
  1. 浅议合伙律师事务所长效机制的构建

    How to Establish the Effective Mechanism for Partnership Law Firm

  2. 非有限责任的普通合伙律师事务所的每个负责人与律师事务所承担连带责任。

    Each of the principals of a law firm organized as a general partnership without limited liability is liable jointly and severally with the firm .

  3. 本文从比较我国合伙律师事务所管理模式的发展阶段着手,分析了不同阶段和不同管理模式的优缺点;

    This article , starting with the comparison of different stages of development in partnership law firm management , analyzes the merits and demerits of varied management modes .

  4. 广东绅源律师事务所是由广东省司法厅批准成立的合伙制律师事务所。

    Shengyuan Law Firm is a partnership one approved by the Guangdong Juridical Department .

  5. 尽管初级律师确实分工明确,他们的合伙制律师事务所仍保持全面咨询性质。

    While solicitor do specialize , partnerships preserve the general advisory nature of their work .

  6. 我是要申请开办私人合伙的律师事务所!

    What I 'm applying for is a private law firm owned by its partners !

  7. 振泽律师事务所系由原环球律师事务所南京分所改制并重新注册成立的合伙制律师事务所。

    Grand Glory Law Office is a re-registered law office in co-partnership established on the restructuring of the original Global Law Office , Nanjing Branch .

  8. 本文力图从法律执业者的角度对有限责任合伙和有限责任合伙律师事务所所涉理论与实践问题进行较全面和细致的解读。

    The article analyzes the theory and practice about the limited liability partnership and the law firm organized under LLP by the point of legal profession .