3月,当马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)的MH370航班失踪后,中国许多普通民众和官员被马来西亚对那场灾难的处理所激怒,发誓永不造访这个国家。

    After Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 vanished in March , many ordinary Chinese and officials became incensed at Malaysia 's handling of the disaster and vowed never to travel to the country .

  10. 但就在登上马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)370航班几周前,诺丽・阿克马尔・哈米德(NorliAkmarHamid)流产了。这是她的几个朋友接受记者采访时说的。

    But just weeks before boarding Malaysia Airlines 3786.KU + 2.13 % Flight 370 , Norli Akmar Hamid miscarried , several friends said in interviews .

  11. 美国方面表示,这架客机隶属马来西亚航空公司(MalaysianAirlines)的波音777飞机,坠毁前正从阿姆斯特丹飞往吉隆坡,航班在飞经乌克兰东部由亲俄武装分子掌控的地区时失去联系。

    The US said Flight MH17 , a Boeing 777 flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur , had been shot down in a missile attack as it flew over eastern Ukraine on Thursday .

  12. 对于目睹了马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines,简称:马航)370航班搜寻过程的很多中国人而言,有一点十分肯定:这次的悲剧使他们将来把马来西亚作为旅行目的地的意愿下降。

    Many Chinese spectators who have watched the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 unfold are emphatic about one thing : the tragedy has made it less likely they 'll include Malaysia in future travel plans .

  13. 在各方继续搜寻马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)失踪航班之际,美国军方表示,正使用从肉眼观测到反潜艇任务经常使用的先进雷达技术等一切手段来寻找这架失踪波音客机的下落。

    As the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet continues , the U.S. military says it 's using everything from the naked eye to advanced radar technology more often needed in antisubmarine missions to try to locate the Boeing passenger jet .

  14. 澳大利亚官方周四表示,在莫桑比克发现的残骸“极有可能”来自MH370,为这架两年前失踪、机上载有239人的马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)飞机的下落提供了进一步证据。

    Debris found in Mozambique is " highly likely " to come from MH370 , Australian authorities said on Thursday , providing further evidence of the fate of the Malaysia Airlines plane that disappeared two years ago with 239 people on board .

  15. 马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)失联客机的机长以及他支持反对党领袖安瓦尔(AnwarIbrahim)的态度成为马来西亚政治争斗的最新素材,政治对手纷纷指责对方利用全国危机为自己谋取好处。

    The captain of the vanished Malaysia Airlines jet and his support for opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim have become the latest fodder for political rivals who are accusing each other of exploiting a national crisis .

  16. 就像你在这段YouTube视频中看到的,卫星、飞机、船舶和声纳浮标潜入海洋深处监听任何可能由马来西亚航空公司失联客机发出的信号。

    Satellites , planes , ships and sonobuoys like the one you see in this YouTube clip drop from above diving into the ocean listening for anything that could be a signal from a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane .

  17. 在乌克兰东部地区被击落的马来西亚航空公司MH17航班遇难者的亲属表达了诉求。

    Relatives of the victims of the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 shot down over eastern Ukraine are speaking out .

  18. 载有150多名中国人的马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines,简称:马航)370客机的失踪,使马来西亚在中国的声誉急转直下,而马航、马政府在事件过程中屡屡处置不当更是给事情雪上加霜。

    Malaysia 's reputation has taken a big hit in China since a Malaysia Airlines flight disappeared earlier this month with over 150 Chinese passengers on board . A string of missteps by the airline and the Malaysian government in the aftermath of the tragedy has only made matters worse .

  19. 马来西亚航空公司表示,有关部门正在研究的一种可能性是,那架飞机曾试图折返距离吉隆坡50公里的梳邦(Subang)机场。

    Malaysia Airlines said authorities were looking at a possibility of an attempt made by the aircraft to turn back to Subang , an airport 50km from Kuala Lumpur .

  20. 花旗集团(Citigroup)常驻香港的航空业分析师迈克尔贝尔(MichaelBeer)表示,去年发生的几起致命空难——马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)的MH370航班和MH17航班,以及亚航印尼(AirAsiaIndonesia)的QZ8501航班——使中国游客有点不敢前往东南亚。

    Michael Beer , an aviation analyst at Citigroup in Hong Kong , said that the deadly crashes last year involving Malaysia Airlines " flights MH370 and MH17 and AirAsia Indonesia 's QZ8501 had shaken Chinese tourists " confidence in travelling to the region .

  21. 美国国家安全局副局长表示,美国多家情报机构正联手调查是谁击落了马来西亚航空公司MH17航班。

    The Deputy Director of the National Security Agency says a number of US intelligence agencies are working together to figure out who was behind the downing of Malaysian Airlines ' Flight 17 .

  22. 还有一个例子是马来西亚航空公司。该公司接连遭遇了2014年3月的MH370航班失联和7月的MH17在乌克兰坠机,乘客数量急剧下降。

    Then there 's Malaysia Airlines , which saw a drastic drop-off in passengers following the disappearance of Flight 370 in March 2014 and the fatal downing of Flight 17 in Ukraine in July .

  23. 正如马来西亚航空公司将会证实的,那些报道是不准确的。

    As Malaysia Airlines will confirm , those reports are inaccurate .

  24. 今晚马来西亚航空公司199航班因天气不好取消了。

    MH Flight 199 is cancelled this evening for the bad weather .

  25. 马来西亚航空公司370航班于上周六早上起飞。

    Malaysia Airlines flight 370 took off early Saturday morning .

  26. 马来西亚航空公司表示担心会发生最坏的情况。

    Malaysia Airlines said it was fearing the worst .

  27. 这些费用将由马来西亚航空公司承担。

    All these costs are borne by Malaysia Airlines .

  28. 马来西亚航空公司是从北京直飞到吉隆坡,无中转。

    Malaysia Airlines flies directly from Beijing to Kuala Lumpur without a transit .

  29. 而对于寻找失联的马来西亚航空公司370航班的乐观希望正变得越来越渺茫。

    Optimism is fading for discovering what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 .

  30. 马来西亚航空公司一架由吉隆坡飞往北京的航班失去联系。

    A Malaysia Airlines flight en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing is missing .