
  • 网络malaysian ringgit;myr
  1. 香港港币和马来西亚林吉特也与美元挂钩。

    The Hong Kong dollar and Malaysian ringgit are also fixed .

  2. 不过,考虑到亚洲其他地区货币的波动情况,这部分地反映了人民币在追赶马来西亚林吉特和韩元等货币的脚步。

    However , given the movements in the rest of Asia , this partially represents a catch up with the likes of the Malaysian ringgit and the Korean won .

  3. 本文在利用GARCH模型测算人民币汇率波动率的基础上,将人民币与美元、日元、港币、菲律宾比索、马来西亚林吉特和新加坡元进行互动性比较分析。

    Based on the calculation of exchange rate volatility by GARCH model , this paper compared RMB with US dollar , Japanese Yen , HK dollar , Philippine peso , Malaysia Ringgit and Singapore dollar .

  4. 贝格建议用美元买进该地区的替代货币,如新加坡元和马来西亚林吉特,因为它们可能会提供更好的价值。

    Mr Baig suggests buying proxies in the region , such as the Singapore dollar and the Malaysian ringgit against the dollar , since they probably offer better value .

  5. 过去一个月里,俄罗斯卢布对美元贬值8.6%,哥伦比亚比索贬值5.9%,马来西亚林吉特贬值3.2%。

    In the past month , the Russian rouble has dropped 8.6 per cent against the dollar , the Colombian peso is down 5.9 per cent , and the Malaysian ringgit is off 3.2 per cent .

  6. 这有可能大幅推高马来西亚林吉特、韩元及新台币兑美元汇率,使之突破上周创下的数月高点。由于中国允许人民币升值的猜测升温,上述货币上周纷纷走高。

    This could send the Malaysian ringgit , South Korean won and Taiwan dollar up sharply through the multi-month highs they hit against the dollar last week as speculation of a move by China to strengthen the renminbi intensified .

  7. 巫光伦表示,演出的制作总投资将达2.5亿至3亿马来西亚林吉特(约合4.5亿至5.4亿元人民币),可能要用五六年时间才能收回成本。

    The total investment in the production would be 250 million to 300 million Malaysian ringgit , or $ 75 million to $ 86 million , and it might take five to six years for the show to break even , Mr. Boo said .

  8. 马来西亚货币林吉特最近几个月来的持续上扬不利于马国班轮公司降低货运成本。

    THE rise of the Malaysian ringgit in recent months is unlikely to encourage shipping lines to reduce their freight charges .

  9. 例如,如果在马来西亚结算交易,就将使用马来西亚林吉特。

    For example , the Malaysian ringgit would be used if trades were settled in Malaysia .