
  • 网络Marc Benioff;Mark Benioff;Marc Beniof;MarcBe-nioff
  1. 作为创始人和首席“吹牛师”的马克·贝尼奥夫(MarcBenioff)竭力强调的是,没有很多Salesforce这般规模的公司还能每年增长20%以上。

    As founder and chief braggart Marc Benioff is at pains to stress , not many companies of Salesforce 's size are growing at more than 20 per cent a year .

  2. 谷歌(Google)联合创始人谢尔盖·布林(SergeyBrin)、高盛首席执行官劳尔德·C·贝兰克梵(LloydC.Blankfein)、Salesforce创始人兼首席执行官、亿万富翁马克·贝尼奥夫(MarcBenioff),只是其中几个显眼的例子。

    Google 's co-founder Sergey Brin , Goldman Sachs 's chief executive , Lloyd C. Blankfein , and Marc Benioff , the billionaire founder and chief executive of Salesforce , are just a few prominent examples .

  3. 我将授予马克·贝尼奥夫人文荣誉博士学位

    I present for the honorary degree of doctor of humane letters Mr. Marc Benioff

  4. 马克·贝尼奥夫就拥有创�

    Marc Benioff possessed an impulse to create