
  • 网络symmetric distribution;symmetrical distribution;distributed symmetrically;symmetry distribution
  1. 针对K均值法存在的问题,提出了两种优化方法:基于对称分布的优化方法和基于拐点的优化方法。

    Thinking about the problems of k-means , two methods were supplied : the method based on symmetric distribution and the method based on inflection point .

  2. 基于对称分布特性的自适应α-剪枝均值滤波

    Adaptive α - trimmed mean filtering based on characteristic of noise symmetric distribution

  3. 从对称分布来看,分布在中间值上面的与下面的差不多是相等的,最可能的值,即mode,是与中间值相等的。

    In a symmetrical distribution , values are equally likely to fall above the mean as below it , and the most likely value , the mode , is equal to the mean .

  4. 电性轴对称分布电阻率测井的有限元法模拟平用此法后,P型硅单晶的电阻率能控制在1000~3000欧姆·厘米,与目标电阻率一致。

    By this method , the resistivity of p-type si crystals can be controlled in the range Of 1000-3000 Ω cm which corresponds with the objective resistivity and the resistivity distribution has been improved .

  5. 由对称分布导出的GN空间

    GN space induced by symmetrical distribution

  6. 研究结果表明,实验条件下,喷嘴组空气射流局部Na数呈对称分布,在附加驻点区换热与驻点区有所不同,被冲击表面中心处的换热处于最不利的位置。

    The heat transfer in the stagnation zone differs from the one in the additional stagnation zone , and the most unfavorable heat transfer is located in the center of the test plate .

  7. 本文提出了用偶幂级数代替对称分布函数,使其线积分成为递推可积,从而简化了Abel逆变换。

    A new method is presented in which a even power series replaces the symmetrical function so that the Abel inversion can be done easily .

  8. 结果表明,其智商分布基本呈集中对称分布,学龄前儿童在智力水平上无性别差异,且无论男女都是言语IQ高于操作IQ。

    The results suggested that the intelligence quotients ( IQ ) showed mainly centralized and symmetrical distribution and no sexual differences in intelligence level were observed ; speech IQ was higher than manipulation IQ .

  9. 然后将它们转化为对应的Fredholm积分方程,得到了材料性质对称分布的简支梁弯曲振动的自然频率。

    By converting it to a Fredholm integral equation , numerical results of the natural frequencies for free vibration are obtained for simply-supported beams with symmetrically-distributed material properties .

  10. 荷电机理相同、电性相反的表面组分的浓度在所用pH范围内对iep基本上呈x形对称分布;

    The densities of the surface groups , which are same in charging mechanism but opposite in charge sign , are symmetrically distributed in the main about the iso-electric points in x-shape in the range of applied pH values ;

  11. 结果发现,雌、雄蚁脑中的GABA和5-HT免疫阳性神经元对称分布于左右脑半球中,其聚集成群,在雄蚁中的数目比雌蚁略少。

    Here we show that in the brain of female and male C. Japonicus , all the GABA and 5-HT immunoreactive neurons are distributed symmetrically on the left and right hemisphere and grouped into clusters .

  12. 在横观各向同性和随机参数轴对称分布的特殊假设条件下,采用Weibull分布确定岩石的初始孔隙率,构建了一个非均质各向异性岩石的物理模型和数值模型。

    With assumptions of transversely isotropic and axial symmetric distribution of stochastic parameters , the physical model and mathematical model of a homogenous anisotropic rock are built . The initial porosity is determined by Weibull distribution function .

  13. 广义高斯分布是一类以Gaussian分布、Laplacian分布为特例的对称分布,它在信号处理和图像处理等领域都有广泛的应用。

    Generalized Gaussian distribution is a class of symmetry distributions with the Gaussian distribution and Laplacian distribution as the special cases . It is widely applied in the fields of signal processing , image processing and so on .

  14. 利用全矢量有限元方法,对椭圆六角对称分布微结构光纤(MF)的双折射特性进行了理论分析,得到了双折射大小与结构参量、入射波长间的依赖关系。

    Based on the full-vector finite element method , the birefringence in microstructure fiber with squeezed hexagonal lattice is numerically analyzed . The correlation between the birefringence and the structural parameters , incidence wavelength is obtained .

  15. 得到遵从多元正态分布和遵从椭球等高对称分布的随机向量在n维空间Rn中的第一象限的概率积分值相等。

    In this paper , we obtain the equality of probability integral value of random vector obeying multivariate normal distribution and elliptically contoured symmetrical distribution , in the first quadrant of n dimensional space R n.

