
  • 网络Marshall McLuhan;mcluhan
  1. 马歇尔·麦克卢汉是世界知名的媒介传播研究学家,同时也是传播学媒介环境学派的一代宗师。

    As the world-renowned scientist on the media communication , Marshall McLuhan is also the great master of the school of Media Ecology .

  2. 本文尝试参考著名加拿大传播学者马歇尔·麦克卢汉的媒介理论对兔子所感知到的各种矛盾和其追寻的最终命运从宏观上加以分析。

    This thesis tries to make a new attempt at analyzing the conflict met by the character and its doomed failure of his pursuit with the theory of Marshall McLuhan , the famous Canadian scholar on mass media .

  3. 一如马歇尔·麦克卢汉所说,任何媒介的使用或人的延伸都改变着人际依存模式。

    As Marshall · MaiKeLu han said , the use of any media or extension of man are changing interpersonal dependent mode .

  4. 在我们这个被马歇尔·麦克卢汉称为地球村的世界,虽然以美国文化占据了现今世界中相对强势的地位,但是各国各民族在其发展过程中所形成的文化均具有无法替代的特色。

    In the world we live in , which Marshall McLuhan has termed a " Global Village ," every ethnic culture that evolved in the long forming historical period of its nationality has its irreplaceable characteristics , though American culture has occupied a strong position in the present world .