
duì yì
  • commutation
对易[duì yì]
  1. 在此基础上,从顶点模型的观点出发,我们利用Yang-Baxter方程和边界反射方程给出了双行monodromy矩阵的矩阵元之间的对易关系。

    By expanding the Yang-Baxter relation and the reflection equation , we obtain the commutation relations of the elements of the double-row monodromy matrix .

  2. 此解与以前同类问题的多尺度微扰解不同,在Heisenberg表象中坐标和动量算符的对易关系的简化十分自然,并且量子解能十分方便地过渡到经典解。

    In Heisenberg picture the difference from the earlier multiple-scale perturbation solution is that the commutation relation of coordinate and momentum operator is naturally simplified and it is very convenient to get classical result from quantum one in limit condition .

  3. 争取到这些资金,并且明确资金募集者,对易受气候影响的国家的未来至关重要。

    Securing these funds , and establishing who is responsible for raising them will also be vital for the future of climate-vulnerable countries .

  4. 为什么大多数软件开发人员和Web设计人员对易访问设计原则了解得这么少?

    Why is it that most software developers and Web designers know so little about accessible design principles ?

  5. 分子H的李代数展开式中基本力学量的对易关系

    The commutative relation of mechanic quantity for Lie algebraic expansion of molecular Hamiltonian

  6. 水热条件对易烧结PZT粉体合成的影响

    Influence of hydrothermally condition for synthesis of easy sintering PZT power

  7. 高钙摄取对易卒中自发性高血压大鼠的血压和细胞内pH,Na~+-H~+交换活性的

    Effect of high calcium intake on blood pressure and intracellular ph , na  ̄ + - h  ̄ + exchange activity in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats

  8. 对易感患者应重视预防PE的发生,术后或因病卧床的患者早期活动、预防性抗凝治疗等均可有效地降低PE的发病率。

    We should pay more attention to prevent PE , to advise the patients for early physical activity after operation or rest , to take prophylactic anticoagulation .

  9. 非对易空间中Klein-Gordon振子的能级与波函数

    Energy Levels and Wave Functions of Klein-Gordon Oscillators in Non-commutative Space

  10. 然后,利用Bopp变换求出了非对易相空间中的类氢原子的哈密顿量。

    Then by using the Bopp shift , we obtain the Hamiltonian of hydrogen-like atom on noncommutative phase space .

  11. 我们还希望工具厂商和RUP及其他开发框架的第三方供应商将开始把对易访问性的集成方法嵌入到他们的产品中。

    We also hope that tool vendors and third-party suppliers for RUP and other development frameworks will begin embedding an integrated approach for accessibility into their products .

  12. 本文介绍了对易挥发、具腐蚀性且组份之间存在可逆反应的含有甲酸、甲酸甲酯、甲醇和水等样品的GC分析。

    In this article , analysis by GC of volatile and corrosive samples containing formic acid , formic ether , methanol and water among which there may be reversible reactions is described .

  13. 结论在研究非对易环(torus)时,用{φmnj>}做基矢是特别方便的。

    Conclusion Making use of a set of complete states as basis vector when the study of noncommutative ring is very convenient .

  14. 在非对易空间、非对易相空间中求解Wigner函数的过程中,均利用了Bopp变换。

    When it comes to the non-commutative space and non-commutative phase space , Bopp shift is employed in both cases to solve the Wigner function .

  15. 我们通过运用一些运算技巧,得到了哈密顿量的时间演化函数,再进一步展开成非对易空间中的Wigner函数。

    By using the algebraic skills , we get the time evolution function of the Hamiltonian and expand it to the Wigner functions in the noncommutative space .

  16. 知道dao包依赖于util这一事实告诉您,为支持新需求而在util中进行的任何修改可能会对易出故障的dao包产生负面的影响!

    Knowing that the dao package depends on util tells you that any modifications to support the new requirement in util could adversely affect the troublesome dao package !

  17. 给出了一个量子Hamiltonian系统存在非零绝热几何位相的必要条件:不同时刻的Hamiltonian量不可对易。

    First we put forward an essential condition , for the existence of the non-zero adiabatic geometric phase of a quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian system , that the Hamiltonian operators at different times do not commute .

