
wēi ɡuān jīnɡ jì
  • microeconomics;micro economy
  1. 微观经济理论的发展、扬弃提炼与缺陷分析&发达国家微观经济理论的批判与借鉴

    The Development of Microeconomics Theory , Discarding and Defect Analysis & Use and Criticism of Microeconomics Theories of Developed Countries

  2. 产业作为介于宏观经济和微观经济之间的层次和部分,在区域经济中具有重要的地位。

    Being a mid-part between the unit of macroeconomics and the unit of microeconomics , Industry plays an important role in region economy .

  3. 我国在实施金融改革中,需要运用帕累托改进(PARETOIMPROVEMENT)的方式,循序渐进,协调进行,以提高资源分配的效率和微观经济环境的改善。

    China 's finance reform needs to use " PARETO IMPROVEMENT " theory , which can improve efficiency of resource distribution and microeconomic environment .

  4. 真实经济周期(RBC)理论运用动态一般均衡方法,从微观经济主体的最优化行为出发建立模型。

    The optimization of micro-economic subject is the basis of real business cycle theory ( RBC ) .

  5. 而基于宏观经济变量的logit模型和基于微观经济变量的描述性分析都很好地验证了该结论。

    This conclusion has also been improved by the logit econometric model based on the Macroeconomic variables and descriptive analysis based on Microeconomic variables .

  6. CGE模型有着清晰的微观经济结构和宏观与微观变量之间的连接关系,包含对因果关系和行为机制的描述,模型是可以解释的。

    CGE model makes the clear relationship between the structure of microcosmic and macrocosmic , and includes the description for the cause and effect relation and behavior mechanism .

  7. 西方效率理论的发展与政府的微观经济角色

    The Development of Efficiency Theory and The Government 's Microeconomic Role

  8. 土地退化微观经济评估的理论和方法。

    The theory and method of micro-economic evaluation to land degradation .

  9. 微观经济主体发展还处于初级阶段。

    The economic principles are in an early stage of development .

  10. 微观经济控制模型的建立及其最优控制实现

    The Building of the Micro-economic Control Model and Its Optimal Control Realization

  11. 此方法在宏观和微观经济决策中将有应用价值。

    The method could be used in the economic decision .

  12. 股市微观经济分析的模糊综合评价

    Research on Microcosmic Stock Economy Analyses by Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  13. 微观经济领域和宏观经济领域干预主义与自由主义论争的比较

    Comparison of Debates on Interventionism and Liberalism in Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Fields

  14. 市场的原生力量来自于微观经济主体的趋利动机,它推动了经济的全球化;

    The original market power comes from profit maximum motives ;

  15. 我国生育率转变的微观经济分析

    A Microeconomic Analysis to the Fertility Transition of our Country

  16. 第二代改革将鼓励更具生产性的微观经济行为,以维持经济增长。

    These reforms sustain growth by encouraging much more productive microeconomic behaviours .

  17. 信息化时代宏观经济与微观经济的连接与协调

    Link and Coordination between Macroeconomy and Microeconomy in Informatization Time

  18. 地勘队伍微观经济管理模式的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice on Microeconomic Management Modals of Geological and Prospecting Enterprises

  19. 政治影响力的差异可能会影响到微观经济层面。

    Differences in political influence may affect the micro-economic level .

  20. 对于微观经济主体和区域经济来讲,林业经济具有较强的外部性。

    For microeconomic main bodies , forestry economy has relatively strong externalities .

  21. 住房养老保险模式及其微观经济效应分析

    Home Equity Pension Insurance Model and its Microeconomic Effect Analysis

  22. 收入分配无论是对于宏观经济还是微观经济都非常重要。

    Income distribution is significant to both macro-economy and micro-economy .

  23. 本文从一种微观经济层面论述城市竞争力的相关问题。

    The paper analyses some problems concerning urban competitiveness in a micro way .

  24. 为什么不能用微观经济效率的标准来评价国有企业?

    Why can 't we appraise state-owned enterprises with standard of microeconomic efficiency ?

  25. 保险资金运用有利于增强微观经济主体中居民的预期;

    Insurance fund application strengthens residents ' microeconomic expectancy ;

  26. 弱化政府微观经济管理职能,实现政企分开;

    Weaken the function of micro economic manages to separate government and business ;

  27. 增量与平均量的比较在微观经济分析中的应用

    Applying on Microeconomics Analysis of Comparing with Increment Average

  28. 宏观、微观经济法理论及体系完善

    Theories and Systems of Macroeconomic Law and Microeconomic Law

  29. 中国经济转轨过程中微观经济规制的结构性问题

    Structural problems of microeconomic regulation in the process of economic transition in China

  30. 中国农村微观经济组织制度变迁研究

    Research on the Chinese Rural Microeconomic Organizations System Vicissitude