  16. 不同矿物成份的岩溶粘土沉积物中,可溶性稀土和残存稀土组成均相对于全样稀土组成呈对称分布关系.其中前者富集Nd&Lu而La、Ce贫化,残存稀土相反。

    A symmetrical distribution relationship is appeared for both soluble REE and remnant REE comparation to total REE in the karst clay sediments of variable mineral components , of which the former is rich in Nd and lack of Lu , La , Ce , but the latter is contrary .

  17. 理论分析结果表明,TbCo非晶垂直磁化膜的垂直磁各向异性主要来自于Tb离子的非球对称分布电荷与膜内晶场之间的库仑相互作用以及膜内的应力。

    Theoretic analysis showed that the main origin of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in TbCo amorphous films are the coulomb interaction between the aspheric distribution charges of Tb ions and the crystal field and the stress of the film .

  18. 构树均质刨花板经砂光后的VDP可以分成上、下表层和芯层,且沿板坯中心呈两侧对称分布。

    After sanding , the broussonetia papyrifera homogeneous particleboard can be divided into upper and lower surface and core , and the slab center along the sides were symmetrical .

  19. 在理论分析的基础上,证明每相电压正、负半周各60°的不开关扇区对称分布于电流峰值两侧的SVPWM优化方法是一种较为理想的控制策略。

    Then , on the base of theoretic analysis , the thesis proves that the best method of optimized SVPWM is an ideal control strategy , of which the none-switching sectors in each half period , distributes on both sides of the current peak value symmetrically .

  20. 研究分析高阶统计量的LMS自适应滤波算法,仿真结果表明将高阶累计量技术应用到信号预处理方面,可以有效抑制高斯噪声和对称分布噪声,提高检测性能;

    Based on adaptive filtered in signal preprocessing field , the higher-order statistics LMS algirithm is discussed and analyzed by use of computer simulation , which can be used to reduce normal noise and symmetry distribution noise , and improve detection detectability under complicated ambient noise according to simulation results .

  21. 通过应用该选址博弈模型,解得该系统的一个STACKELBERG平衡解:大公司的店在市场中央,小公司的店按无缝配置依次对称分布于市场两侧;

    Thirdly , the stackelberg equillibrium of this system , the large firm 's store is located in the center of market and the small firm gathers its stores at the ends of market symmetrically , is solved as the solution of new model .

  22. 表达Cf-vasa的原生殖细胞形成于原肠胚时期,在担轮幼虫中对称分布于口凹两侧,并随幼虫发育迁移至D型幼虫末端后,继续沿边缘向腹面迁移。

    The putative PGCs with Cf-vasa expression form in gastrula stage , and are located symmetrically at both sides of the stomodeum in trochophore . These cells subsequently migrate to the posterior pole of D-shaped larva and then migrate towards abdomen .

  23. 本文对矩阵球对称分布的三个重要子类(Kotz型,皮尔逊Ⅱ型和皮尔逊Ⅶ型)进行了研究,给出它们的分布密度、矩、边缘分布,条件分朽、特征函数等。

    In this paper , we studied three important subclasses of spherical matrix dis - tribution ( Kotz typc , Pearson ⅱ type and Pearson ⅶ type ) . We obtained their density distributions , moments , marginal distributions , conditional distribution and characteristic functions .

  24. 在文献[1]的基础上,将Giorgi(1996)提出的通量计算方案进一步推广为非对称分布的简化形式,求得非均匀地表区域平均通量。

    On the basis of reference ~ (), the calculated scheme of soil moisture flux presented by Giorgi ( 1996 ) is further spread to be the simplified form of asymmetrical distribution , so as to obtained the mean flux of heterogeneous surface region .

  25. 螺纹安装孔的位置与电装电机轴线成错开对称分布。

    Screw hollow and motor spindle are distributed staggered and equally .

  26. 结果表明,压痕周围产生了玫瑰型不对称的位错组态和二次对称分布的孪晶结构。

    The results show that resettle_like asymmetric dislocations occurred around indentation .

  27. 双通道椭圆弯晶谱仪的基础理论及实验研究椭球等高对称分布的一个特征

    Research on Fundamental Theories and Experiments of Double-channel Elliptically-curved Crystal Spectrograph

  28. 基于高阶统计量的对称分布信号检测

    Detection of Signals with Symmetry Distribution Based on Higher Order Statistics

  29. 主厂房发电机层两段工作区的温度呈对称分布。

    In the two working units the temperature is distributed symmetrically .

  30. 圆薄板在非对称分布载荷作用下的大挠度问题

    Large Deflection Problem of Circular Thin Plates Subjected to Nonsymmetrical Distributed Loads