  18. 其次,对易飞ERP按订单配置的功能进行了分析,包括CTO的解决方案,增加CTO前后销售流程图的对比,增加CTO功能所遇到的挑战及解决方案、按订单配置下的成本模拟分析。

    Then analyzed the CTO functions , including CTO solution , sales processes in contrast , challenges when increate CTO and the cost analysis simulation in the order configure environment .

  19. 非对易几何由Connes在数学中发展起来,近年由Witten等人引入超弦理论,由于背景场的效应在卜膜上坐标间是不可交换的。

    THE noncommutative geometry is developed by A. Connes in mathematics and introduced into superstring theory by E.

  20. 众所周知,非对易并非是一种新的思想,它的起源可以追述到1930年Landau的工作。

    It is well-known that the idea of noncommutativity is not a new concept and in physics , first example of noncommutativity was probably studied by Landau in 1930 .

  21. 因为在探测可能存在的非对易效应中,Moller和Bhabha散射是两个重要的,基本的散射过程。

    Since both of the Moller and Bhabha scattering are two important , elementary processes in detecting the possible NC signal .

  22. 亚洲最大炼油商中石化(Sinopec)昨日表示,计划向国有的母公司收购更多海外上游资产。该公司正寻求扩大产能,降低对易波动的炼油业务的依赖。

    Sinopec , Asia 's biggest refiner , said yesterday it planned to buy more overseas upstream assets from its state-owned parent as it sought to boost production capacity and reduce reliance on its volatile refining business .

  23. 本文对易切削钢中Ca-Al-O-Mn-S系氧硫化物变性进行了热力学计算。

    Thermodynamical calculation about the modification of Ca-Al-O-S-Mn oxysulfide in free-cutting steel has been made .

  24. 介绍了石化行业用CF类不锈钢阀门铸件的特点,冶炼及铸造过程中的重点和难点,对易出现的铸造缺陷做了简要分析,并提出解决问题的办法。

    This paper introduced the structures of the CF kind stainless steel valve casting using in petrifaction industry , the emphases and difficulty of smelt and foundry process , brief analyzed the foundry bug of amiable arisen , and indicated the way to avoiding .

  25. Aharonov-Casher效应的非对易解释

    Aharonov-Casher Effect in Noncommutative Spaces

  26. 在先前的一些工作中,发现对于每一个碰撞过程,为了产生最大的非对易效应,总存在一个最佳的碰撞能量(Eoc),并且随着非对易能标线性的变化。

    In particular , it is found in previous work that for each collision process there is always exists an optimal collision energy Eoc for achieving the greatest NC correction , and varies linearly with NC scale ANC .

  27. 当考虑批准对易出问题的含硫井负压钻井时,阿尔伯塔能源与公共事业管理部门(AEUB)开始扩展上面提到的观念。

    The Alberta Energy and Utilities Board ( AEUB ) began to extend the concepts noted in the above paper when considering approvals for the underbalanced drilling of critical sour wells .

  28. ZJ捕收剂的选择性较好,对易浮硅质矿物的捕收弱,同时ZJ捕收剂与硫化矿物的吸附作用不是很牢,精选时捕收剂较易脱落,有利于抑制硫铁矿;

    While the ZJ collector have better selectivity and weak collection to the easy-floating silica minerals , simultaneously , the adsorption of ZJ collector and sulfide minerals is not very firm , thus the collector can easily shed when refining and benefits to restrain sulfurous iron ore ;

  29. 结果表明,温度对易降解蔬菜废物的降解有促进作用,50℃时叶菜皮第14d有机物降解率高达60.2%,比其在37℃时第18d降解率高9.9%;

    The results indicated that higher temperature could stimulate the degradation of liable degradable vegetable waste . The degradation rate was 60.2 % after 14 days at 50 ~ o C , while only 50.3 % after 18 days at 37 ℃, attributed to the stimulation of bacterial proliferation .

  30. 由于结构更为复杂,不变本征算符的构造通常需要针对系统的具体结构来进行。四、非对易空间中的量子力学(NCQM)最近引起了超弦理论领域物理学家们的兴趣。

    Owing to the complication forms , the constructing of eigen-operators have to be determined basing on particular of the Hamiltonians . 4 . Recently physicists working on superstring theory paid much attention to the quantum mechanics on non-commutative spaces ( NCQM ) .