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  • 网络idf;Israel Defense Force;israeli defence forces
  1. 以色列国防军表示,23岁的哈达尔·戈尔丁于周五晚上在加沙进行的战斗中死亡。

    The IDF said 23-year-old Hadar Goldin was killed Friday night in fighting in the Gaza Strip .

  2. 显然等待的细胞在以色列国防军巡逻队开枪伏击和巡逻时通过。

    The cell apparently waited in ambush for an IDF patrol and opened fire when the patrol passed by .

  3. 新形势下以色列国防军面临的问题

    Problems confronting the Israeli national defence force under the new situation

  4. 以色列国防军军官欣然承认,恐怖行动的暂时停止部分是因为他们的努力。

    IDF officers readily admit that the lull in terrorism is partially due to their efforts .

  5. 而以色列国防军则说她死于废墟坍塌,纯属意外事故。

    The Israeli Defence Forces said it was an accident , and that she was killed by falling debris .

  6. 当新加坡在1965年8月始料不及地成为独立国家时,以色列国防军协助我们发展新加坡武装部队。

    In August 1965 , when Singapore unexpectedly became independent , the Israeli Defence Forces ( IDF ) helped us to develop the Singapore Armed Forces .

  7. 他向其总部发了报告,而几个月内——就在当年底——一支以色列国防军的顾问团就抵达新加坡了。

    He reported back to his headquarters and within a few months - by the end of the year , a team of IDF advisors had come to Singapore .

  8. 巴勒斯坦通讯社报道,印度空军马安直升机发射响应事件,而以色列国防军发言人拒绝证实或否认导弹进入加沙地带。

    Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported that IAF helicopters fired missiles into the Strip in response to the incident , which the IDF spokesperson declined to confirm or deny .

  9. 目标物在禁飞区被发现,随后喷气机紧急起飞。虽然不明飞行物被击落,但是至今以色列国防军还是没有发现任何残骸。

    Jets were scrambled when the object was detected in the no-fly zone , and although it was shot down , the IDF reports that the debris has yet to be found .

  10. 没有以色列国防军的帮忙,新加坡武装部队不可能发展其能力,阻吓威胁,保护我们的岛国,并让新加坡人和海外投资者对新加坡有信心,相信新加坡能有未来。

    Without the IDF , the SAF could not have grown its capabilities , deterred threats , defended our island , and reassured Singaporeans and investors that Singapore was secure , and that Singapore had a future .

  11. 以色列国防军安全分析师盖尔·贝尼亚米尼在发布的一份调查报告中声称,这些手机设备在所谓的“暴力破解”下脆弱不堪。“暴力破解”是指黑客持续采用实验和“错误策略”的方法来破解安全措施。

    An investigation by security analyst Gal Beniamini of the Israeli Defense Forces revealed that devices are particularly vulnerable to so called ' brute force attacks ' - where hackers overwhelm security measures using a persistent trial and error approach .

  12. 而一位发言人告诉以色列电视台以色列国防军表示这是一次性的事件。

    and a spokesman told Israeli TV the IDF is regarding this as a one-time incident .

  13. 他说这将巩固以色列的安全,减轻以以色列国防军的负担和减少与巴勒斯坦的紧张局势。

    He said it would strengthen Israeli security , ease the responsibilities of the Israeli Defense Forces and reduce tensions with the palestinians .

  14. 以色列军方发言人彼得勒纳中校说:以色列国防军将在加沙地带外重新部署并保持防御状态。

    The Israel Defence Forces will be redeployed in defensive positions outside the Gaza Strip and we will maintain those defensive positions , Israeli military spokesman Lt-Col Peter Lerner said .