
  1. 谢天谢地,他的约会对象说。

    Thank heavens , his date replied .

  2. 约70%的调查对象说他们是出于羞愧或尴尬才隐藏秘密的。

    Some 70 per cent of respondents said they keep the secret out of shame or embarrassment .

  3. 我们的一个调查对象说女童子军比赛卖脆饼的经历有助于塑造她的性格。

    One of our subjects told us selling Girl Scout cookies was a formative experience for her ;

  4. 大多数调查对象说,明星和体育名人这两类人最为时尚。

    The majority of respondents said that pop stars and sports figures were the two most fashionable groups .

  5. 现在农业工作者就更少了:乔治亚州农业综合企业委员会做了一次调查,46%的调查对象说他们的工人太少。

    It may now have fewer : 46 % of respondents to a recent survey conducted by the Georgia Agribusiness Council said they had too few workers .

  6. 为了提高标准的可操作性,应当将规范对象说、重心说等学说作为判断的形式标准。

    In order to improve the operation of the standard , doctrines such as Object Doctrine and Focus Doctrine should be provided for standards of the formal judgment .

  7. 的调查对象说他们不知道是否有人没经过他们的同意就发布可能破坏他们名声的信息。

    Twenty-seven per cent of respondents said they didn 't know if someone has posted something about them , without their consent , that could possibly damage their reputation .

  8. 尽管经济发展有所放缓,调查显示中国对于事业心强的外派雇员来说还是具有很强的吸引力,接近70%的调查对象说他们来到中国是为了更好的工作机遇。

    Despite the economic slowdown , this survey shows China has strong appeal for career-minded expatriates , with nearly 70 percent of respondents saying they moved to the country for better job opportunities .

  9. 文章简评了诸对象说,认为这些对象说都未揭示出图书馆的本质,并非图书馆学的研究对象。

    The author comments on various ideas . The author holds that they have not brought to light the essence of the library , these ideas are not the study object of library science .

  10. 调查对象说他们最害怕自己的伴侣发现自己不可告人的秘密,而有四分之一的人认为即使另一半发现了自己的秘密还是会支持自己。

    Respondents said the person they most dread unearthing one of the skeletons in their closet is their partner , though a quarter believed their other half would support them if they did find out .

  11. 在跨国公司的调查中,45%的调查对象说,一天工作了12个小时或更长时间,到家之后连跟家人讲话的精力都没有了。

    At the end of a 12-hour or longer day at work , 45 per cent of all respondents in the global companies survey are too tired to say anything at all to their spouses or partners .

  12. 调查显示,40%的人认为,睡眠不好是早晨脾气暴躁的主要原因。近五分之一的调查对象说,他们晚上从来没有睡过一个好觉。

    The survey found that four in ten people believe a disturbed night is the main reason for grumpiness in the morning . Nearly one in five of the population say they never really get a good night 's sleep .

  13. 其中一名调查对象说:“孩子长大以后,有些压力和责任就没有了,所以会轻松一点。”这项研究成果在《心理科学》期刊上发表。

    One of the participants in the study , which is published in the journal Psychological Science , said : " Once the kids grow up ... there 's some of that stress removed ... that responsibility removed , so things are a little more relaxed . "

  14. 所以你会直接跟你的约会对象说:“哦,我得去补个妆。”你的朋友会问“怎么了?”你可以直接说“我得走了”。哥几个,我马上回来。

    So , you would just say to your date , " Oh , I need to go fix my makeup . " Your friend will ask , " what 's wrong ? " and you could just say , " I gotta go . " Guys , I 'll be right back .

  15. 当他回到桌边,他垂下眼睛,装出一副阴沉的表情,说:“有个不幸的消息,我的祖父刚刚去世了。”“谢天谢地!”他的约会对象说,“如果你的祖父不死,我的祖父就得死了!”

    When he returned to the table , he lowered his eyes , put on a grim expression and said , " I have some bad news . My grandfather just died . " " Thank heavens , " his date replied . " If yours hadn 't , mine would have had to ! "

  16. 也许你的约会对象会说,他有把小费放在桌子上留给亲切友好的女服务生,但当你回去找落下的太阳眼镜时,却没有看到。

    Perhaps your date said he left a tip for that friendly waitress on the table , but you find no cash when you run back to get your sunglasses .

  17. 委托对象或者说委托方法是一个简单且功能强大的模式,在此模式中,程序中的一个对象,其行为代表另一对象,或与其一致。

    A delegate object or delegation is a simple and powerful pattern in which one object in a program acts on behalf of , or in coordination with , another object .

  18. 从研究对象上说,20世纪文学批评与传统文学批评的最大不同在于研究重心从作者到文本或作品的转移,这种转向显示出文学研究的现代性特征。

    From the object of study , the largest difference of literature criticism in 20th century and traditional criticism lies in the focus of research changed from authors to text or works . The change shows the modern features of literature research .

  19. push()接受一个输入对象,比如说foo,并将它放入到一个内部容器(例如一个数组)中。

    Linda : push () takes an input object , say foo , and places it into an internal container ( like an array ) .

  20. 他们已经找到了迫害的对象,他说。

    " They have found their witch ," he said .

  21. 对象,或者说产品特征,提供了一个离散的可管理的环境。

    Objects , or product features , offer a discrete and manageable environment .

  22. 你不是我想要结婚的对象,他说。

    ' You are not the girl I want to marry , ' he declared .

  23. 在很多情况下,堆中存在太多碎片以至于无法存放一个大的对象,比如说数组。

    In many cases , the heap is too fragmented to accommodate a single large object , such as an array .

  24. 该研究结果发表在了《疼痛期刊》上,研究者总结道:与没有说脏话的实验对象相比,说脏话成员的疼痛耐受力和心率都有所增加。

    Writing in the Journal of Pain , the authors concluded : Swearing increased pain tolerance and heart rate compared with not swearing .

  25. 大多数的调查对象都报告说倾向于选择认知和行为层面的心理咨询理论,并希望得到一些实践方面的训练帮助。

    Moreover , many subjects report that they often use the consultative theory in cognition and behaviorism , and they need some practical training .

  26. 我认为他不是你合适的对象,我说了他一些甚至想都不该那么想的话。

    I thought he wasn 't a proper match for you , and I said things about him which I shouldn 't even have thought .

  27. 他更希望通过同事或父母介绍对象。他说,30年前,父母们的婚姻就是这样建立起来的。

    he would prefer a marriage set up by colleagues or by his parents . It worked for them 30 years ago , he says .

  28. 该研究结果发表在了《疼痛期刊》上,研究者总结道:“与没有说脏话的实验对象相比,说脏话成员的疼痛耐受力和心率都有所增加。”

    Writing in the Journal of Pain , the authors concluded : " Swearing increased pain tolerance and heart rate compared with not swearing . "

  29. 我不支持任意对象,比方说,一个40万的澳洲,一个36万的澳洲的一大澳的想法。

    ' I don 't support the idea of a big Australia with arbitrary targets of , say , a40 million-strong Australia or a36 million-strong Australia .

  30. 爱玛肯定会对哈丽特有好处的,而哈丽特给爱玛提供了一个新的关心对象,可以说对爱玛也有好处。

    Emma must do Harriet good : and by supplying her with a new object of interest , Harriet may be said to do Emma good .