
fǎn kuì
  • feedback;couple back;retroaction
反馈 [fǎn kuì]
  • [feedback] 泛指发出的事物返回发出的起始点并产生影响

  • 信息反馈

反馈[fǎn kuì]
  1. 继续征求对你的工作的反馈意见。

    Continue to ask for feedback on your work

  2. 你需要利用反馈信息来监控进展。

    You need feedback to monitor progress .

  3. 测验的成绩将反馈给各学校。

    Test results will be fed back to the schools .

  4. 消费者联盟声称银行在坑骗客户,因为它们没有把从利率上节省下的钱拿来进行反馈。

    The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates

  5. 需求环节的管理层会捕捉销售点顾客购物行为的信息,然后把信息再反馈给供应环节。

    Demand-chain management captures information on consumer behaviour at the point of sale and feeds it up the supply chain .

  6. 请尽量给每个作品提点反馈意见。

    Please try to give each piece of work some feedback .

  7. 信息反馈给政府有关部门。

    The information is fed back to the government department concerned .

  8. 从观众那儿得到的反馈越多越好。

    The more feedback we get from viewers , the better .

  9. “我通过被动的方式得到了更多的反馈”他说。

    " I 've had more feedback in a passive approach , " he says .

  10. 有时他们缺少想使用其产品的人的反馈。

    What they sometimes lack is feedback from the people who they hope will use their products .

  11. 如果我们处理了这些方面,孩子的成功可能通过积极的反馈回路来自我强化

    If we attend to these areas , a child 's success may reinforce itself with positive feedback loops .

  12. "如果你知道自己必须向一个团队提供反馈,你会受到更多鼓舞。"

    " It motivates you more if you know that you 've got to provide feedback to a group . "

  13. 平心而论,如果罗德里格斯想从恐惧接触科技的老年人那里得到反馈,他就不该选择布鲁克代尔社区。

    To be fair , if Rodriguez had wanted feedback from some more technophobic seniors , he might have ended up in the wrong Brookdale community .

  14. 当他们了解我,信仼我,确信我不是在推销时,就会给出更真实的反馈。

    When they get to know me and to trust me , knowing for sure I 'm not selling them something — there 'll be more honest feedback from them .

  15. 这种影响不可夸大,获得最高评级的企业可以享受快速增长,因为新客户会被良好的评价所吸引,并随后提供更积极的反馈。

    The impact cannot be overstated Businesses that attract top ratings can enjoy rapid growth , as new customers are attracted by good reviews and subsequently provide yet more positive feedback .

  16. 此外,近期成立的Coursera和Udacity是斯坦福大学教职人员为创建“大型公开在线课程”(MOOCs)而成立的两家新兴机构,鉴于即时反馈的价值,它们也承诺采用自动化评估系统。

    Two start-ups , Coursera and Udacity , recently founded by Stanford faculty members to create " massive open online courses , " or MOOCs , are also committed to automated assessment systems because of the value of instant feedback .

  17. “它会对学生的功课做出即时反馈,这样一来,学习就会变成一种游戏,自然而然地吸引学生反复提交作业,直到正确为止,”计算机科学家、Coursera公司创始人达芙妮·科勒说。

    " It allows students to get immediate feedback on their work , so that lean turns into a game , with students naturally toward resubmitting the work until they get it right , " said Daphne Roller , a computer scientist and a founder of Coursera .

  18. 来自于这些可被教的机器人反馈也会进一步增强老师的学习。

    Feedback from the teachable agents further enhances the tutors ' learning .

  19. 学生们告诉我们说有了即时反馈,他们学得更好。

    " Students are telling us they learn much better with instant feedback . "

  20. “学习中即时反馈有着巨大价值,”阿加瓦尔博士说。

    " There is a huge value in learning with instant feedback , " Dr. Agarwal said .

  21. 他说,“随着班级规模的不断扩大,大多数老师都不太可能就学生的作文给出有意义的反馈。”

    With increasingly large classes , it is impossible for most teachers to give students meaningful feedback on writing assignments , he said .

  22. 研究表明,具有固定思维模式的经理与具有成长思维模式的经理相比,不太可能寻求或欢迎来自员工的反馈。

    Research shows that managers who have a fixed mind-set are less likely to seek or welcome feedback from their employees than are managers with a growth mind-set .

  23. 他引用了谷歌的共同创始人拉里·佩奇的话,大意是“完美的搜索引频”会“正确理解我的意思,而且反馈给我的也正是我想要的。

    He quotes Google co-founder Larry Page to the effect that the " perfect search engine " will " understand exactly what I mean and give me back exactly what I want . "

  24. “他们通常都来自非常著名的机构,事实上,他们给出的反馈的确优于机器的反馈,”舍米斯博士说。

    " Often they come from very famous institutions where , in fact , they do a much better job of providing feedback than a machine ever could , " Dr. Shermis said .

  25. 9.Askforfeedback.寻求反馈在你开始一份工作时,反馈尤其有用。

    Feedback is especially useful when you 're starting a job .

  26. 现在的社交网站,尤其是像Twitter那样互动和即时反馈很频繁的网站,很容易让你流连其中,要么聊天、要么浏览网站内容。

    With today 's social media -- especially sites with lots of interactivity1 and immediate2 feedback such as Twitter -- you can easily get caught up in chatting and surfing .

  27. 提出一种补偿方法———单边压力反馈。

    A compensative way called single side pressure feedback is worked out .

  28. 辞职面试的目的是收集员工工作经历的反馈信息,由此改善工作环境并留住员工。

    The purpose of an exit interview is to gather employees ' feedback on the work experience in order to improve working conditions and retain employees .

  29. 莉莉觉得上司为她设定的预期值不太明确。有时她不清楚自己在一项任务上所花的时间够不够,之后,也会因为上司的反馈感到灰心丧气。

    Lilly doesn 't think her boss sets very clear expectations - she sometimes doesn 't know if she spends enough time on a task and then feels frustrated2 by his feedback .

  30. 男孩的伤口包扎好,断肢低温保存后,被送往和田机场赶往乌鲁木齐的航班。南航和田营业处和新疆和田机场塔台迅速将此情况反馈至上级部门。

    After the boy 's wounds were bound up and the severed limb was preserved at a low temperature , he was sent to the Hotan airport to catch a flight to Urumqi .